Sebagai anak Negeri Pulau Pinang saya berasa sangat sedih ke atas pemergiaan Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu ,bekas ketua menter Pulau Pinang
Dr. Lim memang salah seorang tokoh politik yang terkemuka di negara kita yang tak bercakap sangat banyak dan rajin bekerja.Beliau berpandangan jauh dan telah banyak memberikan sumbangan kepada pembangunan Indastri di negara kita
Parti Gerakan Malaysia yang ditubuhkan oleh Dr. Lim Chong Eu membentuk kerajaaan baru diPulau Pinang selepas memenangi pililahanraya negeri pada tahun 1969.Sebaik sahaja membentuk kerajaaan baru ,Dr.Lim mula bekerja keras , memperlawakan pelabur dari Santa Clara Califonia Amerika Syarikat untuk menubuhkan kilang pengeluaran barangan Elektronik di Negeri Pulau Pinang.Usaha Dr.Lim memberikan harapan baru(nafas baru) kepada Negeri Pinang yang mengalami kemelesetan akibat kehilangan status Pelabuhan bebas pada masa itu.
Penubuhan kilang kilang eletronik diPulau Pinang bukan sahaja memberikan peluang pekerjaaan kepada rakyat Pulau Pinang tetapi juga menyumbang kepada pertumbuhan Indastri hliran (downstream industri) di negara kita. Selain daripada itu kita juga bermanfaat dari segi pindaan Teknologi.
Saya salah seorang yang menerima manfaat dari program Pembangunan Indastri yang dimulakan oleh Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu
Pada tahun 1980an , peluang bagi pemuda pemudi untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di institut pengajian tinggi adalah kurang, namun bagi kami yang bekeja di Kilang Eletronik pelaburan asing pada masa itu ( multinational ) terdapat pelbagai skim latihan yang disediakan oleh pihak majikan kilang untuk meningkatkan tahap kemahiran kami.
Semasa bekerja di Kilang Eletronik National Semiconductor , saya mengambil Kursus Diploma kejuruteraan Eletric dan Electronic yang dikendalikan oleh syarikat ini dan selepas tamat belajar kursus ini diberikan kesempatkan untuk menjalani latihan kemahiran teknikal khas di Jepun dibawa tajaan
Kaigai Gijutsu Kenshu Kyoukai( , Pertubuhan Latihan Teknikal Luar Negara
dalam bahasa inggiris (AOTS, Association of Overseas Technical Scholarship)
Saya akan ingat Dr.Lim untuk selama lama nya bukan hanya sebagai
Bapa Indastri Perindastrian Pulau Pinang tetapi sebagai seorang yang telah menyumbang untuk pembentukan program Universiti Terbuka yang awal.
Saya hanya berkesempatan untuk berjumpa dengan Lim satu kali sahaja dan sangat tertarik dengan kata kata beliau.Dr.Lim percaya yang program pembangunan Indastri adalah sangat penting bagi Negara kita , kerana memberikan kesan pengandaan yang positif, umpama nya apabila sebuah kilang dengan 1000 orang pekerja ditubuhkan , ia akan menambah lagi 6000
Peluang pekerjaan , kerana pekerjaan baru di kilang juga mengujudkan permintaan terhadap makan , perumahan , pakaian , pendikan , hiburan dan perkhidnatan awan.Kesan Positif program pembangunan akan beterusan.
Satu Pekara penting yang boleh kita pelajari dari Dr.Lim ia lah keberanian
adalah sesuatu factor yang utama untuk memulakan perubahan positif.
Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu membuat langkah bijak untuk menyertai Barisan Nasional kerana beliau memahami bahawa perpaduan dan kestabilan
adalah unsul utama dalam pembangunan ekonomi Negara.
Pepatah Melayu berkata Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama, Jasa baik Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu akan kita ingat untuk selama lama nya
GOH HOE HOE ,AJK MCA, Kuala Lumpur
AS a Penang-born Malaysian, I feel sad over the death of Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu, the former chief minister of Penang.
Dr Lim was indeed one of the outstanding political leaders of the nation. He did not talk much but worked hard. He was farsighted and contributed a lot towards the industrialisation of our country.
Dr Lim took over the state government after his Gerakan party won the election. He initiated the setting up electronic factories in Penang, bringing new life to a state which had just lost its free-port status.
Besides providing job opportunities to Penangites , the setting up of these factories contributed to the growth of downstream industries in the country.
Apart from that, we also benefited in terms of transfer of technologies.
I am one of those who benefited from the industrialisation programme initiated by Dr Lim.
In 1980, chances for young people to further their studies at tertiary level were scarce. However, those like me who worked in multinational electronic factories in Penang had ample opportunities to upgrade their skills.
In the course of working with National Semiconductor, I sat for the City and Guild diploma in electronic engineering course conducted by the company in Penang. After graduating, I was given an opportunity to go to Japan for special technical skills training under the Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship programme.
I will always remember Dr Lim not only as the "Father of Industrialisation" of Penang but also as the person who played an important role in fostering the early open university programmes in Malaysia.
I only met Dr Lim once but was impressed by his words.
According to him, industrialisation is very important to our country because of its multiplier effect.
For instance, when a factory of 1,000 workers is set up, it will create another 6,000 jobs because new jobs in the factory will also stimulate the demand for food, housing, clothing, education and entertainment.
The positive impact of his industrialisation programme will live on.
One important thing that we should learn from Dr Lim is that courage is crucial for initiating positive change.
He displayed wisdom as a political leader by joining the Barisan Nasional because he knew the importance of unity and stability in developing the economy.
As the Malay proverb goes, Harimau mati meninggalkan belang , Manusia mati meninggalkan nama(When a tiger dies, it leaves behind its stripes; when a man dies, he leaves behind his name), Dr Lim's deeds will always be remembered by Malaysians.
Read more: Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu: A legacy of good deeds
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Tun Lim Chong Eu: A legacy of good deeds
AS a Penang-born Malaysian, I feel sad over the death of Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu, the former chief minister of Penang.
Dr Lim was indeed one of the outstanding political leaders of the nation. He did not talk much but worked hard. He was farsighted and contributed a lot towards the industrialisation of our country.
Dr Lim took over the state government after his Gerakan party won the election. He initiated the setting up electronic factories in Penang, bringing new life to a state which had just lost its free-port status.
Besides providing job opportunities to Penangites , the setting up of these factories contributed to the growth of downstream industries in the country.
Apart from that, we also benefited in terms of transfer of technologies.
I am one of those who benefited from the industrialisation programme initiated by Dr Lim.
In 1980, chances for young people to further their studies at tertiary level were scarce. However, those like me who worked in multinational electronic factories in Penang had ample opportunities to upgrade their skills.
In the course of working with National Semiconductor, I sat for the City and Guild diploma in electronic engineering course conducted by the company in Penang.
After graduating, I was given an opportunity to go to Japan for special technical skills training under the Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship programme.
I will always remember Dr Lim not only as the "Father of Industrialisation" of Penang but also as the person who played an important role in fostering the early open university programmes in Malaysia.
I only met Dr Lim once but was impressed by his words.
According to him, industrialisation is very important to our country because of its multiplier effect.
For instance, when a factory of 1,000 workers is set up, it will create another 6,000 jobs because new jobs in the factory will also stimulate the demand for food, housing, clothing, education and entertainment.
The positive impact of his industrialisation programme will live on.
One important thing that we should learn from Dr Lim is that courage is crucial for initiating positive change.
He displayed wisdom as a political leader by joining the Barisan Nasional because he knew the importance of unity and stability in developing the economy.
As the Malay proverb goes, Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama (When a tiger dies, it leaves behind its stripes; when a man dies, he leaves behind his name), Dr Lim's deeds will always be remembered by Malaysians.
GOH HOE HOE, Kuala Lumpur
Read more: Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu: A legacy of good deeds
Dr Lim was indeed one of the outstanding political leaders of the nation. He did not talk much but worked hard. He was farsighted and contributed a lot towards the industrialisation of our country.
Dr Lim took over the state government after his Gerakan party won the election. He initiated the setting up electronic factories in Penang, bringing new life to a state which had just lost its free-port status.
Besides providing job opportunities to Penangites , the setting up of these factories contributed to the growth of downstream industries in the country.
Apart from that, we also benefited in terms of transfer of technologies.
I am one of those who benefited from the industrialisation programme initiated by Dr Lim.
In 1980, chances for young people to further their studies at tertiary level were scarce. However, those like me who worked in multinational electronic factories in Penang had ample opportunities to upgrade their skills.
In the course of working with National Semiconductor, I sat for the City and Guild diploma in electronic engineering course conducted by the company in Penang.
After graduating, I was given an opportunity to go to Japan for special technical skills training under the Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship programme.
I will always remember Dr Lim not only as the "Father of Industrialisation" of Penang but also as the person who played an important role in fostering the early open university programmes in Malaysia.
I only met Dr Lim once but was impressed by his words.
According to him, industrialisation is very important to our country because of its multiplier effect.
For instance, when a factory of 1,000 workers is set up, it will create another 6,000 jobs because new jobs in the factory will also stimulate the demand for food, housing, clothing, education and entertainment.
The positive impact of his industrialisation programme will live on.
One important thing that we should learn from Dr Lim is that courage is crucial for initiating positive change.
He displayed wisdom as a political leader by joining the Barisan Nasional because he knew the importance of unity and stability in developing the economy.
As the Malay proverb goes, Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama (When a tiger dies, it leaves behind its stripes; when a man dies, he leaves behind his name), Dr Lim's deeds will always be remembered by Malaysians.
GOH HOE HOE, Kuala Lumpur
Read more: Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu: A legacy of good deeds
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