Tuesday, November 3, 2009

strengthening Our brand image , the unity in diversity in “ONE MALAYSIA

Dear All Malaysian.
Biodiversity , Multicultural and Multi resources are the unique characteristics of our country and also our great contribution to the Peace and Prosperity. All these important attributes contribute to the attractiveness and dynamism of “ONE MALAYSIA”
Every river has tributaries. Tributaries and main stream work together to regulate water flow.
Tributaries is an integral part of main stream. Large agricultural delta areas that nurture human
civilization exist because of the presence of main stream and tributaries. Therefore a mainstream and
its tributaries supplement and complement each other. This has been proven in geology , circuit
theorem ,biology and medical science. Vernacular schools is therefore not a hindrance to social
political development in fact has brought a lot of benefits to our country. And should be integral part
of main stream education. Not only that we have to preserve Chinese School and Tamil School ,but we
should also protect KADAZAN ,DUSUN ,IBAN ------- other languages as an integral part of promoting
and strengthening Our brand image , the unity in diversity in “ONE MALAYSIA”


世界上有那一条河流是没有支流的?主流的运作也要依靠支流的运作,支流的运作也要依靠主流的运作。这原理在水力学,地理学,,电气学,医学,经营学都可以给与证明。 没有主流与支流的配合那会产生广阔的三角洲,造就农作物的生长,成就人类的文明。各语文教育的发展也属于主流教育的发展,不但没有阻碍社会经济的发展,而且对我国的社会经济带来很多的益处。我很感谢我们的 先贤很有公益心,出钱出力在马来西亚建很多学校及南洋大学为社会培养英才。 不只是华小,淡小要受到照顾,其他民族的母语如卡达三语,杜荀语。依潘语都应该被保存。以确保[百花齐放。 百鸟齐鸣]能够继续成为我国的特征。我国的名牌。让我国能继续为世界的繁荣集和平作大贡献