Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tigesr leave behind their skin and Chong Eu leave behind his credits for bringing investors to the country

As a penang born Malaysian ,I feel very about the departure of Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu the former chief minister of Penang.Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu meritoriud deed will be remembered by us forever.

Tun is indeed one of the outstanding political leaders in Malaysia , who did not talk very much but worked very hard and farsighted.He had contributed a lot towards the industrialisation of our country.

Tun had shown his unparalleled farsightness as political party leader in the country , when the Gerakan Party wrested the power in Penang State from the Alliance Coalition in 1969.Work wihout complain he went all the way to overseas to invite foreign investor to set up electronic factories in Penang

The st up of Electronic factoies in Penang has brough a new life to Penang who lost the Free port status at that time.Beside providing ample of job opportunies to the penangies , the setup of these factories in penang has contributed to the growth of downstream industries in the country.Apart from that we also benefited in term of transfer of Technologies.

I am one of the people who has benifited from the Industrialisation programe initiated by Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu.In the year of 1980 the chance for the young people to further their study in tertiary education was very scarce, however for us who worked in the multinational electronic factory in Penang , ample of Skill upgrading training and educational opportunities were available for those of us with initiative. In the course of working in National Semiconductor , I took out a City and Guild Diploma in Electronic Engineering courses conducted by the National semiconductor, Penang and after graduation

was given an opportunity to went to Japan for special technical skill training under the scholarship of AOTS(Association for Technical Overseas Scholarship).

I will always remember Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu , not only as Father of Industrialisation of Penang , but also as the person who has played an important role in fostering the early OPEN UNIVERSITY programe in Malaysia.

I had only met Dr.Lim ChonG Eu once in Penang and was very impressed by his words .According to Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu , Industrialisation is very important to our country because of its multiplying effect , for instance when a factory of 1000 workers is set up , it will create another 6000 additional job opportunities , because the creation of new job in a factory will also simulate the demand dor food , housing , clothing ,education and entertainment.

One important thing that we that we shall learn from Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu is that courage is a dominating factors in initiating positive change.Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu had also displayed his wisdom as political leader by joining the Barisan National Party because he knows the importance of unity and stability in fostering the economic of our country.

Though Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu has deprated , his meritorious deed will be rememberd by us forever. Just like the Malay Proverb says , The Tiger left his skin ,and a man leave his name, the positive multiplication effect due to the industrialisation programe initiated by Dr. Lim Chong Eu will be recognised by the people and the country forever.

HariamauTinggalkan Belang Chong Eu tinggalkan जसा-Kesan penggandaan pelaburan asing kilang Eletronic

Sebagai seorang anak negeri Pulau Pinang saya berasa tersangat sedih
dengan pemergian bekas ketua menteri Pulau Pinang Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu
, namun saya berpendapat jasa baik Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu akan
dikenangkan oleh rakyat untuk selama lamanya.

Tun memang salah seorang tokoh politik yang cermerlang di Malaysia ,
tak bercakap sangat banyak , pandai merancang ,rajin bekejra dan
banyak menyumbang kepada proses pembanguna Indastri di Malaysia.

Tun menunjukan teladan yang baik kepada rakyat , menunjukan bahawa
Kerajaaan Parti Pembangkang juga boleh befungsi dengan baik jika
pemimpin nya berfikiran mantang. Berlainan dengan pemimpin parti
pembangkan yang lain ,Tun Lim terus bekerja keras untuk menarik
pelabur asing untuk mendirikan perindustrian eletronik di Pulau
Pinang selepas Parti Gerakan Malaysia mengambil alih kuasa dari
Perikatan pada tahun 1969.

Penubuhan kilang Eletronik di Pulau Pinang adalah sesuatu yang banyak
memanfaatkan negara kita, selain daripada memberikan peluang pekerjaan
pekerja tempatan ,Industri ini juga membawa kesan penganda (mutiplying
effect)kepada ekonomi negara khasnya menjadi pemangkin kepada industri
aliran bawahan( downstream industri).Kilang kilang tersebut juga telah
memberikan sumbangan yang besar dalam pemindahan teknologi dan
peningkatan kemahiran orang tempatan.Saya adalah salah seorang yang
menerima manafat daripada skim peningkatan kemahiran yand disediakan
oleh National Semiconductor(NS) .

Pada waktu 80an peluang untuk melanjutkan pendidikan adalah terhad di
negara kita , tetapi bagi kami yang bekerja untuk National
Semiconductor , peluang keeemasan terbuka kepada kami yang berusaha.
Waktu l bekerja dengan NS saya
mengikuti Program Diploma Eletronic City and Guild yang dikendalikan
oleh NS. Dan selepas menamatkan pelajaran ini , mendapat biasiwa oleh
kerajaan Jepun untuk menjalani latihan teknikal khas di Jepun.
Saya akan mengenangkan jasa baik Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu kerana beliau
yang membawa harapan kepada rakyat pulau pinang.
Saya cuma berpeluang untuk berjumpa Tun Dr.Lim sekali sahaja , tetapi katanya
memberikan kenangan yang mendalam kepada saya. Mengikut Tun Dr.Lim
Chong Eu Pelaburan Industri
di negara adalah penting kerana memberikan kesan penganda kepada
ekonomi negara, pengajian 1000 orang pekerja kilang akan memberikan 6
kali kesan penganda , kerana dengan adanya pendapatan akan wujud
permintaan terhadap makanan,perumahan , pakaian , hiburan dan sebagai
nya. Sungguh pun Tun Dr.Lim sudah meningga jasa baiknya akan
diingatkan oleh kita untuk selamalamanya.