2010年七月十八日,位于上海世界最大的单一站式的综合光电系统(光伏建筑一体化BIPV)开始通过点路网供应电源显示中国对减少碳放所作出的 承诺
The world's largest stand alone integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) project started transmitting power to the grid in Shanghai on Sunday in another move showcasing China's commitment to reduced carbon emissions.
The 6.68-megawatt solar system can produce 6.3 million kilowatt-hours (kwh) of electricity per year to meet the needs of 12,000 Shanghai households. It will cut coal consumption by 2,254 tons, while reducing carbon emissions by 6,600 tons.
The project has been installed on the awnings on both sides of the newly completed Hongqiao Station of the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway. Its 20,000 solar panels cover a roof area of 61,000 sq m and have produced 300,000 kwh power since the 160 million-yuan project began operation two weeks ago.
"The project is another manifestation of China's commitment to reducing carbon emissions to fight climate change. It comes after the country set a voluntary target of cutting carbon intensity per unit of GDP by 40 to 45 percent by 2020," said Yu Hailong, general manager of the Beijing-based China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group (CECEP), the project's developer.
"As a pilot project, it will help stimulate the development of solar energy in China and promote the construction of more environmentally friendly railway stations," he said.
Chief engineer of the Ministry of Railway Zheng Jian said China will further encourage BIPV implementation at railway stations, which serve as an ideal vehicle to promote the technology.
A 2.2-MV BIPV system has also been installed at the Wuhan Station of the Wuhan-Guangzhou High-speed Railway. The system was connected to the national grid in May, CECEP deputy manager Chen Shuguang said.
"BIPV technology does not take up extra space, because it is integrated into buildings' design and construction. It is especially suitable for China's eastern areas, where there are limited land resources yet greater energy demand," Chen said.
The development of renewable energy has been topping the central government's agenda. It aims to have an installed capacity of 20 gigawatts of solar units and 100 gigawatts of wind power by 2020, official statistics show.
A number of world-class pilot projects have been completed this year in Shanghai, which is hosting the World Expo 2010.
They include the 4.6-MV solar energy generation system installed in the Expo Garden and China's first offshore wind farm, the 102-MV Donghai Bridge wind power project, which started transmitting electricity to the national grid in early July.
The government is also tendering for bids to develop 13 solar power projects with a combined capacity of 280 megawatts in the western regions, following last year's bidding for a 10-megawatt solar power plant in Gansu province's Dunhuang.
But Song Aizhen, of the solar energy branch of CECEP, said the government needs to come up with more detailed subsidy plans for renewable energies to encourage more active corporate investment.
"Take solar energy for instance - its cost is already three times that of thermal power, and BIPV technologies are even more expensive," she said.
"So government subsidies will be crucial to the technology's wider application
Monday, August 16, 2010
२८०मेगवत्त् Power
World’s Largest Solar Power Plants With Thermal Storage To Be Built In Arizona
Joe Romm, 24 Apr 09
What's the easiest way to deal with the intermittency of many renewable sources of energy? Cheap storage. And what form of storage is much cheaper and has a much higher round-trip efficiency than electric storage? Thermal storage.
That's a key reason concentrated solar-thermal power (CSP) is a core climate solution. It has the most potential of any zero-carbon electricity since it can most easily be integrated with thermal storage -- technology that is available today, as made clear by this just announced 200-MW plant Albiasa Solar of Spain will build in Arizona:
Albiasa officials said they planned to use molten salt to store heat from the plant so it can keep generating power after sunset.
That also is the plan for Solana Generating Station, a 280-megawatt solar-thermal plant planned for Gila Bend by Abengoa Solar Inc. of Spain.
APS announced that it would buy the energy from that power plant once it is running in 2011. Last year, officials said they were struggling to get financing for the project, but APS spokesman Steven Gotfried said Friday the plans were moving forward.
The ability to provide power reliably throughout the day and evening in key locations around the world (including China and India) is why CSP delivers 3 of the 12 - 14 wedges needed for “nuclear needs a place for its waste, which CSP doesn't, and nuclear has obvious production bottlenecks and takes forever to build safely, which CSP doesn't).
Moreover, unlike nuclear, the world hasn't really built many CSP plants until very recently, so costs are projected to drop steadily down the experience curve for new technology in the coming decade thanks to economies of scale and technology learning. As the 2006 report “Economic, Energy, and Environmental Benefits of Concentrating Solar Power in California,” for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, by Black & Veatch concluded:
A comparison of the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) revealed that the LCOE of $148 per MWh [14.8 c/kwh] for the first CSP plants installed in 2009 is competitive with the simple cycle combustion turbine at an LCOE of $168 per MWh, assuming that the temporary 30 percent Investment Tax Credit is extended.
The ITC was extended 8 years in the bailout bill. And this analysis was really aimed at 2015 costs:
CSP plants installed in 2015 are projected to exhibit a delivered LCOE of $115/MWh, compared with $168/MWh for the simple cycle combustion turbine and $104/MWh for combined cycle plants. At a natural gas price of about $8 per MMBtu, the LCOE of CSP and the combined cycle plants at 40 percent capacity factor are equal.
And that is without a carbon price.
Look out nukes and dirty coal, the future is here!
高炉炼铁生产是冶金(钢铁)工业最主要的环节之一。高炉冶炼是把铁矿石还原成生铁的连续生产过程。铁矿石、焦炭和熔剂等固体原料按规定配料比由炉顶装料装置分批送入高炉,并使炉喉料面保持一定的高度。焦炭和矿石在炉内形成交替分层结构。矿石料在下降过程中逐步被还原、熔化成铁和渣,聚集在炉缸中,定期从铁口、渣口放出。 高炉生产是连续进行的。一代高炉(从开炉到大修停炉为一代)能连续生产几年到十几年
[导读]:高炉炼铁生产是冶金(钢铁)工业最主要的环节。高炉冶炼是把铁矿石还原成生铁的连续生产过程。铁矿石、焦炭和熔剂等固体原料按规定配料比由炉顶装料装置分批送入高炉,并使炉喉料面保持一定的高度。焦炭和矿石在炉内形成交替分层结构。矿石料在下降过程中逐步被还原、熔化成铁和渣,聚集在炉缸中,定期从铁口、渣口放出。 高炉生产是连续进行的。一代高炉(从开炉到大修停炉为一代)能连续生产几年到十几年。本专题将详细介绍高炉炼铁生产的工艺流程,主要工艺设备的工作原理以及控制要求等信息。由于时间的仓促和编辑水平有限,专题中难免出现遗漏或错误的地方,欢迎大家补充指正。 【发表建议】
高炉生产是连续进行的。一代高炉(从开炉到大修停炉为一代)能连续生产几年到十几年。生产时,从炉顶(一般炉顶是由料种与料斗组成,现代化高炉是钟阀炉顶和无料钟炉顶)不断地装入铁矿石、焦炭、熔剂,从高炉下部的风口吹进热风(1000~1300摄氏度),喷入油、煤或天然气等燃料。装入高炉中的铁矿石,主要是铁和氧的化合物。在高温下,焦炭中和喷吹物中的碳及碳燃烧生成的一氧化碳将铁矿石中的氧夺取出来,得到铁,这个过程叫做还原。铁矿石通过还原反应炼出生铁,铁水从出铁口放出。铁矿石中的脉石、焦炭及喷吹物中的灰分与加入炉内的石灰石等熔剂结合生成炉渣,从出铁口和出渣口分别排出。煤气从炉顶导出,经除尘后,作为工业用煤气。现代化高炉还可以利用炉顶的高压,用导出的部分煤气发电。 【查看全文】
高炉冶炼是把铁矿石还原成生铁的连续生产过程。铁矿石、焦炭和熔剂等固体原料按规定配料比由炉顶装料装置分批送入高炉,并使炉喉料面保持一定的高度。焦炭和矿石在炉内形成交替分层结构。矿石料在下降过程中逐步被还原、熔化成铁和渣,聚集在炉缸中,定期从铁口、渣口放出。 【 查看全文】
4、更换风、渣口等冷却设备及清理渣铁运输线等一系列与出渣出铁相关的工作。【 查看全文】
高炉冶炼工艺--高炉基本操作 :
高炉基本操作制度:装料制度、送风制度、炉缸热制度和造渣制度。 【 查看全文】
[高炉设备]高炉 :
横断面为圆形的炼铁竖炉。用钢板作炉壳,壳内砌耐火砖内衬。高炉本体自上而下分为炉喉、炉身、炉腰、炉腹 、炉缸5部分。由于高炉炼铁技 术经济指标良好,工艺 简单 ,生产量大,劳动生产效率高,能耗低等优点,故这种方法生产的铁占世界铁总产量的绝大部分。高炉生产时从炉顶装入铁矿石、焦炭、造渣用熔剂(石灰石),从位于炉子下部沿炉周的风口吹入经预热的空气。在高温下焦炭(有的高炉也喷吹煤粉、重油、天然气等辅助燃料)中的碳同鼓入空气中的氧燃烧生成的一氧化碳和氢气,在炉内上升过程中除去铁矿石中的氧,从而还原得到铁。炼出的铁水从铁口放出。铁矿石中未还原的杂质和石灰石等熔剂结合生成炉渣,从渣口排出。产生的煤气从炉顶排出,经除尘后,作为热风炉、加热炉、焦炉、锅炉等的燃料。高炉冶炼的主要产品是生铁 ,还有副产高炉渣和高炉煤气。 【查看全文】
[高炉设备]高炉热风炉介绍 :
热风炉是为高炉加热鼓风的设备,是现代高炉不可缺少的重要组成部分。提高风温可以通过提高煤气热值、优化热风炉及送风管道结构、预热煤气和助燃空气、改善热风炉操作等技术措施来实现。理论研究和生产实践表明,采用优化的热风炉结构、提高热风炉热效率、延长热风炉寿命是提高风温的有效途径。 【 查看全文】
铁水罐车用于运送铁水,实现铁水在脱硫跨与加料跨之间的转移或放置在混铁炉下,用于高炉或混铁炉等出铁。【 查看全文】
Bakun , the significant Benchmark
The Bakum dam construction work has come to the final stage and is expected to
start operating soon. What is the implication of the Bakun power projects which
is capable of generating 2400 megawatts when in fully operational to us?
Is this a bench mark to show that we are beginning to move towards the New
Economic Model (MBE) which amongst other emphasize on innovation and creativity
to raise the income of our nation.
As all of us know energy is an important element in our daily life, especially for
the world's major manufacturing countries such as Malaysia.
One of Malaysia's attraction to foreign investors is the country's electricity
supply service which is not only cheap but also reliable. Malaysia's electricity
tariffs is one of the lowest in the region as a result of substantial amount of
subsidies financed by the Malaysian government
But in time of comfort we must also plan for sustainable development. we can not
rely on subsidies forever. The Chinese proverb says do not dig the well only
to quench the thirs. We need to find alternatives to prevent us from crisis, so the
country can continue to grow.
The Construction of hydro-electric project is implemented according to the
principle of sustainable growth and green technology. Water is a renewable source
of energy because it rains throughout the year in our country.
In long run the Bakun project will enables us to acquire reliable electricity
power supply at low cost .This in turn will attract foreign and local investors to establish their industries here.As a result more job will be created to increase national income.
Apart from that ,the Bakun dam will also serve as flood mitigation system to prevent flood during the monsoon season. This will make the life of farmers and residents in the vicinity more secure.
A good government not only concerned about the daily life of the people, but also
able to plan through creativity and innovation to ensure that the nation can
continue to grow in the era which is full of competition and uncertainty.
start operating soon. What is the implication of the Bakun power projects which
is capable of generating 2400 megawatts when in fully operational to us?
Is this a bench mark to show that we are beginning to move towards the New
Economic Model (MBE) which amongst other emphasize on innovation and creativity
to raise the income of our nation.
As all of us know energy is an important element in our daily life, especially for
the world's major manufacturing countries such as Malaysia.
One of Malaysia's attraction to foreign investors is the country's electricity
supply service which is not only cheap but also reliable. Malaysia's electricity
tariffs is one of the lowest in the region as a result of substantial amount of
subsidies financed by the Malaysian government
But in time of comfort we must also plan for sustainable development. we can not
rely on subsidies forever. The Chinese proverb says do not dig the well only
to quench the thirs. We need to find alternatives to prevent us from crisis, so the
country can continue to grow.
The Construction of hydro-electric project is implemented according to the
principle of sustainable growth and green technology. Water is a renewable source
of energy because it rains throughout the year in our country.
In long run the Bakun project will enables us to acquire reliable electricity
power supply at low cost .This in turn will attract foreign and local investors to establish their industries here.As a result more job will be created to increase national income.
Apart from that ,the Bakun dam will also serve as flood mitigation system to prevent flood during the monsoon season. This will make the life of farmers and residents in the vicinity more secure.
A good government not only concerned about the daily life of the people, but also
able to plan through creativity and innovation to ensure that the nation can
continue to grow in the era which is full of competition and uncertainty.
Bakun mampu jadi mangkin MBE
Kerja pembinaan empangan Bakum sudah sampai ke peringkat hujung dan stesen jana elektrik Bakun dijangka akan mula beroperasi tidak lama lagi. Apakah implikasi projek janakuasa Bakun yang mampu menjana 2400 megawatt apablila beroperasi penuh kepada kita?
Adakah ini satu penanda yang menunjukkan bahawa kita mula menjejak langkah ke arah Model Baru Ekonomi (MBE) yang antaranya mementingkan daya inovatif dan kreatif sebagai langkah untuk meningikan taraf hidup rakyat?
Sebagaimana yang kita semua tahu tenaga adalah merupakan unsur yang penting dalam kehidupan harian , khasnya bagi negara pembuatan utama dunia seperti Malaysia.
Untuk makluman salah satu tarikan Malaysia kepada pelabur asing adalah perkhidmatan ekalan eletrik negara yang bukan sahaja murah tetapi juga paling stabil. Tarif elektrik Malaysia adalah yang paling rendah di rantau ini akibat subsidi jumlah besar yang diberikan oleh kerajaan ke atas bahan api.
Tetapi masa kita dalam keadaaan selesa kita pun mesti ingat panjang panjang, kita tidak boleh bergantung selama-lamanya kepada subsidi. Perpatah Cina ada mengatakan 'jangan korek perigi hanya pada saat dahaga'. Kita perlu cari alternatif untuk mengelakan kita dari kegawatan, supaya negara dapat terus berkembang.
Pembinaan projek hidro-elektrik memang adalah sesuatu yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan prinsip embangunan berterusan (sustainable) dan teknologi hijau. Air adalah merupakan sumber tenaga yang boleh diperbarui, kerana hujan turun sepanjang tahun di negara kita.
Dengan siapnya projek Bakun, kadar elektrik yang murah dan stabil dapat dibekalkan di sini dan menarik pelabur asing dan tempatan untuk mendirikan industri. Ini seterusnya dapat menjana peluang pekerjaan dan menambah pendapatan negara.
Selain daripada itu empangan Bakun juga dapat berfungsi sebagai pencegah banjir pada waktu monsun melalui sistem pengawalan airnya. Ini adalah baik untuk petani dan penghuni yang duduk di sekitanya.
Kerajaan yang cekap bukan sahaja mengambil berat terhadap kehidupan harian rakyat, tetapi juga mampu merancang dengan cara yang kreatif dan innovative untuk memastikan negara dapat terus berkembang dalam zaman yang penuh dengan saingan dan ketidakpastian.
Penulis adalah ahli jawatankuasa MCA Kepong
Adakah ini satu penanda yang menunjukkan bahawa kita mula menjejak langkah ke arah Model Baru Ekonomi (MBE) yang antaranya mementingkan daya inovatif dan kreatif sebagai langkah untuk meningikan taraf hidup rakyat?
Sebagaimana yang kita semua tahu tenaga adalah merupakan unsur yang penting dalam kehidupan harian , khasnya bagi negara pembuatan utama dunia seperti Malaysia.
Untuk makluman salah satu tarikan Malaysia kepada pelabur asing adalah perkhidmatan ekalan eletrik negara yang bukan sahaja murah tetapi juga paling stabil. Tarif elektrik Malaysia adalah yang paling rendah di rantau ini akibat subsidi jumlah besar yang diberikan oleh kerajaan ke atas bahan api.
Tetapi masa kita dalam keadaaan selesa kita pun mesti ingat panjang panjang, kita tidak boleh bergantung selama-lamanya kepada subsidi. Perpatah Cina ada mengatakan 'jangan korek perigi hanya pada saat dahaga'. Kita perlu cari alternatif untuk mengelakan kita dari kegawatan, supaya negara dapat terus berkembang.
Pembinaan projek hidro-elektrik memang adalah sesuatu yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan prinsip embangunan berterusan (sustainable) dan teknologi hijau. Air adalah merupakan sumber tenaga yang boleh diperbarui, kerana hujan turun sepanjang tahun di negara kita.
Dengan siapnya projek Bakun, kadar elektrik yang murah dan stabil dapat dibekalkan di sini dan menarik pelabur asing dan tempatan untuk mendirikan industri. Ini seterusnya dapat menjana peluang pekerjaan dan menambah pendapatan negara.
Selain daripada itu empangan Bakun juga dapat berfungsi sebagai pencegah banjir pada waktu monsun melalui sistem pengawalan airnya. Ini adalah baik untuk petani dan penghuni yang duduk di sekitanya.
Kerajaan yang cekap bukan sahaja mengambil berat terhadap kehidupan harian rakyat, tetapi juga mampu merancang dengan cara yang kreatif dan innovative untuk memastikan negara dapat terus berkembang dalam zaman yang penuh dengan saingan dan ketidakpastian.
Penulis adalah ahli jawatankuasa MCA Kepong
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