我建议把一所本地大学命名为[苍祐]大学,因为这名字含有永续经营的意思也合乎宏愿的概念。把这大学命名为[苍祐 不只是在形式上尊敬他而已,而是要把他可佳的精神通过教育灌输给后人,让我们的后一带真正了解智仁勇这三大人文素质是成功的要确。也要让人知道[苍祐 ]早年在推动开放教育及终身学习有作出非常大的贡献,同时也要让后人懂的珍惜学习的机会。
这一所大学也需设有研究[苍祐]的中心,收集及分析与[苍祐]有关的文献及历史。也许通过这研究我们能够知道[苍祐 ]和
我也认为河洛文化及大同思想的发展不应限于中国而已,也可以全世界开花结果。建议的[苍祐 ]大学本院设在槟城而在马来西亚各地及海外都设有分校。我也相信通过设立这所[苍祐]大学,可把苍祐始终信奉的[一个马来西亚]精神发扬光大。
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Kempen penerangan penting tarik sertai askar
ARKIB : 22/11/2010
PERTAHANAN negara adalah satu aspek terpenting dalam pentadbiran negara, selain aspek ekonomi, pendidikan, sains dan teknologi. Sun Bing pengasas seni pertahanan Sun Tze telah menerangkan hukum ini dengan jelas dalam bukunya.
Kegawatan Ekonomi 1997 juga telah membawa perutusan yang penting iaitu sesebuah negara dapat dimusnahkan tanpa serangan ketenteraan, jika negara ini tidak mampu mengurus ekonomi dan kesejahteraan rakyat dengan bersungguh-sungguh.
Setiap rakyat menyumbang terhadap pertahanan negara. Tanpa asuhan ibu bapa dan didikan guru, mampukah seseorang askar menjadi dewasa untuk mempertahankan negara?
Tanpa penglibatan orang ramai dalam pengeluaran barangan dan perkhidmatan, mampukah pihak angkatan tentera mendapat bekalan barangan dan perkhidmatan yang diperlukan.
Berdasarkan fakta-fakta tersebut, maka tidak boleh kita membuat kesimpulan bahawa yang tidak bertugas sebagai askar kurang taat kepada negara.
Kita harus memberikan penghargaan tinggi kepada anggota tentera negara atas usaha dan pengorbanan mereka untuk mempertahankan tanah air.
Setiap tahun beratus-ratus juta dibelanjakan untuk membiayai kos operasi dan pembangunan pertahanan negara, namun wang yang dibelanjakan ini mendatangkan pulangan yang tinggi.
Kesukaran untuk menarik kaum muda untuk menyertai pasukan pertahanan wujud di banyak negara.
Untuk mengatasi masalah ini ada negara mewajibkan rakyatnya untuk berkhidmat sebagai askar untuk satu jangka masa tertentu selepas genap usia 21.
Ada juga membenarkan pendatang asing untuk berkhidmat sebagai tukang masak, mekanik, ahli muzik dan ahli sains dalam angkatan tentera mereka.
Untuk menggalakkan lebih ramai pemuda negara untuk menyertai Angkatan Tentera Malaysia adalah penting bagi kementerian dan agensi kerajaan untuk memberitahu mereka dengan jelas, kerjaya ini sangat mencabar, bermakna dan mempunyai ganjaran yang tinggi.
Semasa berkhidmat dengan tentera, seseorang anggota menerima pelbagai latihan seperti latihan fizikal, latihan kepimpinan dan latihan kemahiran yang istimewa.
Anggota angkatan tentera yang cemerlang juga dihantar ke luar negara untuk menerima latihan khas dan menjalankan penyelidikan.
Kesimpulannya berkhidmat sebagai anggota tentera adalah sesuatu yang dibanggakan dan bermakna kerana dapat memainkan peranan penting untuk mempertahankan negara dan mendorong inovasi dan transformasi negara.
Kepong, Kuala Lumpur
PERTAHANAN negara adalah satu aspek terpenting dalam pentadbiran negara, selain aspek ekonomi, pendidikan, sains dan teknologi. Sun Bing pengasas seni pertahanan Sun Tze telah menerangkan hukum ini dengan jelas dalam bukunya.
Kegawatan Ekonomi 1997 juga telah membawa perutusan yang penting iaitu sesebuah negara dapat dimusnahkan tanpa serangan ketenteraan, jika negara ini tidak mampu mengurus ekonomi dan kesejahteraan rakyat dengan bersungguh-sungguh.
Setiap rakyat menyumbang terhadap pertahanan negara. Tanpa asuhan ibu bapa dan didikan guru, mampukah seseorang askar menjadi dewasa untuk mempertahankan negara?
Tanpa penglibatan orang ramai dalam pengeluaran barangan dan perkhidmatan, mampukah pihak angkatan tentera mendapat bekalan barangan dan perkhidmatan yang diperlukan.
Berdasarkan fakta-fakta tersebut, maka tidak boleh kita membuat kesimpulan bahawa yang tidak bertugas sebagai askar kurang taat kepada negara.
Kita harus memberikan penghargaan tinggi kepada anggota tentera negara atas usaha dan pengorbanan mereka untuk mempertahankan tanah air.
Setiap tahun beratus-ratus juta dibelanjakan untuk membiayai kos operasi dan pembangunan pertahanan negara, namun wang yang dibelanjakan ini mendatangkan pulangan yang tinggi.
Kesukaran untuk menarik kaum muda untuk menyertai pasukan pertahanan wujud di banyak negara.
Untuk mengatasi masalah ini ada negara mewajibkan rakyatnya untuk berkhidmat sebagai askar untuk satu jangka masa tertentu selepas genap usia 21.
Ada juga membenarkan pendatang asing untuk berkhidmat sebagai tukang masak, mekanik, ahli muzik dan ahli sains dalam angkatan tentera mereka.
Untuk menggalakkan lebih ramai pemuda negara untuk menyertai Angkatan Tentera Malaysia adalah penting bagi kementerian dan agensi kerajaan untuk memberitahu mereka dengan jelas, kerjaya ini sangat mencabar, bermakna dan mempunyai ganjaran yang tinggi.
Semasa berkhidmat dengan tentera, seseorang anggota menerima pelbagai latihan seperti latihan fizikal, latihan kepimpinan dan latihan kemahiran yang istimewa.
Anggota angkatan tentera yang cemerlang juga dihantar ke luar negara untuk menerima latihan khas dan menjalankan penyelidikan.
Kesimpulannya berkhidmat sebagai anggota tentera adalah sesuatu yang dibanggakan dan bermakna kerana dapat memainkan peranan penting untuk mempertahankan negara dan mendorong inovasi dan transformasi negara.
Kepong, Kuala Lumpur
我也是其中一位受惠者,当时年轻人能够受大专教育的机会不多。但是在电子厂工作能使我们有机会学习到技能及接受各种的训练包括了技能训练,管理训练及语言训练。在NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR工作时我获的机会进修由公司提供的City And Guild电气工程证课程.在修完课程之后,也得到公司推荐获取日本海外技术研修协会的奖学金接受技能训练.
我也是其中一位受惠者,当时年轻人能够受大专教育的机会不多。但是在电子厂工作能使我们有机会学习到技能及接受各种的训练包括了技能训练,管理训练及语言训练。在NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR工作时我获的机会进修由公司提供的City And Guild电气工程证课程.在修完课程之后,也得到公司推荐获取日本海外技术研修协会的奖学金接受技能训练.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Manusia mati meninggalkan nama(
Sebagai anak Negeri Pulau Pinang saya berasa sangat sedih ke atas pemergiaan Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu ,bekas ketua menter Pulau Pinang
Dr. Lim memang salah seorang tokoh politik yang terkemuka di negara kita yang tak bercakap sangat banyak dan rajin bekerja.Beliau berpandangan jauh dan telah banyak memberikan sumbangan kepada pembangunan Indastri di negara kita
Parti Gerakan Malaysia yang ditubuhkan oleh Dr. Lim Chong Eu membentuk kerajaaan baru diPulau Pinang selepas memenangi pililahanraya negeri pada tahun 1969.Sebaik sahaja membentuk kerajaaan baru ,Dr.Lim mula bekerja keras , memperlawakan pelabur dari Santa Clara Califonia Amerika Syarikat untuk menubuhkan kilang pengeluaran barangan Elektronik di Negeri Pulau Pinang.Usaha Dr.Lim memberikan harapan baru(nafas baru) kepada Negeri Pinang yang mengalami kemelesetan akibat kehilangan status Pelabuhan bebas pada masa itu.
Penubuhan kilang kilang eletronik diPulau Pinang bukan sahaja memberikan peluang pekerjaaan kepada rakyat Pulau Pinang tetapi juga menyumbang kepada pertumbuhan Indastri hliran (downstream industri) di negara kita. Selain daripada itu kita juga bermanfaat dari segi pindaan Teknologi.
Saya salah seorang yang menerima manfaat dari program Pembangunan Indastri yang dimulakan oleh Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu
Pada tahun 1980an , peluang bagi pemuda pemudi untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di institut pengajian tinggi adalah kurang, namun bagi kami yang bekeja di Kilang Eletronik pelaburan asing pada masa itu ( multinational ) terdapat pelbagai skim latihan yang disediakan oleh pihak majikan kilang untuk meningkatkan tahap kemahiran kami.
Semasa bekerja di Kilang Eletronik National Semiconductor , saya mengambil Kursus Diploma kejuruteraan Eletric dan Electronic yang dikendalikan oleh syarikat ini dan selepas tamat belajar kursus ini diberikan kesempatkan untuk menjalani latihan kemahiran teknikal khas di Jepun dibawa tajaan
Kaigai Gijutsu Kenshu Kyoukai( , Pertubuhan Latihan Teknikal Luar Negara
dalam bahasa inggiris (AOTS, Association of Overseas Technical Scholarship)
Saya akan ingat Dr.Lim untuk selama lama nya bukan hanya sebagai
Bapa Indastri Perindastrian Pulau Pinang tetapi sebagai seorang yang telah menyumbang untuk pembentukan program Universiti Terbuka yang awal.
Saya hanya berkesempatan untuk berjumpa dengan Lim satu kali sahaja dan sangat tertarik dengan kata kata beliau.Dr.Lim percaya yang program pembangunan Indastri adalah sangat penting bagi Negara kita , kerana memberikan kesan pengandaan yang positif, umpama nya apabila sebuah kilang dengan 1000 orang pekerja ditubuhkan , ia akan menambah lagi 6000
Peluang pekerjaan , kerana pekerjaan baru di kilang juga mengujudkan permintaan terhadap makan , perumahan , pakaian , pendikan , hiburan dan perkhidnatan awan.Kesan Positif program pembangunan akan beterusan.
Satu Pekara penting yang boleh kita pelajari dari Dr.Lim ia lah keberanian
adalah sesuatu factor yang utama untuk memulakan perubahan positif.
Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu membuat langkah bijak untuk menyertai Barisan Nasional kerana beliau memahami bahawa perpaduan dan kestabilan
adalah unsul utama dalam pembangunan ekonomi Negara.
Pepatah Melayu berkata Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama, Jasa baik Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu akan kita ingat untuk selama lama nya
GOH HOE HOE ,AJK MCA, Kuala Lumpur
AS a Penang-born Malaysian, I feel sad over the death of Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu, the former chief minister of Penang.
Dr Lim was indeed one of the outstanding political leaders of the nation. He did not talk much but worked hard. He was farsighted and contributed a lot towards the industrialisation of our country.
Dr Lim took over the state government after his Gerakan party won the election. He initiated the setting up electronic factories in Penang, bringing new life to a state which had just lost its free-port status.
Besides providing job opportunities to Penangites , the setting up of these factories contributed to the growth of downstream industries in the country.
Apart from that, we also benefited in terms of transfer of technologies.
I am one of those who benefited from the industrialisation programme initiated by Dr Lim.
In 1980, chances for young people to further their studies at tertiary level were scarce. However, those like me who worked in multinational electronic factories in Penang had ample opportunities to upgrade their skills.
In the course of working with National Semiconductor, I sat for the City and Guild diploma in electronic engineering course conducted by the company in Penang. After graduating, I was given an opportunity to go to Japan for special technical skills training under the Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship programme.
I will always remember Dr Lim not only as the "Father of Industrialisation" of Penang but also as the person who played an important role in fostering the early open university programmes in Malaysia.
I only met Dr Lim once but was impressed by his words.
According to him, industrialisation is very important to our country because of its multiplier effect.
For instance, when a factory of 1,000 workers is set up, it will create another 6,000 jobs because new jobs in the factory will also stimulate the demand for food, housing, clothing, education and entertainment.
The positive impact of his industrialisation programme will live on.
One important thing that we should learn from Dr Lim is that courage is crucial for initiating positive change.
He displayed wisdom as a political leader by joining the Barisan Nasional because he knew the importance of unity and stability in developing the economy.
As the Malay proverb goes, Harimau mati meninggalkan belang , Manusia mati meninggalkan nama(When a tiger dies, it leaves behind its stripes; when a man dies, he leaves behind his name), Dr Lim's deeds will always be remembered by Malaysians.
Read more: Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu: A legacy of good deeds http://nst.com.my/nst/articles/18chan/Article/#ixzz16M9Qs6dU
Dr. Lim memang salah seorang tokoh politik yang terkemuka di negara kita yang tak bercakap sangat banyak dan rajin bekerja.Beliau berpandangan jauh dan telah banyak memberikan sumbangan kepada pembangunan Indastri di negara kita
Parti Gerakan Malaysia yang ditubuhkan oleh Dr. Lim Chong Eu membentuk kerajaaan baru diPulau Pinang selepas memenangi pililahanraya negeri pada tahun 1969.Sebaik sahaja membentuk kerajaaan baru ,Dr.Lim mula bekerja keras , memperlawakan pelabur dari Santa Clara Califonia Amerika Syarikat untuk menubuhkan kilang pengeluaran barangan Elektronik di Negeri Pulau Pinang.Usaha Dr.Lim memberikan harapan baru(nafas baru) kepada Negeri Pinang yang mengalami kemelesetan akibat kehilangan status Pelabuhan bebas pada masa itu.
Penubuhan kilang kilang eletronik diPulau Pinang bukan sahaja memberikan peluang pekerjaaan kepada rakyat Pulau Pinang tetapi juga menyumbang kepada pertumbuhan Indastri hliran (downstream industri) di negara kita. Selain daripada itu kita juga bermanfaat dari segi pindaan Teknologi.
Saya salah seorang yang menerima manfaat dari program Pembangunan Indastri yang dimulakan oleh Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu
Pada tahun 1980an , peluang bagi pemuda pemudi untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di institut pengajian tinggi adalah kurang, namun bagi kami yang bekeja di Kilang Eletronik pelaburan asing pada masa itu ( multinational ) terdapat pelbagai skim latihan yang disediakan oleh pihak majikan kilang untuk meningkatkan tahap kemahiran kami.
Semasa bekerja di Kilang Eletronik National Semiconductor , saya mengambil Kursus Diploma kejuruteraan Eletric dan Electronic yang dikendalikan oleh syarikat ini dan selepas tamat belajar kursus ini diberikan kesempatkan untuk menjalani latihan kemahiran teknikal khas di Jepun dibawa tajaan
Kaigai Gijutsu Kenshu Kyoukai( , Pertubuhan Latihan Teknikal Luar Negara
dalam bahasa inggiris (AOTS, Association of Overseas Technical Scholarship)
Saya akan ingat Dr.Lim untuk selama lama nya bukan hanya sebagai
Bapa Indastri Perindastrian Pulau Pinang tetapi sebagai seorang yang telah menyumbang untuk pembentukan program Universiti Terbuka yang awal.
Saya hanya berkesempatan untuk berjumpa dengan Lim satu kali sahaja dan sangat tertarik dengan kata kata beliau.Dr.Lim percaya yang program pembangunan Indastri adalah sangat penting bagi Negara kita , kerana memberikan kesan pengandaan yang positif, umpama nya apabila sebuah kilang dengan 1000 orang pekerja ditubuhkan , ia akan menambah lagi 6000
Peluang pekerjaan , kerana pekerjaan baru di kilang juga mengujudkan permintaan terhadap makan , perumahan , pakaian , pendikan , hiburan dan perkhidnatan awan.Kesan Positif program pembangunan akan beterusan.
Satu Pekara penting yang boleh kita pelajari dari Dr.Lim ia lah keberanian
adalah sesuatu factor yang utama untuk memulakan perubahan positif.
Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu membuat langkah bijak untuk menyertai Barisan Nasional kerana beliau memahami bahawa perpaduan dan kestabilan
adalah unsul utama dalam pembangunan ekonomi Negara.
Pepatah Melayu berkata Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama, Jasa baik Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu akan kita ingat untuk selama lama nya
GOH HOE HOE ,AJK MCA, Kuala Lumpur
AS a Penang-born Malaysian, I feel sad over the death of Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu, the former chief minister of Penang.
Dr Lim was indeed one of the outstanding political leaders of the nation. He did not talk much but worked hard. He was farsighted and contributed a lot towards the industrialisation of our country.
Dr Lim took over the state government after his Gerakan party won the election. He initiated the setting up electronic factories in Penang, bringing new life to a state which had just lost its free-port status.
Besides providing job opportunities to Penangites , the setting up of these factories contributed to the growth of downstream industries in the country.
Apart from that, we also benefited in terms of transfer of technologies.
I am one of those who benefited from the industrialisation programme initiated by Dr Lim.
In 1980, chances for young people to further their studies at tertiary level were scarce. However, those like me who worked in multinational electronic factories in Penang had ample opportunities to upgrade their skills.
In the course of working with National Semiconductor, I sat for the City and Guild diploma in electronic engineering course conducted by the company in Penang. After graduating, I was given an opportunity to go to Japan for special technical skills training under the Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship programme.
I will always remember Dr Lim not only as the "Father of Industrialisation" of Penang but also as the person who played an important role in fostering the early open university programmes in Malaysia.
I only met Dr Lim once but was impressed by his words.
According to him, industrialisation is very important to our country because of its multiplier effect.
For instance, when a factory of 1,000 workers is set up, it will create another 6,000 jobs because new jobs in the factory will also stimulate the demand for food, housing, clothing, education and entertainment.
The positive impact of his industrialisation programme will live on.
One important thing that we should learn from Dr Lim is that courage is crucial for initiating positive change.
He displayed wisdom as a political leader by joining the Barisan Nasional because he knew the importance of unity and stability in developing the economy.
As the Malay proverb goes, Harimau mati meninggalkan belang , Manusia mati meninggalkan nama(When a tiger dies, it leaves behind its stripes; when a man dies, he leaves behind his name), Dr Lim's deeds will always be remembered by Malaysians.
Read more: Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu: A legacy of good deeds http://nst.com.my/nst/articles/18chan/Article/#ixzz16M9Qs6dU
Tun Lim Chong Eu: A legacy of good deeds
AS a Penang-born Malaysian, I feel sad over the death of Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu, the former chief minister of Penang.
Dr Lim was indeed one of the outstanding political leaders of the nation. He did not talk much but worked hard. He was farsighted and contributed a lot towards the industrialisation of our country.
Dr Lim took over the state government after his Gerakan party won the election. He initiated the setting up electronic factories in Penang, bringing new life to a state which had just lost its free-port status.
Besides providing job opportunities to Penangites , the setting up of these factories contributed to the growth of downstream industries in the country.
Apart from that, we also benefited in terms of transfer of technologies.
I am one of those who benefited from the industrialisation programme initiated by Dr Lim.
In 1980, chances for young people to further their studies at tertiary level were scarce. However, those like me who worked in multinational electronic factories in Penang had ample opportunities to upgrade their skills.
In the course of working with National Semiconductor, I sat for the City and Guild diploma in electronic engineering course conducted by the company in Penang.
After graduating, I was given an opportunity to go to Japan for special technical skills training under the Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship programme.
I will always remember Dr Lim not only as the "Father of Industrialisation" of Penang but also as the person who played an important role in fostering the early open university programmes in Malaysia.
I only met Dr Lim once but was impressed by his words.
According to him, industrialisation is very important to our country because of its multiplier effect.
For instance, when a factory of 1,000 workers is set up, it will create another 6,000 jobs because new jobs in the factory will also stimulate the demand for food, housing, clothing, education and entertainment.
The positive impact of his industrialisation programme will live on.
One important thing that we should learn from Dr Lim is that courage is crucial for initiating positive change.
He displayed wisdom as a political leader by joining the Barisan Nasional because he knew the importance of unity and stability in developing the economy.
As the Malay proverb goes, Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama (When a tiger dies, it leaves behind its stripes; when a man dies, he leaves behind his name), Dr Lim's deeds will always be remembered by Malaysians.
GOH HOE HOE, Kuala Lumpur
Read more: Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu: A legacy of good deeds http://nst.com.my/nst/articles/18chan/Article/#ixzz16M6H2Tm2
Dr Lim was indeed one of the outstanding political leaders of the nation. He did not talk much but worked hard. He was farsighted and contributed a lot towards the industrialisation of our country.
Dr Lim took over the state government after his Gerakan party won the election. He initiated the setting up electronic factories in Penang, bringing new life to a state which had just lost its free-port status.
Besides providing job opportunities to Penangites , the setting up of these factories contributed to the growth of downstream industries in the country.
Apart from that, we also benefited in terms of transfer of technologies.
I am one of those who benefited from the industrialisation programme initiated by Dr Lim.
In 1980, chances for young people to further their studies at tertiary level were scarce. However, those like me who worked in multinational electronic factories in Penang had ample opportunities to upgrade their skills.
In the course of working with National Semiconductor, I sat for the City and Guild diploma in electronic engineering course conducted by the company in Penang.
After graduating, I was given an opportunity to go to Japan for special technical skills training under the Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship programme.
I will always remember Dr Lim not only as the "Father of Industrialisation" of Penang but also as the person who played an important role in fostering the early open university programmes in Malaysia.
I only met Dr Lim once but was impressed by his words.
According to him, industrialisation is very important to our country because of its multiplier effect.
For instance, when a factory of 1,000 workers is set up, it will create another 6,000 jobs because new jobs in the factory will also stimulate the demand for food, housing, clothing, education and entertainment.
The positive impact of his industrialisation programme will live on.
One important thing that we should learn from Dr Lim is that courage is crucial for initiating positive change.
He displayed wisdom as a political leader by joining the Barisan Nasional because he knew the importance of unity and stability in developing the economy.
As the Malay proverb goes, Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama (When a tiger dies, it leaves behind its stripes; when a man dies, he leaves behind his name), Dr Lim's deeds will always be remembered by Malaysians.
GOH HOE HOE, Kuala Lumpur
Read more: Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu: A legacy of good deeds http://nst.com.my/nst/articles/18chan/Article/#ixzz16M6H2Tm2
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tigesr leave behind their skin and Chong Eu leave behind his credits for bringing investors to the country
As a penang born Malaysian ,I feel very about the departure of Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu the former chief minister of Penang.Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu meritoriud deed will be remembered by us forever.
Tun is indeed one of the outstanding political leaders in Malaysia , who did not talk very much but worked very hard and farsighted.He had contributed a lot towards the industrialisation of our country.
Tun had shown his unparalleled farsightness as political party leader in the country , when the Gerakan Party wrested the power in Penang State from the Alliance Coalition in 1969.Work wihout complain he went all the way to overseas to invite foreign investor to set up electronic factories in Penang
The st up of Electronic factoies in Penang has brough a new life to Penang who lost the Free port status at that time.Beside providing ample of job opportunies to the penangies , the setup of these factories in penang has contributed to the growth of downstream industries in the country.Apart from that we also benefited in term of transfer of Technologies.
I am one of the people who has benifited from the Industrialisation programe initiated by Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu.In the year of 1980 the chance for the young people to further their study in tertiary education was very scarce, however for us who worked in the multinational electronic factory in Penang , ample of Skill upgrading training and educational opportunities were available for those of us with initiative. In the course of working in National Semiconductor , I took out a City and Guild Diploma in Electronic Engineering courses conducted by the National semiconductor, Penang and after graduation
was given an opportunity to went to Japan for special technical skill training under the scholarship of AOTS(Association for Technical Overseas Scholarship).
I will always remember Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu , not only as Father of Industrialisation of Penang , but also as the person who has played an important role in fostering the early OPEN UNIVERSITY programe in Malaysia.
I had only met Dr.Lim ChonG Eu once in Penang and was very impressed by his words .According to Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu , Industrialisation is very important to our country because of its multiplying effect , for instance when a factory of 1000 workers is set up , it will create another 6000 additional job opportunities , because the creation of new job in a factory will also simulate the demand dor food , housing , clothing ,education and entertainment.
One important thing that we that we shall learn from Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu is that courage is a dominating factors in initiating positive change.Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu had also displayed his wisdom as political leader by joining the Barisan National Party because he knows the importance of unity and stability in fostering the economic of our country.
Though Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu has deprated , his meritorious deed will be rememberd by us forever. Just like the Malay Proverb says , The Tiger left his skin ,and a man leave his name, the positive multiplication effect due to the industrialisation programe initiated by Dr. Lim Chong Eu will be recognised by the people and the country forever.
Tun is indeed one of the outstanding political leaders in Malaysia , who did not talk very much but worked very hard and farsighted.He had contributed a lot towards the industrialisation of our country.
Tun had shown his unparalleled farsightness as political party leader in the country , when the Gerakan Party wrested the power in Penang State from the Alliance Coalition in 1969.Work wihout complain he went all the way to overseas to invite foreign investor to set up electronic factories in Penang
The st up of Electronic factoies in Penang has brough a new life to Penang who lost the Free port status at that time.Beside providing ample of job opportunies to the penangies , the setup of these factories in penang has contributed to the growth of downstream industries in the country.Apart from that we also benefited in term of transfer of Technologies.
I am one of the people who has benifited from the Industrialisation programe initiated by Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu.In the year of 1980 the chance for the young people to further their study in tertiary education was very scarce, however for us who worked in the multinational electronic factory in Penang , ample of Skill upgrading training and educational opportunities were available for those of us with initiative. In the course of working in National Semiconductor , I took out a City and Guild Diploma in Electronic Engineering courses conducted by the National semiconductor, Penang and after graduation
was given an opportunity to went to Japan for special technical skill training under the scholarship of AOTS(Association for Technical Overseas Scholarship).
I will always remember Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu , not only as Father of Industrialisation of Penang , but also as the person who has played an important role in fostering the early OPEN UNIVERSITY programe in Malaysia.
I had only met Dr.Lim ChonG Eu once in Penang and was very impressed by his words .According to Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu , Industrialisation is very important to our country because of its multiplying effect , for instance when a factory of 1000 workers is set up , it will create another 6000 additional job opportunities , because the creation of new job in a factory will also simulate the demand dor food , housing , clothing ,education and entertainment.
One important thing that we that we shall learn from Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu is that courage is a dominating factors in initiating positive change.Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu had also displayed his wisdom as political leader by joining the Barisan National Party because he knows the importance of unity and stability in fostering the economic of our country.
Though Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu has deprated , his meritorious deed will be rememberd by us forever. Just like the Malay Proverb says , The Tiger left his skin ,and a man leave his name, the positive multiplication effect due to the industrialisation programe initiated by Dr. Lim Chong Eu will be recognised by the people and the country forever.
HariamauTinggalkan Belang Chong Eu tinggalkan जसा-Kesan penggandaan pelaburan asing kilang Eletronic
Sebagai seorang anak negeri Pulau Pinang saya berasa tersangat sedih
dengan pemergian bekas ketua menteri Pulau Pinang Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu
, namun saya berpendapat jasa baik Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu akan
dikenangkan oleh rakyat untuk selama lamanya.
Tun memang salah seorang tokoh politik yang cermerlang di Malaysia ,
tak bercakap sangat banyak , pandai merancang ,rajin bekejra dan
banyak menyumbang kepada proses pembanguna Indastri di Malaysia.
Tun menunjukan teladan yang baik kepada rakyat , menunjukan bahawa
Kerajaaan Parti Pembangkang juga boleh befungsi dengan baik jika
pemimpin nya berfikiran mantang. Berlainan dengan pemimpin parti
pembangkan yang lain ,Tun Lim terus bekerja keras untuk menarik
pelabur asing untuk mendirikan perindustrian eletronik di Pulau
Pinang selepas Parti Gerakan Malaysia mengambil alih kuasa dari
Perikatan pada tahun 1969.
Penubuhan kilang Eletronik di Pulau Pinang adalah sesuatu yang banyak
memanfaatkan negara kita, selain daripada memberikan peluang pekerjaan
pekerja tempatan ,Industri ini juga membawa kesan penganda (mutiplying
effect)kepada ekonomi negara khasnya menjadi pemangkin kepada industri
aliran bawahan( downstream industri).Kilang kilang tersebut juga telah
memberikan sumbangan yang besar dalam pemindahan teknologi dan
peningkatan kemahiran orang tempatan.Saya adalah salah seorang yang
menerima manafat daripada skim peningkatan kemahiran yand disediakan
oleh National Semiconductor(NS) .
Pada waktu 80an peluang untuk melanjutkan pendidikan adalah terhad di
negara kita , tetapi bagi kami yang bekerja untuk National
Semiconductor , peluang keeemasan terbuka kepada kami yang berusaha.
Waktu l bekerja dengan NS saya
mengikuti Program Diploma Eletronic City and Guild yang dikendalikan
oleh NS. Dan selepas menamatkan pelajaran ini , mendapat biasiwa oleh
kerajaan Jepun untuk menjalani latihan teknikal khas di Jepun.
Saya akan mengenangkan jasa baik Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu kerana beliau
yang membawa harapan kepada rakyat pulau pinang.
Saya cuma berpeluang untuk berjumpa Tun Dr.Lim sekali sahaja , tetapi katanya
memberikan kenangan yang mendalam kepada saya. Mengikut Tun Dr.Lim
Chong Eu Pelaburan Industri
di negara adalah penting kerana memberikan kesan penganda kepada
ekonomi negara, pengajian 1000 orang pekerja kilang akan memberikan 6
kali kesan penganda , kerana dengan adanya pendapatan akan wujud
permintaan terhadap makanan,perumahan , pakaian , hiburan dan sebagai
nya. Sungguh pun Tun Dr.Lim sudah meningga jasa baiknya akan
diingatkan oleh kita untuk selamalamanya.
dengan pemergian bekas ketua menteri Pulau Pinang Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu
, namun saya berpendapat jasa baik Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu akan
dikenangkan oleh rakyat untuk selama lamanya.
Tun memang salah seorang tokoh politik yang cermerlang di Malaysia ,
tak bercakap sangat banyak , pandai merancang ,rajin bekejra dan
banyak menyumbang kepada proses pembanguna Indastri di Malaysia.
Tun menunjukan teladan yang baik kepada rakyat , menunjukan bahawa
Kerajaaan Parti Pembangkang juga boleh befungsi dengan baik jika
pemimpin nya berfikiran mantang. Berlainan dengan pemimpin parti
pembangkan yang lain ,Tun Lim terus bekerja keras untuk menarik
pelabur asing untuk mendirikan perindustrian eletronik di Pulau
Pinang selepas Parti Gerakan Malaysia mengambil alih kuasa dari
Perikatan pada tahun 1969.
Penubuhan kilang Eletronik di Pulau Pinang adalah sesuatu yang banyak
memanfaatkan negara kita, selain daripada memberikan peluang pekerjaan
pekerja tempatan ,Industri ini juga membawa kesan penganda (mutiplying
effect)kepada ekonomi negara khasnya menjadi pemangkin kepada industri
aliran bawahan( downstream industri).Kilang kilang tersebut juga telah
memberikan sumbangan yang besar dalam pemindahan teknologi dan
peningkatan kemahiran orang tempatan.Saya adalah salah seorang yang
menerima manafat daripada skim peningkatan kemahiran yand disediakan
oleh National Semiconductor(NS) .
Pada waktu 80an peluang untuk melanjutkan pendidikan adalah terhad di
negara kita , tetapi bagi kami yang bekerja untuk National
Semiconductor , peluang keeemasan terbuka kepada kami yang berusaha.
Waktu l bekerja dengan NS saya
mengikuti Program Diploma Eletronic City and Guild yang dikendalikan
oleh NS. Dan selepas menamatkan pelajaran ini , mendapat biasiwa oleh
kerajaan Jepun untuk menjalani latihan teknikal khas di Jepun.
Saya akan mengenangkan jasa baik Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu kerana beliau
yang membawa harapan kepada rakyat pulau pinang.
Saya cuma berpeluang untuk berjumpa Tun Dr.Lim sekali sahaja , tetapi katanya
memberikan kenangan yang mendalam kepada saya. Mengikut Tun Dr.Lim
Chong Eu Pelaburan Industri
di negara adalah penting kerana memberikan kesan penganda kepada
ekonomi negara, pengajian 1000 orang pekerja kilang akan memberikan 6
kali kesan penganda , kerana dengan adanya pendapatan akan wujud
permintaan terhadap makanan,perumahan , pakaian , hiburan dan sebagai
nya. Sungguh pun Tun Dr.Lim sudah meningga jasa baiknya akan
diingatkan oleh kita untuk selamalamanya.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Pertahanan Negara adalah merupakan satu aspek yang tersangat penting dalam pentabiran negara
Pertahanan Negara adalah merupakan satu aspek yang tersangat penting dalam pentabiran negara , ia bukan ada kena mengena dengan kekuatan angkatan teentera negara sahaja tetapi merangkumi banyak aspek seperti ekonomi , pendidikan , sains dan teknology . Sun Bing pengasas Seni Military SUN TZE telah menerangkan hukum ini dengan jelas dalam bukunya. Kegawatan Ekonomi 1997 juga telah membawa perutusan yang penting , sesebuah negara dapat dimusnahkan tanpa serangan militari , jika negara ini tidak mampu mengurus ekonomi dan kesejahteraan rakyat dengan sunguh sungguh.
Setiap rakyat ada menyumbang terhadap pertahan negara. Tanpa asuhan ibubapa dan didikan guru manpukah seseorang askar menjadi dewasa untuk mempertahankan negara?Tanpa penglibatan orang rami dalam pengeluaran barangan dan perkhidmatan mampukah pihak angkatan tentera mendapat bekalan barangan dab perkhidmatan yang diperlukan.
Berdasarkan fakta fakta tersebut , maka tidak boleh kita membuat kesimpulan bahawa yang tidak bertugas sebagai askar kurang taat kepada negara.
Kita harus memberikan penghargaan tinggi kepada anggota tentera negara atas usaha dan kotban mereka untuk mempertahankan tanah dan talian hidup (live lines)negara. Setiap tahun beratus ratus juta dibelanjakan untuk membiayai kos opetrasi dan pembangunan pertahanan negara , namun wang yang dibelanjakan ini mendatangkan pulangan yang tinggi.
Kesukaran untuk menarik kaum muda untuk menyertai pasukan pertahan wujud dibanyak negara. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini ada negara mewajibkan rakyatnya untuk berkhidmat sebagai askar untuk satu jangka masa yang tertentu selepas genap usia 21. Ada juga membenarkan pendatang asing untuk berkhidmat sebagai tukang masa, tukang mekanik , ahli muzik dan ahli sain di angkatan tentera mereka.
Untuk menggalakan lebih ramai pemudah negara untuk menyertai angkatan tentera Malaysia adalah penting nya bagai kementerian dan agensi kerajaaan yang berkenaan untuk memberitahu mereka dengan jelas , kerjaya ini adalah kerjaya yang sangat mencabar , bermakna dan mempunyai ganjaran yang tinggi.
Semasa berkhidmat untuk angkatan tentera , seseorang anggota angkata tentera dapat menerima pelbagai latihan seperti latihan fizikal , latihan kempinpinan dan latihan kemahiran yang istimewa.
Anggota angkata tentera yang cermelang juga dihantar ke luar negara untuk menerima latihan khas dan menjalankan penyelidikan.
Kesimpulannya berkhidmat sebaga seorang anggota tentera adalah sesuatu yang bangga dan bermakna kerana dapat memainkan peranan penting untuk mempertahankan negara dan mendorong inovasi dan transformasi negara.
Setiap rakyat ada menyumbang terhadap pertahan negara. Tanpa asuhan ibubapa dan didikan guru manpukah seseorang askar menjadi dewasa untuk mempertahankan negara?Tanpa penglibatan orang rami dalam pengeluaran barangan dan perkhidmatan mampukah pihak angkatan tentera mendapat bekalan barangan dab perkhidmatan yang diperlukan.
Berdasarkan fakta fakta tersebut , maka tidak boleh kita membuat kesimpulan bahawa yang tidak bertugas sebagai askar kurang taat kepada negara.
Kita harus memberikan penghargaan tinggi kepada anggota tentera negara atas usaha dan kotban mereka untuk mempertahankan tanah dan talian hidup (live lines)negara. Setiap tahun beratus ratus juta dibelanjakan untuk membiayai kos opetrasi dan pembangunan pertahanan negara , namun wang yang dibelanjakan ini mendatangkan pulangan yang tinggi.
Kesukaran untuk menarik kaum muda untuk menyertai pasukan pertahan wujud dibanyak negara. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini ada negara mewajibkan rakyatnya untuk berkhidmat sebagai askar untuk satu jangka masa yang tertentu selepas genap usia 21. Ada juga membenarkan pendatang asing untuk berkhidmat sebagai tukang masa, tukang mekanik , ahli muzik dan ahli sain di angkatan tentera mereka.
Untuk menggalakan lebih ramai pemudah negara untuk menyertai angkatan tentera Malaysia adalah penting nya bagai kementerian dan agensi kerajaaan yang berkenaan untuk memberitahu mereka dengan jelas , kerjaya ini adalah kerjaya yang sangat mencabar , bermakna dan mempunyai ganjaran yang tinggi.
Semasa berkhidmat untuk angkatan tentera , seseorang anggota angkata tentera dapat menerima pelbagai latihan seperti latihan fizikal , latihan kempinpinan dan latihan kemahiran yang istimewa.
Anggota angkata tentera yang cermelang juga dihantar ke luar negara untuk menerima latihan khas dan menjalankan penyelidikan.
Kesimpulannya berkhidmat sebaga seorang anggota tentera adalah sesuatu yang bangga dan bermakna kerana dapat memainkan peranan penting untuk mempertahankan negara dan mendorong inovasi dan transformasi negara.
Thus it is not logical to say that those who are not soldier are not loyal to a country.
National defence is a very important aspect of a country and it is not only confined to military warfare , on the contrary it also encompasses matters pertaining to economic , education , science and technology.Sun Bin the founder of the art of warfare had mentioned this very clealy thousands years ago. The 1997 economic crisis had prooved this be correct , a country might be destroyed without military force.
Everyone contribute to National defence with out the care of parents and teacher how can a soldier grows out to protect the country. Without the general public involvement in the production of consumable goods and machinery , how could the military troop obtain the sufficient amount of essential items.Based on these facts , thus it is not logical to say that those who are not soldier are not loyal to a country.
We should highly appreciate the hardwork and sacrifice by our defence forces.They work diligently to safeguard the terittories and live line of our country. Billion of dollars are spent each year to finiance the national however it is very worth spending .
Diffilculties to recruit the military force exist in many countries , to overcome this probles some countries have made it compulsory for its nations to serve in military force for specific duration.
Some countries even allows foreign imigrant to serve as chef , mechanic ,artist , musician and scientist in order to supplement their defence forces.
In order to encourage more young people to join national force , those ministry and government agencies concerned should work hard and tell them that the carrer in denfence force is a very rewarding. In the course of serving the defence force , one would transformed into a better person through character building , leadership and technological skill training. Also the ministry of defence also provide scholarship for capable persons to undergo specialise course in oversea each year.
Everyone contribute to National defence with out the care of parents and teacher how can a soldier grows out to protect the country. Without the general public involvement in the production of consumable goods and machinery , how could the military troop obtain the sufficient amount of essential items.Based on these facts , thus it is not logical to say that those who are not soldier are not loyal to a country.
We should highly appreciate the hardwork and sacrifice by our defence forces.They work diligently to safeguard the terittories and live line of our country. Billion of dollars are spent each year to finiance the national however it is very worth spending .
Diffilculties to recruit the military force exist in many countries , to overcome this probles some countries have made it compulsory for its nations to serve in military force for specific duration.
Some countries even allows foreign imigrant to serve as chef , mechanic ,artist , musician and scientist in order to supplement their defence forces.
In order to encourage more young people to join national force , those ministry and government agencies concerned should work hard and tell them that the carrer in denfence force is a very rewarding. In the course of serving the defence force , one would transformed into a better person through character building , leadership and technological skill training. Also the ministry of defence also provide scholarship for capable persons to undergo specialise course in oversea each year.
Friday, November 12, 2010
国防是国家治理的重要一环,它所包含的事项不仅限于军事力量及而与。也关系到国家的经济,治安,科技及教育。孙子兵法的鼻祖孙滨在几千年前就有提到这一点。1997年亚州国家所遭遇到的经济风暴也证明了这一点理论,一个国家可以在没有受到武力的攻击下被催亏。因此生在全球化的我们对全方面的国防 这一概念应该更有所领悟。以此类推不当兵其中一個原因可能是愛國精神未夠高的言論是不能成立的。
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
SMEs: M'sia facing same problem Taiwan did
I have attended a number of small and medium-industry seminars and noticed that the participants are mainly concerned about the shortage of foreign workers and the availability of SMI loans.
No doubt the labor shortage and cash liquidity are two of the major issues that need to be addressed. However, just addressing these two issues alone does not suffice.
We must remember that the world is not static but dynamic; countries where our foreign workers originated from such as Indonesia and Vietnam are now progressing very well and one of these days, they may face a labor shortage as well. Therefore, in the long run our small and medium industries can not totally depend on foreign workers.
The operating environment resembles an ecosystem chain where the survival of SMEs depends on a variety of factors such as social and economic stability and investments from within and outside the country.
The fall in foreign investment capital will definitely have negative impact on the performance of SMIs downstream. Therefore, it is important for us to maintain a conducive environment to attract local and foreign investments.
Recently, the Japanese ambassador to Malaysia, Masahiko Horie. mentioned that the Japanese companies in Malaysia were very concerned about the shortage of labour and knowledge-based skilled worker in Malaysia.
If the situation persists, they may relocate the labor-intensive plants to some other countries.
We must not take this unhealthy phenomenon lightly and hopefully the relevant government agencies will arrange a dialogue with them to identify their needs.
Malaysia is now facing the problem that Taiwan SMI had faced at the turn of 20th century.
At that time, Taiwan's small and medium enterprises were very much dependent on foreign workers. I remember that my friend went all the way to Taiwan to become a helper to a vegetable seller in a market.
In the year of 1990, Malaysia's economy has greatly improved and those from Malaysia who worked in Taiwan began to return back to work in Malaysia 'aided' by the tough measures against the illegal foreign workers in Taiwan.
In order to survive, the government and the SMEs in Taiwan took a series of effective measures to adjust themselves to the change which included relocating labour intensive industries to mainland China, the adoption of automation and an efficient work-flow system and changing the attitude of youngsters towards blue-collar jobs through certification programmes.
I think it is high time we should learn from Taiwan's small and medium enterprises on how they tackled their problems from many perspectives.
No doubt the labor shortage and cash liquidity are two of the major issues that need to be addressed. However, just addressing these two issues alone does not suffice.
We must remember that the world is not static but dynamic; countries where our foreign workers originated from such as Indonesia and Vietnam are now progressing very well and one of these days, they may face a labor shortage as well. Therefore, in the long run our small and medium industries can not totally depend on foreign workers.
The operating environment resembles an ecosystem chain where the survival of SMEs depends on a variety of factors such as social and economic stability and investments from within and outside the country.
The fall in foreign investment capital will definitely have negative impact on the performance of SMIs downstream. Therefore, it is important for us to maintain a conducive environment to attract local and foreign investments.
Recently, the Japanese ambassador to Malaysia, Masahiko Horie. mentioned that the Japanese companies in Malaysia were very concerned about the shortage of labour and knowledge-based skilled worker in Malaysia.
If the situation persists, they may relocate the labor-intensive plants to some other countries.
We must not take this unhealthy phenomenon lightly and hopefully the relevant government agencies will arrange a dialogue with them to identify their needs.
Malaysia is now facing the problem that Taiwan SMI had faced at the turn of 20th century.
At that time, Taiwan's small and medium enterprises were very much dependent on foreign workers. I remember that my friend went all the way to Taiwan to become a helper to a vegetable seller in a market.
In the year of 1990, Malaysia's economy has greatly improved and those from Malaysia who worked in Taiwan began to return back to work in Malaysia 'aided' by the tough measures against the illegal foreign workers in Taiwan.
In order to survive, the government and the SMEs in Taiwan took a series of effective measures to adjust themselves to the change which included relocating labour intensive industries to mainland China, the adoption of automation and an efficient work-flow system and changing the attitude of youngsters towards blue-collar jobs through certification programmes.
I think it is high time we should learn from Taiwan's small and medium enterprises on how they tackled their problems from many perspectives.
Monday, November 1, 2010
作業的環境猶如生態鍊(Eco system chain),中小型企業的存亡,有賴多種因素,如社會及經濟的穩定,及外來投資。
作業的環境猶如生態鍊(Eco system chain),中小型企業的存亡,有賴多種因素,如社會及經濟的穩定,及外來投資。
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