Friday, November 16, 2012

Di stesyen ERT

GOH : John ada mengikut perkembangan politik tanah air semasa di UK

JOHN: Melalui Youtube ada nampak Mr.Goh tanya LGE soalan masa LGE berdebat dengan Dr, Chua Soi Lek. Saya juga ada mendengar pedabatan anntar Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim demgan Dato Sabrik Chik.DSAI memang seorang pidator yang sangat handal , opponent tak sehandalnya.

GOH: Mahatir ambil masa bertahun tahun untuk melah
irkan ideal wawasan 2020, Najib mengambil masa bertahun untuk melahirkan ideal transformasi ekonomi Malaysia, Bekas Pemimpin Negara China mengambil nertahun tahun untuk melahirkan konsep pemodenan negara Jepun, tapi anwar mampu menurunkan harga 1 litre minyak petro sebanyak 50 cent , dia orang yang memang mempunyai teori ekonomi yang unique , satu satu nya orang di dunia yang melahirkan teori yang unique, tak ada orang lain hanyat dsai yang mampu , patut dapat noble prize, kerana dia jaul lebih pandai daripada Albert Einstein , kebanggaan untuk Malaysia.

William : Orang yang berdebat dengan DSAI memang kurang bijak , kerana dsai bukan lah satu satu orang yang menentukan harga pasaran dunia untuk minyak petro.Mana mampu dia laksanakan itu. Dia apa pun boleh cakap. Dulu berlaku krisis ekonomik dunia dia [un cakap Suggestion by IMF yang paling baik, tetap dia mahu cara IMF , tak mahu dengar cakap Mahatir lepas itu dipecat oleh Mahatir

GOh: Tapi dsai menafikaan segala gala nya

William: Dia cakap saja , kenapa dia adakan Kemprn REFORMASI selepas di pecat Jawatan , itu bukti lah dia sokong IMF , lagi pun baru baru itu bila dia sebut Model Turki , dia pun ada kaitkan Kejayaan Turki dengan bantuan IMF. Dari awal awal dulu dialah yang menyokong cara IMF, tapi dia juga pandai untuk membuat penafiaan

GOH: William IMF tak baikah

William: Nasib baik Mahatir tak dengar Anwar , ikut cara IMF . Kalau tak ada hati ini saya pun tak mampu hantar John ke England untuk belajar master.Kalau Malaysia ikut cara IMF saya akan muflis pada masa itu kerana kalau ikut cara imf saya misti bayar cepat kepada bank , tak ada modal untuk meneruskan perniagaaan. Tengok apa yang jadi kepada negara jiran yang menerima IMF , nilai matawang mereka jaduh secara mendadak,inflasi seious berlaku serta merta , rusuhan berlaku , rompak , bakar rumah ,rogol , berlaku , ramai orang kaya yang lari ke Malaysia, tapi orang sudah lupa,
Ketika bertemu dengan Kawan saya Sonie yang sudah lama tak berjumpa di Kuala Lumpur,kami makan bersama di sebuah Restaurant yang berdekatan dengan Stesyen Central.Anak nya John yang tamat pelajaran di UK pada tahun yang lepas turut bersama .
Sebenarnya pada masa itu Sonie sedang menghantar anaknya menaiki tren ekpress ke KLAI ,John akan melanjutkan pelajaran nya di UK
 untuk mendapat Sarjana master dalam bidang kejururteran bahan.
Sambil kami makan kami berbual bual tentang isu semasa negara.

Sonie: Dah lama tak jumpa Hoe Hoe ,sejak tamat persekolahan ke mana awak pergi.

Goh:Mula mula Bekerja sebagai pembancur ubat di hospital swasta dan belajar STPM di institut Swastapada waktu malam.Setahun yang kemudian saya belajar di Tunku Abdul Rahman untuk dua tahun. Tamat pelajaran diKtar bekerja sebagai kerani di pelabujan Pulau Pinang untuk beberapa bulan, lepas itu Kerja di SYarikat Semiconductor NS bayan lepas selama 5 tahun,pada masa sama saya mengikut Kursus Diploma Kejuruteraan Letrik yang ditawarkan olehMajikan.Sebelum saya berhenti kerja di NS saya ditawarkan biasiwa untuk
belajar di Jepun dalam jurusan ukuran mekanikal diinstitut Metrologi Mitutoyo di Kawasaki.
Lepas itu bekerja dengan Mitutoyo Malaysia untuk 8 Tahun . Leps itu saya mulai bekeja sebagai Pengajar diKtar.

Sonie: Anak saya John pernah belajar di Ktar , adakena dia kah.
Goh: Rasa pernah nampak ,kursus apa yang dia ambil.
John:PRE U
Goh:Oh saya mengajar diSOT.
Sonie: Pertubuhan KTAR sesuatu yang memang memanfatkan rakyat, yuran berpatutan tetapi sistem nya bagus, kelengkapan bagus ,gutu pun berdedikasi.
John: Tapi sampai sekarang nya pun belum status Universiti,sampai LGE sungguh malu.
Goh: MIT pun tak ada namaUniversiti tapi ia Institut Pengajian yang terknal didunia ,Tokyo Institut of Teknologi sungguh pun tak ada gelaran universiti ,ia pun Institut Pengajian tinggi yang banyak melahirkan peminpin negara Jepun seperti Kan Naoto.Sebenar Kolej Tar yang memainkan peranan yang tersangat penting dalam pembangunan Negara ,khas nya di Pulau Pinang .Pada waktu bermulanya operasi Syarikat di Kawasn Zon bebas Bayan Lepas , kebanyakan akauntant dan Jurutera di Syarikat Syarikat adalah graduate dari KTAR. Jadi pada pendapat saya Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang orang yang tak kenang budi, seperti orang cakap kacang lupakan kulit.Tanpa Ktar tak mungkin bagi dia untukmenghebotkan hebotkan Lonjatan Pelaburan Asing di Pulau Pinang.
John : Lim Guan Eng memang pandai , baru satu tahun jadi KM ,pelaburan asing pun lonjat sebanyak 7 kali ganda,,Koh Tsu Koon ,Lim Chong Eu pun tak sehandal dia.
GOh :Betelur sebijirio sekampung. Lembu dapat susu sapi dapat nama.

Ketika bertemu dengan Kawan saya Sonie yang sudah lama tak berjumpa di Kuala Lumpur,kami makan bersama di sebuah Restaurant yang berdekatan dengan Stesyen Central.Anak nya John yang tamat pelajaran di UK pada tahun yang lepas turut bersama .
Sebenarnya pada masa itu Sonie sedang menghantar anaknya menaiki tren ekpress ke KLAI ,John akan melanjutkan pelajaran nya di UK untuk mendapat Sarjana master dalam bidang kejururteran bahan.
Sambil kami makan kami berbual bual tentang isu semasa negara.

Sonie: Dah lama tak jumpa Hoe Hoe ,sejak tamat persekolahan ke mana awak pergi.

Goh:Mula mula Bekerja sebagai pembancur ubat di hospital swasta dan belajar STPM di institut Swastapada waktu malam.Setahun yang kemudian saya belajar di Tunku Abdul Rahman untuk dua tahun. Tamat pelajaran diKtar bekerja sebagai kerani di pelabujan Pulau Pinang untuk beberapa bulan, lepas itu Kerja di SYarikat Semiconductor NS bayan lepas selama 5 tahun,pada masa sama saya mengikut Kursus Diploma Kejuruteraan Letrik yang ditawarkan olehMajikan.Sebelum saya berhenti kerja di NS saya ditawarkan biasiwa untuk
belajar di Jepun dalam jurusan ukuran mekanikal diinstitut Metrologi Mitutoyo di Kawasaki.
Lepas itu bekerja dengan Mitutoyo Malaysia untuk 8 Tahun . Leps itu saya mulai bekeja sebagai Pengajar diKtar.

Sonie: Anak saya John pernah belajar di Ktar , adakena dia kah.
Goh: Rasa pernah nampak ,kursus apa yang dia ambil.
John:PRE U
Goh:Oh saya mengajar diSOT.
Sonie: Pertubuhan KTAR sesuatu yang memang memanfatkan rakyat, yuran berpatutan tetapi sistem nya bagus, kelengkapan bagus ,gutu pun berdedikasi.
John: Tapi sampai sekarang nya pun belum status Universiti,sampai LGE sungguh malu.
Goh: MIT pun tak ada namaUniversiti tapi ia Institut Pengajian yang terknal didunia ,Tokyo Institut of Teknologi sungguh pun tak ada gelaran universiti ,ia pun Institut Pengajian tinggi yang banyak melahirkan peminpin negara Jepun seperti Kan Naoto.Sebenar Kolej Tar yang memainkan peranan yang tersangat penting dalam pembangunan Negara ,khas nya di Pulau Pinang .Pada waktu bermulanya operasi Syarikat di Kawasn Zon bebas Bayan Lepas , kebanyakan akauntant dan Jurutera di Syarikat Syarikat adalah graduate dari KTAR. Jadi pada pendapat saya Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang orang yang tak kenang budi, seperti orang cakap kacang lupakan kulit.Tanpa Ktar tak mungkin bagi dia untukmenghebotkan hebotkan Lonjatan Pelaburan Asing di Pulau Pinang.
John : Lim Guan Eng memang pandai , baru satu tahun jadi KM ,pelaburan asing pun lonjat sebanyak 7 kali ganda,,Koh Tsu Koon ,Lim Chong Eu pun tak sehandal dia.
GOh :Betelur sebijirio sekampung. Lembu dapat susu sapi dapat nama.

Saya menganggap peningkatan pelaburan asing di Pulau Pinang sebagai satu lonjatan besar - suatu perkembangan sihat tetapi bukan sesuatu yang luar biasa. Pencapaian ini tidak seharusnya dikaitkan terus sahaja dengan Pulau Pinang.

Ia seharusnya diteliti secara objektif.

Mengikut perangkaan yang diberikan Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Malaysia (MIDA), pengluasan dan peningkatan kelengkapan dalam kilang yang sedia ada, adalah faktor utama yang menyumbang kepada peningkatan pelaburan asing berbanding dengan tahun 2009.

Angka ini mencerminkan perubahan dalam industri eletronik yang kini menghadapi pelbagai cabaran seperti kekurangan tenaga buruh dan citarasa pengguna yang sering berubah.

Keluaran barangan eletronik dan telekomunikasi pada hari ini seperti komputer dan telefon bimbit adalah merupakan barangan yang yang mempunyai hayat ayunan (cycle time) yang sangat singkat, keistimewaan yang berbagai dan mutu yang tinggi.

Dalam keadaan ini, pengilang utama barangan eletronik dunia mesti memperbaiki sistem automasi dan kelengkapan R & D supaya syarikat itu dapat menangani masalah yang timbul daripada permintaaan dan citarasa yang sering berubah dan ketidakpastian yang lain.

Jadi lonjatan besar pelaburan asing ke Pulau Pinang adalah sesuatu yang normal dan bukan luarbiasa, kerana ia cuma satu tindak balas pengilang barangan eletronik kelas dunia terhadap perubahan pasaran.

Tidak patut kita katakan pencapaiaan ini, hasil kejayaan kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang kerana kita saling bergantung pada zaman globalisasi.

Pengilang barangan elektronik Pulau Pinang juga bergantung kepada bahan mentah dan tenaga buruh dan mahir dari negari lain. Kemajuan dalam industri elektonik juga akan memberikan manaafat kepada negeri-negeri lain di Malaysia.

Apa yang penting juga ialah keadaan sosial dan politik yang stabil dan kemudahaan infrastruktur yang sempurna di Malaysia, iaitu faktor utama yang mendorong pelabur luar negera untuk terus menanam modal di negara kita.

Daripada menghebohkan pencapaian satu negeri, lebih baik kita bersatu hati atas gaggasan 1Malaysia untuk memastikan transformasi ekonomi negara kita bejalan lancar supaya anak cucu kita dapat terus menikmati hasil pembangunan.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Janji Ditepati’, a universal value

IN MY opinion, “Janji Ditepati” is an appropriate theme for the Merdeka celebration this year as it reminds every Malaysian of the importance of fulfilling promises and it should not be misconstrued as being a political move. It is a universal value that should be observed to ensure our success in life.
Successful companies like Microsoft and McDonald’s are able to become world class players because of their ability to fulfill their promises in terms of quality of the service and products they provide.
Many non-profit organisations such as St John Ambulance Malaysia and Red Crescent are still here today because of their ability to fulfil their promises to provide good voluntary services.
Our sports athletes know the importance of fulfilling their promises and hence can perform in international sports events. Their achievements are not the result of chance but tough training and persistence.
“Janji Ditepati” is multi-dimensional. It is our promise to ourselves, our children, our parents, our superiors, our subordinates, our customers, our country and also to the Almighty.
“Janji Ditepati” is not the exclusive trademark for Barisan National hence cannot be thought of as a way to topple opposition parties, instead it should be recognised as a way to achieve a culture of excellence.
Countries like Japan and Germany were able to recover quickly and make big progress after their defeat in WWII because of their ability to fulfil promises of getting things done according to specifications and being able to deliver on time.
I strongly believe that it is not impossible for us to follow in the footsteps of these countries and be on the path to become an advanced and high-income country in the near future.
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IN MY opinion, “Janji Ditepati” is an appropriate theme for the Merdeka celebration this year as it reminds every Malaysian of the importance of fulfilling promises and it should not be misconstrued as being a political move. It is a universal value that should be observed to ensure our success in life.
Successful companies like Microsoft and McDonald’s are able to become world class players because of their ability to fulfill their promises in terms of quality of the service and products they provide.
Many non-profit organisations such as St John Ambulance Malaysia and Red Crescent are still here today because of their ability to fulfil their promises to provide good voluntary services.
Our sports athletes know the importance of fulfilling their promises and hence can perform in international sports events. Their achievements are not the result of chance but tough training and persistence.
“Janji Ditepati” is multi-dimensional. It is our promise to ourselves, our children, our parents, our superiors, our subordinates, our customers, our country and also to the Almighty.
“Janji Ditepati” is not the exclusive trademark for Barisan National hence cannot be thought of as a way to topple opposition parties, instead it should be recognised as a way to achieve a culture of excellence.
Countries like Japan and Germany were able to recover quickly and make big progress after their defeat in WWII because of their ability to fulfil promises of getting things done according to specifications and being able to deliver on time.
I strongly believe that it is not impossible for us to follow in the footsteps of these countries and be on the path to become an advanced and high-income country in the near future.
Via email

Friday, November 9, 2012

Suka kami ucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada Perdana menteri dan meneri kabinet kerajaan Malaysia yang sudi menyambut rombongan kami yang terdiri daripada penduduk Kepong dan Kampung Kasipillai. Kujungan Kami Ke rumah kediaman rasmi Perdana Menteri adalah sesuatu yang sangat mengembirakan.
Kami dapat bersalam dengan PM dan menteri menteri kabinet .Persedian untuk program bermesra dengan rakyat yang dianjurkan pada tahun ini adalah sangat memuaskan.Orang tua dan orang kurang upaya di angkut oleh kereta buddy ke depan rumah kediaman PM,mereka juga diberikan duit rakyat.
Sambil memakan bisket yang dihadiahkan ,kanak kanak dalam romnongan kami memuji Dato Seri Najib sebagai Perdana Menteri yang sangat bagus dan isteri nya seorang yang gadis yang sangat cantik.
Selain dihidang dengan pelbagai makanan ,kami juga menyaksikan hiburan lagu dan tarian bersama Perdana Menteri dan orang kenamaan yang lain seperti Tun Dr.Mahatir.Yang memeranjatkan dan mengharukan kami ialah Perdana Menteri memandu kereta buddy untuk menghantar Tun Dr. Mahatir ke tempat jamu selera untuk merasmikan upacara pemotongan KeK.
Kami sungguh tertarik dengan pemandangan Putrajaya dan Infrastruktur disana yang dibina secara sistematik.
Kami harap dapat mengunjungi Ke Putra Jaya tahun depan untuk
bersalam dengan YAB Dato Seri Najib.Kali inikita juga akan bersalam dengan YAB Dato Seri Najib.Kali inikita juga akan melawat ke Taman Wet Land untuk melihat Panda ,lambang Persahabatan baik Negara China dengan Malaysia.Kami percaya kedatangan dua ekor Panda ke Putra Jaya akan meriohkan suasana Putra Jaya dan Justru menjadikan Bandar yang terkenal diDunia.
Visit to PM House.jpg

THIS year was the first time I joined in Merdeka Day celebrations at the National Stadium in Bukit Jalil and I was impressed and motivated by the atmosphere.

The 1Malaysia spirit was evident at the Merdeka Day celebrations at the National Stadium in Bukit Jalil on Friday.
Everyone, irrespective of age or race, enjoyed themselves. The young children were happy with the toys the parents bought for them while enjoying the hawker food. The crowd was entertained by performances from our local artistes. Everyone joined hands and waved the Jalur Gemilang according to the tempo of the patriotic music.
Everyone was full of energy and the 1Malaysia spirit was evident.
"Merdeka" is pronounced as maharddhika in Sanskrit and means "abundance, prosperity and strength". This is a word of great significance to everyone as independence has enabled us to plan our future on our own terms and allows us to realise our dreams.
Infrastructure considered impossible at one time has taken shape, such as the Penang Bridge, the Petronas Twin Towers, Kuala Lumpur International Airport and Light Rail Transit. All these are very much linked to unity in diversity.

Read more: MERDEKA: Abundance, strength and prosperity it is - Letters to the Editor - New Straits Times

Monday, October 8, 2012

第二过分强化语言并不能有效的提高马来西亚的整体教育表现,反而会对学生造成压力,而造成退学,对学习失去兴趣等的社会问题。语言智能并不是提高学生思考能力的唯一因素我们也必须注重其它的智能发展如,音乐智能,数学逻辑智能,空间观想智能,体力智能,交际智能,个人领悟的智能 及与大自然沟通的智能。

Sunday, September 23, 2012



中国は日本にたいして恩義がある、中国からか伝われた妙法蓮華経 、元のモンゴル軍が日本に上陸できなかたそしてモンゴルの襲いを免れた。蒋介石のお かげで日本は統一の国として栄ている.日本は中国にたいして恩義もある

Thursday, September 13, 2012

S'pore prosecutor also owes explanation to rakyat

If it is true that former Singapore prosecutor Glenn Knight had wrongly prosecuted former MCA president Tan Koon Swan, then his apology to him is not sufficient, he is also answerable to the people of Malaysia and Singapore.

This is because his actions triggered a chain reaction leading to the collapse of the Pan-Electric Industries company and the disruption of the stock exchanges in Singapore and Malaysia.

This in turn caused losses and operational disruptions to many public listed companies.

The incident might have even imposed a negative impact on the development of cooperatives, hence depriving opportunities for common citizens like hawkers and small traders to further expand their businesses.

An apology to Tan Koon alone is not enough. Knight still owes the people of Malaysia and Singapore an explanation.

Friday, September 7, 2012

I like to study history and do my personnel research on historical
development including technological development during my free time.
Through my observation , study and personnel research I noticed that
the development of our society is
closely linked to development of materials science and materials engineering.
The ancient Chinese Believed that 金木水火土 (Metal , wood, water ,fire
and earth are the essentials of the world? It is part of a universal
truth().Fire represents energy is things that we can not live without
, we need energy that we derived from oxygen to carry out our
activities every second , fuel in the form of fossil fuel , solar
energy ,hydropower ,wind power , nuclear energy are required for
generation of electricity for industrial and domestic use. Also fire could be regarded as radioactive element that can be  the efficient way of generation of energy.  Wood or
carbon based compound provide usfood , cloth , Shelter Home, and cart for transport cargo.
Earthenware are use have been used container for ornamental purpose ,clay and brick which are essentially composed of earth until todayare used as building materials. Metal which was used in the past formaking weapon is widely used today to make industrial machinery ,industrial component ,domestic utensil , and building materials.
Fire which represent energy is the essential that we need s every
seconds . Wood support lives since the first existence of living
being, earth are materials that we depend for as a building material
since primitive time , the technology of metal refinement and metal
alloying is always accompanied by a significant break through in
technological development.
Are Metal , wood, water ,fire and earth, these five essential still
relevant to us today but they are still used today as industrial
materials and are known as
i) Ceramic and glasses ,ii) Polymers ,iii) Metal alloy , iv)Fuel
The ancient Chinese apart from believing that the five elements of
metal , wood , water ,fire and earth are the essentials of the world ,
also believe that these five these elements could annihilate or supplement and complement each other under the right conditions

According to rule of  formation and annihilation of WU XING (five elements), metal goes into liquid during corrosion , water goes into wood , wood goes into   fire , fire  goes into earth, earth  goes into metal.

From the modern scientific point of view this is true because metal cannot cut water and it  give rise to the corrosion product in liquid form during corrosion , water with mineral content assist the growth of wood , wood is used as fuel to support combustion , a hot temperature is required to turn watery clay into earthen ware  and metal is not its pure form but always associated with earth.

Metal overcomes wood , wood overcomes earth , earth overcome water , water overcome fire ,fire overcome metal . This is also true because axe or other tool made of metal is used to cut tree, wood  are grown to  protect the earth in order prevent flood , also we need water to quench our thirst  and we also need fire to refine metal.

For metal container of the right shape and size sufficient amount of metal need to be melt by fire

Water can give rise to liquid , when liquid is abundant metal will settle ,a metal that has been  properly tempered  with water will become  less brittle .Metal can used to cut down tree ,however will lose its effective sharpness after cut down too many trees. Metal depend on earth for its formation , when earth are abundant metals is hidden below , when too much mineral are present ,the quality soil changes.  A growing fire  in the presence of water complements each other. Fire assist the formation of earthen ware


For these reason materials in the form of  WUXIN  ( five elements) should be handled cautiously to sustain development to avoid tragic., when too much earth is present fire will turn weak, a strong fire will stop growing when sufficient amount of soil is present. Fire can melt metal ,but too much metal is present fire would extinguish , when metal is not strong it could easily be melted. Fire depend on wood to grow , when wood is accumulated  in the presence of fire the fire grows , too much fire would make wood burns. When too much water are accumulated in the earth , a pond is formed. Water assist the growth of tree , when too many tree exist water level reduce, a strong water flow can be stopped by trees. Water  can overcome fire ,  when fire grows big water quickly dry, when fire is weak  it can be extinguished. Liquid depend on metal for its existences , too much metal  the liquid become cloudy, metal contain water but too much liquid cause metal to settle. When earth become abundant it needs water to facilitate the flow. Earth assist the formation of metal  ,too much metal alters the nature of soil. A strong earth needs metal to form into a container. Earth can overcome the water and contain it , when too much water is present  earth is carried away, when water flow is weak in the presence of earth , clog occurs.

Earth depends on fire to exist , when fire is too strong scorch occurs , fire assist the formation of earth , but when too much earth is present fire become weak. A tree need to cut by metal tool to form into a  column of the building. Wood assist the formation of fire , a hard wood need to be

seasoned or tempered by fire. Wood can overcome earth , but when earth is too much the three torn , when earth too weak it penetrate earth can cause impression / depression. Wood depend on water to grow , too much water will cause wood to flow, water assist the growth of tree , however too much tree will reduce the water level.

For  example in  ancient time the Chinese ruler lay a strict rule to allowed tree to be cut down during a certain period in the summer , to ensure the sustainability. Green Technology and
Sustainable development is indeed not new to us but has been practiced since ancient time.

Would not be good for us to do learn from our wise ancestor applies it to our green technology to ensure the sustainable development of our world.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I like to study history and do my personnel research on historical
development including technological development during my free time.
Through my observation , study and personnel research I noticed that
the development of our society is
closely linked to development of materials science and materials engineering.
The ancient Chinese Believed that 金木水火土 (Metal , wood, water ,fire
and earth are the essentials of the world? It is part of a universal
truth(理).Fire represents energy is things that we can not live without
, we need energy that we derived from oxygen to carry out our
activities every second , fuel in the form of fossil fuel , solar
energy ,hydropower ,wind power , nuclear energy are required for
generation of electricity for industrial and domestic use. Wood or
carbon based compound provide us
food , cloth , Shelter Home, and cart for transport cargo.
Earthenware are use have been used container for ornamental purpose ,
clay and brick which are essentially composed of earth until today
are used as building materials. Metal which was used in the past for
making weapon is widely used today to make industrial machinery ,
industrial component ,domestic utensil , and building materials.
Fire which represent energy is the essential that we need s every
seconds . Wood support lives since the first existence of living
being, earth are materials that we depend for as a building material
since primitive time , the technology of metal refinement and metal
alloying is always accompanied by a significant break through in
technological development.
Are Metal , wood, water ,fire and earth, these five essential still
relevant to us today but they are still used today as industrial
materials and are known as
i) Ceramic and glasses ,ii) Polymers ,iii) Metal alloy , iv)Fuel
The ancient Chinese apart from believing that the five elements of
metal , wood , water ,fire and earth are the essentials of the world ,
also believe that these five elements should be handled cautiously to
sustain development to avoid tragic. They also believe that under
certain circumstances these elements could annihilate each other and
other circumstances they could supplement and complement each other.
For these reason in the ancient time the Chinese ruler lay a strict
rule to allowed tree to be cut down during a certain period in the
summer , to ensure the sustainability. Green Technology and
Sustainable development is indeed not new to us but has been practiced
since ancient time. Would not be good for us to do learn from our wise
ancestor applies it to our green technology to ensure the
sustainable development of our world.

(reference LI, QI AND SHU AN INTRODUCTION to Science and Civilization
in China ,HO PENG YOKE ,phd ,Dsc ,F Inst , Fellow of the Australian
Academy of Humanities , Foundation Proffesor , Griffith University ,
Queenland of Australia , former professor of Chinese and Master of
Robbert Black College , University of Hong Kong , and the first
Principal of Tunku Abdul Rahman College , Malay

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I REFER to the letter “Gold dinar impractical” (The Star, July 6) where Goh Hoe Hoe argued that the gold dinar initiative by the Kelantan Government was impractical.

From an economic reasoning, this would be true so long the legal tender law stands. The paper notes would drive the gold and silver coins out of circulation, known as Gresham’s Law in economics.

However, given the current monetary and economic crisis faced by the world, significantly due to the effects of the dollar and euro crises, it is worthwhile to give the gold dinar idea some consideration.

The matter is not of the concept but rather how to implement it. Many are of the understanding that the gold dinar initiative calls for every transaction to be carried out using gold or silver coins. This, of course, is impractical.

However, this can be easily overcome if, at some point, gold and silver are correctly used as measures of value in economic and business transactions.

Hence, the electronic media and the Internet should be heavily used in the gold-silver system in order to minimise the use of physical coins. It is more of a netting process, very much as in the bilateral and multilateral payment arrangements.

The implementation of the gold-silver money should go simultaneously with the fiat money system so that the public is given a choice.

People should be given the freedom to choose their money without any one being forced to accept one kind of money over others.

It’s a kind of barter trade as Goh put it, but it would not face problems normally associated with barter because the precious metals would play the role of money.

Rather, the system would be fair because it exchanges value for value.

The problem with fiat money is that it gives unfair benefit to its first user – a strong reason for the criminality of counterfeiting notes or coins. Notwithstanding this, commercial banks, that are mostly privately owned, are given the right to create money out of thin air through the fractional reserve banking system.

With electronic payment systems of today, the divisibility problem would not arise.

It is possible to transfer even 0.001gm of gold or silver between accounts, which are about 16 sen and 0.003 sen, respectively.

In the classical system, the copper coins, i.e. the fulus, played the role for such small transactions.

The stability of the value of gold and silver over long periods of time and as hedge against inflation has been much proven in academic research.

At the international level, such gold-linking would bring about a just, stable and sustainable monetary and economic system. Even foreign exchange risks would disappear.

Indeed, many economists are of the view that it’s the removal of the gold link in 1971 that brought about the demise of the Bretton Woods, as the root cause of the present dollar and euro crisis that is threatening the world with hyperinflation and serious recession.

Accordingly in 2010, the former World Bank president, Robert Zoellick, called for major world economies to consider adopting a global reserve currency based on gold as part of structural reforms to the world’s foreign exchange regime.

In 1997, Nobel Laureate Robert A. Mundell predicted gold’s return as international monetary unit in this century.

Nonetheless, it is important to note that gold money is not in the interest of the banking system and some political quarters because it denies them the right to create money out of thin air as they enjoy it now.

Accounting and tax issues are a matter of modifying existing rules and regulations. After all, even today, central banks sometimes settle among themselves in gold.

Hence, the impracticality argument for gold dinar is not of concept but rather of will and method of its implementation.


Dean, Institute of Islamic Banking & Finance

International Islamic University Malaysia

Thursday, July 5, 2012

 Gold dinar impractical
DO not discount the advantages of using the gold dinar as an alternative currency in bilateral trade with some countries.
This idea was put forward by our former prime minister Tun Dr Mahatir Mohamad as a way to reduce currency speculation.

However, I am not in favour of the PAS-led Kelantan government’s efforts to expand the use of the gold dinar and silver dirham in all transactions, including paying the salaries of civil servants.

It is impractical to use this currency for a number of reasons.

The dinar and dirham are essentialy gold and silver based items. Buying goods or services with this coin is similar to the exchange of goods and services for the gold or silver.

In other words it is a form of barter trade between two parties which requires a simultaneous desire for two different items to occur.

For example, one party desires the gold and another wants, say, some vegetables. Therefore it is impractical to use this currency in our daily lives as gold and silver are not the items that most people seek every day.

The second problem is that of divisibility. For instance, one gold dinar is worth RM800 and one dirham is worth RM25.

A person with a salary of RM 2,800 will be paid three dinars and 16 dirham every month. How is that person going to pay for a lunch that is worth RM4?

The third problem that will arise will be the question of accounting, particularly for multinational companies.

A lot of multinational companies report their performance in term of US dollars or their own currency. If the dinar and dirham is used as a mode to pay salaries and the mode of payment to local companies providing goods and services , how would this amount be converted to US dollars or other hard currency?

Would the use of the dinar and dirham cause any inconsistency in the accounting and performance report of a company?

Based on these reasons, I do not agree with Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz that there is no reason why transactions in the dinar and dirham cannot be practised in the state as it was widely used thousands of years before the fall of the Ottoman Empire.

The use of gold and silver based currency will not totally protect a country’s currency from fluctuation because gold and silver can also be subjected to manipulation.

Important factors that need to be taken into consideration before introducing a new currency should include its impact on the daily lives of people, the investment climate and international trade.



Wednesday, June 20, 2012

THE proposal by the local government of Kota Baru to include a dome-shaped element in the Kelantan Buddhist Association complex is an act that can hardly be accepted.

This insistence by an officer of the local government reflects his inadequacies on the history of architecture and his lack of professionalism in and understanding of town planning.

Building design is a wide subject and it also has a great impact on the lives of people as well as development of a country.

Factors to be considered in the design of buildings include structural strength, cost of construction, local weather and environment, and cultural aspirations of the people.

For these reasons, many institutes of higher learning throughout the world have renamed their building construction faculty as faculty of built environment to truly reflect the role of building construction in the comfort living of human beings and sustainable development of the world.

Even though the shape and appearance of a building reflects the culture and aspiration of the people, it does not necessary symbolise a religion.

It is a great mistake to generalise a building with a pagoda and Buddha statue as a Mahayana Buddhist temple, a dome-shaped building as a mosque and a Cathedral-style building as a church.

Buddhism, which originated from India, was able to grow in China and blossom in Japan because it was able to adapt to the local cultures and living styles.

Likewise, through adaptation of local cultures including in architecture, science and technology, Islam became more and more influential and a living religion.

The oldest mosque in Malacca does not have a dome but instead has Chinese and Indian architectural elements in it, and this has not made it lose its function as a place of prayer for Muslims.

The National Mosque in Kuala Lumpur features a 16-pointed star concrete main roof that truly reflects the aspirations of the people and the nation, yet it functions very well and efficiently as a mosque.

The insistence on conformity to design based on the religious view of a given group will give rise to confusion, increase in costs, delay in construction and other shortcomings which eventually will reduce the competitiveness and attraction of a city.

Kuala Lumpur.

Tuesday June 19, 2012

Stop the projects on Penang hillslopes

BATU Ferringhi is located in the north of Penang, facing the Andaman Sea which is a part of the Indian Ocean.
Its strategic location has made it attractive for building hotels and service apartments. However, safety factors should also not be neglected when approving hillslope sites in Batu Feringhi for the construction of high-rise condominiums.
Our country, especially the coastal areas of Kedah, Penang and Perak, are not totally free from earthquakes and tsunamis. The 2004 tsunami claimed 80 lives and caused loss of property to residents in the northern costal areas of Malaysia.
Tsunamis have occurred in the Indian Ocean in 1791, 1861, 1943 and 2004. Based on this, we may say that tsunamis occur once every 60-70 years in this region.
In view of the impact caused by tsunamis and earthquakes, construction of high-rise condominiums should not be allowed on hillslopes. But were these factors taken into consideration by the Penang state government before they approved the construction of a 23-storey condominium in Batu Ferringhi?
Local weather and climatic conditions are another factor that add risk to the construction of high-rise condominiums on hillslopes.
The uprooting of trees and plants on the hillslopes will lead to the depletion of water catchment areas, which eventually will lead to landslides.
Based on these factors, I sincerely ask the Penang state government to either stop or review its approval of construction of high-rise buildings on hillslopes.
The arrival of father day this year reminds me of the virtue of my fathers and his contemporaries and I feel obliged to write to explain to the younger generation what is meant by 8 noble values of 1Malaysia.

Most of them did not recieve high formal education yet they were willing to learn throughout their live to improve themseve , they also showed honesty and high integrity in their works and business dealings.Most of them were not highly paid but they did not grumble
and complain much, not to mention about taking part in the strike. Instead they would work extra by taking up a part time job to finiance the living of their families.They managed to bring up their family and send their children to school for education by spending carefully.Of
most importance they humbly served their companies throughout their life and work until their last day in this world.

My father received his formal education until form three but he strived to improve himself and serve mankind througout his life.He was a humble man who led a simple life , spend moderately and as a factory head of operation he commingled well with fellow workers of
sawn timber factory and yet he had never call himself as factory

He was a man of patient , very patient to teach me to read classical Chinese literature and harmonical.Every day he worked extra to ensure that the sawn mill was properly kept in order and all bookepings were updated before he returned home. After dinner he had to proceed to
another construction company for a part time job.He returned home at10 Pm and the next day he had to wake up ealier to send his children to school.

Being a royal staff of two companies , he served for 45 years in the sawn timber company and served in the construction company for 50 years until the last day of his life.
My father is also a man of integrity , he was honnest ,always taking care of the interest of the company he served for.He respected everyone , his neigbour , his classmate , his colleague
and never felt jealous of people's wealth and achievement. He would rather worked extra for extra incomes.

My father took concern of the education of his children , and he also strived to improve himself through self study and observation.He learn new skill and knowlege through conversation with client , colleagues and also through visit to the factories, construction site and exhibition.

He learned about quantity surveying and bulding construction technology from his
colleagues while working part time at night.

He was valuable to the clients who were mainly owner of small factories , because very often he helped them to solve their operational problems such a design of the layout for small factories ,
and furnished with new ideas such as architectural design and Interial design .In this way he provided the added value servicesto the customer and generate more incomes for the company he served for.

Of not least importance is his ability to give priority to his jobs and balance his time between his job and his family.He worked well and he also enjoyed his life well

The good lesson that we can leant from my father and his contemporaries who were your during our independent day are a sucess and meaningful life is the integration of i) humble .ii) diligence ,iii)Royalty ,iv) continuous leaning , v)innovation through experience ,vi) able to set priority ,vii)genority and viii) honesty .We can not depend only on ourseve to improve but need to work together with other to complement and supplement our stength. That is why it is important for us to be humble and to be able to tolerate. We need to be very independent and work continuosly to improve ourselve and set goal and priority for ourselve , that is why it is important for one to be deligent ,stick firm to our own principle and value.


Monday, June 18, 2012

Bersempena dengan hari ayah suka saya sampaikan penghargaan kepada ayah yang sudah meninggal , dia tinggal dalam hati saya

Sunggupun ayah saya menerima persekolahan sampai tingkatan tiga , dia adalah orang yang cermelang , 8 nilai murni 1 Malaysia ada terdapat padanya.

1)Rendah hati : Cara hidup nya sederhaha , berbelanja jimat untuk dirinya, sarapan pagi roti dengan kopi o. Sungguhun Ketua Kilang papan selalu turun padang untuk memberikan bantuan kepada pekerja pekerja kilang.

2) Tabah hati : Tabah hati mendidik saya menulis karangan , buat matematik main harmonika , tabah hati untuk memastikan Kilang tersusun , Akaun kemas kini setiap hari sebelum balik makan malam . Lepas makan malam lagi bekerja di Syarikat Kontrak sampai pukul 10 malam . Kesesokan hari bangun pukul 6 hantar anak pi sekolah sebelum kerja.

3) Kesetiaan: Berkhidmat selama 45 tahun untuk Syarikat papan dan 50 tahun untuk syarikat kontrak dimana dia berkerja part time

4) Integriti : Jujur dan selalu menjaga Kepentingan syarikat yang dia berkhidmat kepada

5) Penerimaan : Mengekalkan hubungan yang baik dengan rakan sejawat , jiran dan kawa kawan yang terdiri daripada pelbagai bangsa , tak berasa iri hati dan menuntut lebih dari majikan ,terima apa yang diberikan, tapi sanggup kerja rajin dan jujur ntuk pendapan yang berlebihan

6)Pendidikan : Dia ambil berat terhadap pendidikan anak nya , dan sanggup mempelajari kemahiran baru melalui pemerhatian dan baca surat khabar.

7)Budaya kecermelangan: Sanggup memperbaiki kemahiran melalui pemerhatian , mengunggi pameran ,expo untuk memperolehi imul baru. Dan sanggup membantu pelanggan untuk menyelesaikan masaalah mereka dan memberikan ideal yang bermanfaat kepada prlanggan. Bagi pelangan itu adalah merupakan nilai tambah untuk mereka.

8)Meritokasi: Dia dapat memberikan keutamaan kepada kerja nya dan menyeimbangankan masa dan tenaga nya untuk syarikat , keluarga dan Komuniti.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

While Scientific and Technological invention has brought about postive change in the quality of product which include goods and services.The human attributes of quality should not be neglected at all.

Very often people equates quality with the performance and physical appearance of products and are not concerned about the human factors of quality.

Many also can not distinguished between quality inspection and TotalQuality Management. While quality inspection means the checking of product performances and physical appearances and dimension either manually or using automated system, Total quality management  has a wider
scope covering the machine aspects , materials aspects , method aspects and human aspects. But human aspects would be the most crusial aspect in Total Quality Management.Total Quality Management can be applied to the production of physical products as well as service
sectors including the governing of a country

Technical and academic competence only is not enough for sucessful implementation of total quality management , noble values such as 8Noble values of 1 Malaysia also plays a very crucial role in shaping a man to become a sucessful man with good quality. In evaluating leadership attributes in Total quality Management , a number of question needed to be asked, among these are
1) are we treating others fairy with respect (Humble and Acceptance)
2) are we listeing attentively to other s' views Humble and Acceptance)
3)are we taking initiative to solve problems(Culture of Excellence
,education , preseverence, meritrocacy))
4) Do we have the eagerness to provide assistance to others
vouluntary(Humilty , acceptance and Culture of Excellence)
5)are we maintain a healthy , positive altitude in our daily
live.(Acceptance and Culture of Excellence)
6)Do we understand our values and apply them in my daily
life(Integrity, Culture of Excellence)
7) Are our goals ties with our values .(Integrity and Culture of Excellence)
8)are we carry out our activities in harmony withmy values(Integrity ,
humble and Culture of Excellence)
9)Do we enjoy living and working with the people in our
environment(Integrity , humble and Culture of Excellence)

10) I practice good consumer services with all the people with whom I
come to contact. (Faithful , Meritrocacy and culture of Excellecence)

, Good Planning and application of the principle Meritrocacy plays a very crucial role in shaping organisation and countries into a sucessful entity with good quality. In applying these the question
that need to asked are
i) are we taking time to plan our daily activities arround us based on
the prioriity?
ii)are we align our goals with our values to ensure that our daiy
activities are in harmony with our goal?
iii)are we prioritize both important and routine activities?
iv)are we plan to accomplish only those activities with enouugh allocated time>
v)are we strive for continuous learning and plan to invest in human
capital from time to time
vi)are we doing any bench making to gauge ourselve against the
industrial leadres
vii) do we provide added value to our customers?
viii)are we well aware of our working environment and world's changing
ix) are we aware of our strength and weakness and know what to rectify?
x) are we realistic in planning to acieve our target?

Friday, June 1, 2012

prajna paramita hridaya sutra
(perfect wisdom heart sutra)

aryavalokitesvaro bodhisattvo
(Saintly Avalokateshvara bodhisattva)

gambhiram prajnaparamita caryam caramano vyavalokayati
(deep perfect wisdom action perform luminously)
sma panca skandhas tams ca sva bhava sunyam
(saw five bundles them own nature empty)

pasyati sma iha sariputra
(crossed beyond all suffering and difficulty. Shariputra:)
度一切苦厄 舍利子 

rupam sunyata (...) va rupam rupan na prithak
(form emptiness evidently form form not different)
色不異空 空不異色 
sunyata sunyataya na prithag rupam
(emptiness emptiness not different form)
yad rupam sa sunyata ya sunyata sa rupam
(this form that emptiness this emptiness that form)
evam eva vedana samjna samskara vijnanam
(like this feeling thought choice consiousness)

  受想行識 亦復如是
iha sariputra sarva dharma sunyata
(oh Sariputra all dharmas emptiness)
舍利子 是諸法空相 

laksana anutpanna anruddha avmala anuna aparpurna
(mark not born not pure not increase not decrease ?)
不生不滅 不垢不淨 不增不減
ta (...) sariputra sunyatayam
(therefore Sariputra in the middle of emptiness)

na rupam na vedana na samjna na samskara na vijnana
(no form no feeling no thought no choice no consciousness) 是故空中無色 無受想行識
na caksuh srotam na ghrana jihva kaya manah
(no eye ear no nose tongue body mind)
na rupa sabda gandha rasa spistavya dharmah
(no form sound smell taste touch dharmas)

na caksur dhatur ya van na mano vijnanam dhatur
(no eye-area up to no mind-consciousness area)
無眼界 乃至無意識界 

na vidya na vidya na vidya ksayo na(*) vidya ksayo
(no clarity no clarity no clarity exhaustion no clarity exhaustion)
無無明 亦無無明盡 

ya van jaramaranam na jaramarana ksayo
(up to old age no old age exhaustion)
乃至無老死 亦無老死盡 
na duhkha samudaya nirdoha margajna
(no suffering end of suffering path)
na jnanam na prapti na bhismaya tasmai na prapti
(no knowledge no ownership no witnessing no thing to own)

tvad bodhisattva prajnaparamita asritya
(therefore bodhisattva perfect wisdom dwells)
  菩提薩埵 依般若波羅蜜多

viha ratya citta varano vidya ksayo na vidya ksayo
(in dwell thought no obstacle clarity exhaustion not clairty exhaustion)
故 心無罣礙 
ya van jaramaranam na jaramarana ksayo
(up to old age no old age exhaustion)

na duhkha samudaya nirodha margajna
(no suffering end of suffering path)
na jnanam na prapti na bhismaya tasmai na prapti
(no knowledge no property no witnessing no thing to own)

tvad bodhisattvanam prajnaparamita asritya
(therefore bodhisattva perfect wisdom dwells)
  菩提薩埵 依般若波羅蜜多
viha ratya citta varano citta varano
(in dwell thought no obstacle thought no obstacle)
na siddhitvad atrasto vipa ryasa ti kranto
(no existence fear fright inverse reverse ? separate)
ni stha nirvana tya dha vyava sthitah
(perfectly stands nirvana three worlds thing experiences)

sarva buddhah prajnaparamitam asritya
(all buddhas perfect wisdom dwell)

三世諸佛 依般若波羅蜜多
(a?)nuttaram samyaksambodhim abdhisambuddhah
(unexcelled ultimate perfect insight together ? buddhas)
故 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提
ta smai jnata vyam
(therefore should know ?)

prajna paramita maha mantram maha vidyamantram
(perfect wisdom great charm great clear charm)
故知般若波羅蜜多 是大神咒 是大明咒

揭諦揭諦 波羅揭諦 波羅僧揭諦 菩提薩婆訶

anuttara mantram asamasama mantram
(unexcelled charm unequalled equal charm)
是無上咒 是無等等咒
sarva duhkha prasa manam sa tyam ami thyatvat
(all suffering stop terminate genuine real not vain)
能除一切苦 真實不虛 

prajna paramita yam ukto mantrah tadyatha
(perfect wisdom declaired charm saying)
故說般若波羅蜜多咒 即說咒曰
(gone gone totally gone totally completely gone enlightened so be it)
揭諦揭諦 波羅揭諦 波羅僧揭諦 菩提薩婆訶

prajna-paramita hridaya sutran

the perfection of wisdom heart sutra

arya avalokitesvara bodhisattvo

noble avalokiteshvara bodhisattva

gambhiran prajna-paramita caryan caramano

while practicing the deep practice of prajnaparamita

vya-avaloka-yati sma panca skandhas

looked upon the five skandhas

tansh ca svabhava shunyan pashyati sma

and seeing they were empty of self-existence, said:

iha sariputra rupan shunyata shunyataiva rupan

“here, sariputra, form is emptiness, emptiness is form;

rupan na prithak shunyata sunyataya na prithag rupan

emptiness is not separate from form, form is not separate from emptiness;

yad rupan sa shunyata ya shunyata tad rupan

whatever is form is emptiness, whatever is emptiness is form.

evam eva vedana sanjna sanskara vijnanam

the same holds for feeling, perception, mental formations and consciousness.

iha sariputra sarva dharmah shunyata lakshana

here, sariputra, all dharmas are defined by emptiness

anutpanna aniruddha amala avimala anuna aparipurnah

not birth or destruction, purity or defilement, completeness or deficiency.

tasmac sariputra shunyatayan

therefore, sariputra, in emptiness there is

na rupan na vedana na sanjna na sanskarah na vijnanam

no form, no feeling, no perception, no mental formations, no consciousness;

na cakshuh shrotra ghrana jihva kaya manansi

no eye, no ear, no nose, no tongue, no body, and no mind;

na rupa shabda gandha rasa sprashtavya dharmah

no shape, no sound, no smell, no taste, no feeling, and no thought;

na cakshur-dhatur yavan na mano-vijnanan-dhatuh

no element of perception, from eye to conceptual consciousness;

na avidya na avidya kshayo

no ignorance and no end to ignorance,

yavan na jaramaranan na jaramarana kshayo

no causal link, from ignorance to old age and death, and

no end of causal link, from ignorance to old age and death;

na dukkha samudaya nirodha marga

no suffering, no source, no relief, no path;

na jnanan na praptir na-apraptih

no knowledge, no attainment, and no non-attainment.

tasmac sariputra apraptivad

therefore, sariputra, without attainment

bodhisattvo prajna-paramitam ashritya

bodhisattvas take refuge in prajnaparamita

viharaty acitta-avaranah

and live without walls of the mind.

citta-avarana nastitvad atrasto

without walls of the mind and thus without fears,

viparyasa atikranto nishtha nirvanah

they see through delusions and finally nirvana.

tryadhva vyavasthitah sarva-buddah

all buddhas past, present and future

prajna-paramitam ashritya

take refuge in prajnaparamita

anuttaran samyak sambodhim abhisambuddhah

and realize unexcelled perfect enlightenment.

tasmaj jnatavyan prajna-paramita maha-mantro

you should therefore know the great mantra of prajnaparamita

maha-vidya mantro, anuttara mantro

the mantra of great magic, the unexcelled mantra,

asama-sama mantrah

the mantra equal to the unequalled,

sarva-dukkha prashamanah satyam amithyatvat

which heals all suffering and is true, not false,

prajna-paramitayam ukto mantrah tadyatha

the mantra in prajna-paramita spoken thus:

gate gate paragate parasagate bodhi svaha

into the Gone, the Gone Beyond, the Gone Completely Beyond, the Awake, yes
1.   EVAN ME SUTAM 如是我闻:
4.    云何为四念住?KATAME CATARO




Thursday, May 31, 2012

Idha bhikkhave bhikkhu
これは 比丘達の日常の修行で
kàye kàyànupassã viharati .


àtàpã sampajàno satimà vineyya loke abhijjhàdomanassaü

Vedanàsu vedanànupassã viharati .
àtàpã sampajàno satimà vineyya loke abhijjhàdomanassaü


Citte cittànupassã viharati
àtàpã sampajàno satimà vineyya loke abhijjhàdomanassaü


Dhammesu dhammànupassã viharati


àtàpã sampajàno satimà vineyya loke abhijjhàdomanassaü.
‎1. EVAN ME SUTAM 如是我闻:
ekaü samayaü bhagavà kuråsu viharati .


kammàssadammaü nàma kurånaü nigamo.


Tatra kho bhagavà bhikkhå àmantesi:




Bhadanteti te bhikkhå bhagavato paccassosuü.

比丘衆は仏陀 に返事した

Bhadanteti te bhikkhå bhagavato paccassosuü.


Bhagavà etadavoca


Ekàyano ayaü, bhikkhave,


maggo sattànaü visuddhiyà


sokapariddavànaü samatikkamàya




àyassa adhigamàya nibbànassa sacchikiriyàya -


yadidaü cattàro satipaññhànà


Katame cattàro?


Ekàyano ayaü bhikkhave maggo sattànaü visuddhiyà



yadidaü cattàro satipaññhànà. Katame cattàro?


Evaü me sutam


ekaü samayaü bhagavà kuråsu viharati .


kammàssadammaü nàma kurånaü nigamo.


Tatra kho bhagavà bhikkhå àmantesi:




Bhadanteti te bhikkhå bhagavato paccassosuü.

比丘衆は仏陀 に返事した

Bhadanteti te bhikkhå bhagavato paccassosuü.


Bhagavà etadavoca

Evaü me sutam


ekaü samayaü bhagavà kuråsu viharati .


kammàssadammaü nàma kurånaü nigamo.


Tatra kho bhagavà bhikkhå àmantesi: bhikkhavoti


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Thursday April 28, 2011

Materials engineering an important discipline

IN Malaysia, Materials Engineering is not a popular course, partly due to lack of publicity. It is a very important discipline.

In the Materials Engineering course students learn about metallic materials, polymer materials, ceramic materials, materials processing technologies, corrosion prevention, non-destructive testing, materials impact on environment and management.

All these subjects are very useful and relevant in the industrial world.

A graduate in this field can be absorbed into many job sectors besides the material processing industry.

They can be employed in the petrochemical industry as well as power generating industry.

The scope of job is very important for our sustainable development.

Materials engineers were involved in solving the radiation leak at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan following the recent tsunami. They were able to explain why the cooling system, that was cooled through the injection of seawater, needed to be treated with boric acid.

The engineers also detected the cracks and used paint and liquid glass to seal the cracks.

They spread polymer resin in the nuclear plant to control the radiation that was a breakthrough in materials engineering.

Efforts must be made to promote materials engineering to secondary school students.

Kuala Lumpur

Monday January 3, 2011

Thank you for your dedication, Mr Chai

TEACHERS throughout the country were back in school to register new students despite Dec 31 being a special public holiday to celebrate the win by the national football team in the Suzuki Cup.

The dedication shown by the teachers should be highly praised. First, the new students will remember teachers as dedicated persons who work hard to ensure a good beginning for them. Second, the registration of students according to schedule means parents do not have to take another day off to accompany them to school for that purpose.

The day also reminded me of Mr Chai, a very dedicated teacher of Hu Yew Seah, Penang. In 1968, my parents decided to transfer me to Hu Yew Seah from another school as I could not cope with my studies in the first school.

After a year of study, I became a better student. I attribute this to the dedication of Mr Chai, who taught me with patience.

Mr Chai was an educationist who practised the philosophy of Confucius of providing education to everyone irrespective of class. He was very concerned about students who performed poorly and always motivated students from lower income families.

After the final exam that year, Mr Chai presented gifts to two students. The presents were not given to the top students in class but to two below average ones who had shown eagerness in study.

One present was given to Loh Ah Seng who sat beside me, another to me. The award had motivated me to study hard and this changed the course of my life. The good conduct shown by Mr Chai always reminds me not to look down upon people. Thank you very much Mr Chai. I shall always remember you.

Kuala Lumpur.

Friday September 17, 2010

Developing human capital is crucial

THE scholarships awarded to 50 UEC-holders from Chinese independent schools via 1Malaysia Development Bhd in conjunction with National Day is very encouraging.

It shows that the “1Malaysia, people first, performance now” initiative is not just mere slogan, but something that can be realised.

It also signifies that the Government is serious in developing human capital, taking the best from different communities.

Although the number of students in Chinese independent schools in Malaysia is not that huge, these schools have played an important role in producing political leaders, business entrepreneurs and professionals.

Prime MinisterDatuk Seri Najib Razak knows this very well and he has been very concerned about the development of Chinese independent schools since he served as Education Minister.

We hope this important step will lead to a transformation that will benefit the people and the nation, and eventually strengthen our status as a centre of excellence in education to attract talents from within and outside the country.

Human capital development is an important element in a competitive global environment because it will ensure that Malaysia will continue to develop through innovation and creativity.

Kepong, Kuala Lumpur.

Thursday May 31, 2012Adapting building designs

THE proposal by the local government of Kota Baru to include a dome-shaped element in the Kelantan Buddhist Association complex is an act that can hardly be accepted.

This insistence by an officer of the local government reflects his inadequacies on the history of architecture and his lack of professionalism in and understanding of town planning.

Building design is a wide subject and it also has a great impact on the lives of people as well as development of a country.

Factors to be considered in the design of buildings include structural strength, cost of construction, local weather and environment, and cultural aspirations of the people.

For these reasons, many institutes of higher learning throughout the world have renamed their building construction faculty as faculty of built environment to truly reflect the role of building construction in the comfort living of human beings and sustainable development of the world.

Even though the shape and appearance of a building reflects the culture and aspiration of the people, it does not necessary symbolise a religion.

It is a great mistake to generalise a building with a pagoda and Buddha statue as a Mahayana Buddhist temple, a dome-shaped building as a mosque and a Cathedral-style building as a church.

Buddhism, which originated from India, was able to grow in China and blossom in Japan because it was able to adapt to the local cultures and living styles.

Likewise, through adaptation of local cultures including in architecture, science and technology, Islam became more and more influential and a living religion.

The oldest mosque in Malacca does not have a dome but instead has Chinese and Indian architectural elements in it, and this has not made it lose its function as a place of prayer for Muslims.

The National Mosque in Kuala Lumpur features a 16-pointed star concrete main roof that truly reflects the aspirations of the people and the nation, yet it functions very well and efficiently as a mosque.

The insistence on conformity to design based on the religious view of a given group will give rise to confusion, increase in costs, delay in construction and other shortcomings which eventually will reduce the competitiveness and attraction of a city.

Move on and rely less on foreign labour

I HAVE attended several seminars and noticed that the participants were mainly concerned about the shortage of foreign workers and the availability of SMI loans. It is without doubt that labour shortage and liquidity are two major critical issues. However, just addressing these two issues alone is not sufficient.

We must remember that the world is not static but dynamic. Countries where our foreign workers come, such as Indonesia and Vietnam, are now progressing well. Soon, they may also face labour shortages. And, in the long run, our small and medium-sized industries cannot depend solely on foreign workers.

The operating environment resembles an ecosystem chain where the survival of SMIs will depend on a variety of factors such as socio-economic stability and investments from within and outside the country.

The fall in FDI will definitely have negative impacts on the performance of SMIs downstream. Therefore, it is important for us to maintain a conducive environment to attract local and foreign investments.

Recently, Japan’s Ambassador to Malaysia Masahiko Horie mentioned that Japanese companies in Malaysia were concerned over the shortage of labour and knowledge-based skilled workers. If the situation persists, they may relocate their labour-intensive plants to some other countries. We must not take this lightly and hopefully, our government agencies will arrange a dialogue with them to identify their needs.

Malaysia is now facing problems that the Taiwan SMIs faced at the turn of the 20th Century. At that time, Taiwan’s SMIs were very much dependent on foreign workers and many Malaysians went there to work.

But in the 1990’s, Malaysia’s economy improved greatly and Malaysians working in Taiwan returned to work in Malaysia. Coupled with tough measures against illegal foreign workers, the SMIs in Taiwan were then facing a serious labour shortages.

To survive, the Taiwanese government and SMIs took a series of effective measures to adjust themselves to the changes, including the relocation of labour-intensive industries to mainland China, adoption of automation and efficient work-flow system and changing the attitude of youngsters towards blue-collar jobs through certification programmes.It is high time that we take the cue from Taiwan.

GOH HOE HOE,Kuala Lumpur.

Friday November 26, 2010

Chong Eu had courage to make changes

AS a Penang-born Malaysian, I feel very sad over the departure of Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu, a former chief minister of Penang. Dr Lim was one of our most outstanding leaders who did not talk very much but worked very hard for the industrialisation of our country.

He showed his unparalleled far-sightedness as a political leader.

After the Gerakan wrested power in Penang in 1969, he travelled overseas to invite foreign investors to set up electronic factories in Penang.

The electronic factories gave Penang a new lease on life when it lost its free port status. The free trade zone provided ample job opportunities for the people. The setting up of these factories also contributed much to the growth of downstream industries in the country. Apart from that, we also benefited in terms of transfer of technology.

I was one of those who benefited from the industrialisation programme initiated by Dr Lim. In the 1980s, chances for young people to further their tertiary education were scarce. However, those who worked in the multinational electronic factories in Penang were given ample opportunities to upgrade their skills and education.

While working in National Semiconductor, I took a City and Guild diploma course in electronic engineering conducted by the company and after graduation, was given the opportunity to go to Japan for special technical skill training under an AOTS (Association for Technical Overseas Scholarship) scholarship.

I will always remember Dr Lim, not only as the Father of Industrialisation of Penang, but also as the person who played an important role in fostering the early “open university” programme in Malaysia.

I only met him once but I was very impressed by his words.

He believed that industrialisation was very important to our country because of its multiplying effects. For instance, a factory of 1,000 workers would create another 6,000 additional job opportunities because the new factory would create demand for food, housing, clothing, education and entertainment.

One important thing that we can learn from him is that courage is a dominating factor in initiating changes. Dr Lim also displayed his wisdom as a political leader by joining the Barisan National because he knew the importance of unity and stability in fostering economic development.

Friday September 24, 2010

Culture and heritage maketh a top class city

I wish to comment on the Economic Transformation Programme under which Greater Kuala Lumpur is listed as one of the 12 NKEAs.

According to this programme, the Klang Valley and its vicinity will be transformed into a modern city with sophisticated infrastructure and facilities by 2020.

However, the upgrading of infrastructure and facilities alone will not be sufficient to make Greater Kuala Lumpur a top class city in the world; preservation of cultural heritage needs to be considered too.

A world class city like Paris is appealing not because of its modern infrastructure only but because of its unique culture and heritage such as the Louvre Museum.

We do not have Louvre but we have a live museum in Kuala Lumpur. For example, the Sentul-Menjelara area is a natural presentation of Malay, Tamil, Sikh, Gujarati, Siamese, Sinhalese, Hokkien, Hakka, Cantonese, Kochow and Hainanese cultures.

Some of the lost customs and traditions in mainland China are still being practised here. This is something we KL citizens should be proud of as it truly reflects our tourism tagline “Truly Asia”.

This is the real asset which can be used to project our image internationally as an attraction.

The Kuala Lumpur Railway Station is also one of the earliest in the Far East and its presence reminds us of the important position of our country in the world since the day of the Industrial Revolution.

We are blessed with our heritage and nature. The unique environment of KL is conducive for movie making and I feel our Government should seriously consider turning Greater Kuala Lumpur into another movie city in the Far East which will in turn serve as a magnet to draw tourists and investors.


Friday August 20, 2010

Bakun dam a step in the right direction

THE Bakun dam construction work has come to the final stage and the dam is expected to be in operation a few months from now. What are the implications of the project which is capable of generating 2,400 megawatts when in full operation?

Is this a benchmark to show that we have began to move towards the economic transformation based on the New Economic Model (NEM) which amongst others emphasises on innovation and creativity to raise the income of our nation?

As we know, energy is an important element in our daily life, especially for a major manufacturing country like Malaysia. One of our attractions to foreign investors is electricity supply which is not only cheap but also reliable. Malaysia’s electricity tariffs are one of the lowest in the region due to substantial amount of subsidies by the Government.

In time of comfort, we must plan for sustainable development. We cannot rely on subsidies forever. We need to find alternatives to prevent a crisis so that the country can continue to grow.

The construction of the Bakun project has been implemented according to the principle of sustainable growth and green technology. Water is a renewable source of energy because it rains throughout the year in our country.

In the long run, the project will enable us to acquire reliable power supply at low cost. This, in turn, will attract foreign and local investors to establish their industries here. As a result, more jobs will be created to increase our national income. This project has also benefited thousands of Malaysians involved in the construction and in terms of technology transfer. Apart from that, the Bakun dam will serve as a flood mitigation system to protect the life and assets of the people living along the Rejang river bank.

A good government is not only concerned about the daily life of the people, it must also be able to plan through creativity and innovation to ensure that the nation can continue to grow in an era full of competition and uncertainty.

Kuala Lumpur.

HISTORY: What about other evidence?

By Goh Hoe Hoe, Kuala Lumpur0 comments

I CANNOT accept the comment made by Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Khoo Kay Kim that Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat and Hang Li Po did not exist.

Written historical documents are not the only things to prove the existence of these people; their pictures and diaries written by famous travellers also provide evidence of their existence.

Just depending on written history alone would not enable us to understand what took place in the past.

Other than the Malay Annals, is there any historical record of Hang Tuah? Some people say no, just because they have not read of any historical records by western scholars.

I have seen in a history textbook a picture of a letter in Chinese written by Hang Tuah to the King of Ryuku (now Okinawa in Japan) complaining about the misbehaviour of a group of Ryuku sailors in Malacca.

My friend from Okinawa told me that a kris belonging to Hang Tuah was even found in a temple in Okinawa by those who did restoration work at the temple.

Emulate the Japanese way

IN less than a month, three serious accidents have taken place in three major cities.

The first was at a shopping mall in Subang Jaya, involving an explosion believed to be due to a gas leakage. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured or died.

In the second accident, a crane toppled at a building site in Penang on Oct 4 which caused loss of life and property.

The third accident occurred at a construction site in Kuala Lumpur a few days ago, where a semi-finished concrete structure collapsed.

Why are these accidents happening? Are those involved following standard operating procedures?

Are employers providing training to frontline workers, such as security personnel and construction workers? Are enforcement agencies efficient in carrying out their duties? Do we realise that safety and security are the concern of everyone? These questions need answers.

I am not an expert in occupational or industrial safety, but I wish to share my experience as a supervisor at a construction site of a multinational electrical firm, owned by a Japanese group.

The main criteria the company looked for when recruiting staff was not academic qualification, but honesty and dedication, because they believe that honest and dedicated staff would always be concerned with the safety and well-being of the public.

Every morning, everyone at the construction site, including the Bangladesh, Pakistani and Indonesian workers, would assemble outside the site office.

Each group leader had to report on the work progress to the director. The director would then ask if anyone found any potential hazard at the construction site.

He would warn us against hiding anything pertaining to work hazards, and advise us to work hard, but not to work beyond our capability.

After the meeting, he would ensure that everyone wore safety apparel before beginning their daily duties. On top of that, time and again, he would instruct the group leader to educate the foreign workers on matters pertaining to safety.

A daily meeting like this, which usually takes less than 10 minutes, is an effective way to ensure that important information is passed to every worker, and that everyone works according to standard operating procedures.

I think it would be good for Malaysian companies to follow the Japanese way of management to enhance safety, security, comfort and productivity in our living and work places. This should be part of the transformation of our country.

GOH HOE HOEKuala Lumpur

letters@nst.comShare |

Read more: Heritage: History, culture are our strengths

EVERY Malaysian should support Malaysia's bid to become a member of the Unesco World Heritage Committee.
Our success in the preservation of World Heritage sites is well reflected in the 1Malaysia spirit that encompasses unity in diversity.

Malaysia has been an important trade and cultural exchange centre since ancient times because of her strategic location.

The Bujang Valley historical site in Kedah provides ample evidence of the country's role as a trading centre in ancient times.

In those days, traders from China, India, Persia and Greece came on junks and ships during the two monsoon seasons.

The Bujang Valley civilisation is mentioned in the ancient texts of China, India, Persia and Greece. It should be further promoted.

The Kristang language spoken by the descendants of the Portuguese in Malacca is another heritage that we can be proud of.

The Kuala Lumpur railway station is said to be the oldest railway station in Asia and deserves to be well maintained.

Chinese villages in Malaya that were set up during British times are also unique. The existence of these villages are important because they enabled the Chinese to contribute to the economic growth through tin mining and rubber tapping.

The Minangkabau traditional houses found in Malaysia are not only unique in their design, but also reflect the value and wisdom of the race.

Many think that Ferdinand Magellan was the first to circumnavigate the world. Magellan died two weeks before the team did that and it was Panglima Awang, his assistant, a Malay from Malacca, who took over the role to accomplish the goal.

The success of Panglima Awang is a source of inspiration for the younger generations to work harder and excel in their undertakings.

The longhouse in Sarawak perhaps is one of earliest forms of condominiums where people share resources and work together for the benefit of the community.

Sabah and Sarawak have many ethnic groups with diverse cultures that should be preserved.

Malaysia can, therefore, play an important role in the preservation of world heritage.

GOH HOE HOE, Kepong, Selangor

GOH HOE HOE, Kuala Lumpur

ACCORDING to a Japanese press report, a Japanese scientist had, in 2009, pointed to the possibility of a giant tsunami hitting the Pacific coast of the nation's Tohoku northeastern region, but the warning was not heeded by Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco), which is now struggling to combat radiation leaks from its tsunami-hit nuclear power plant there.
According to the Jiji Press report, Yukinobu Okamura, chief of the Active Fault and Earthquake Research Centre of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), issued the warning in June 2009 at a meeting of a Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry panel on earthquake safety at nuclear power plants.

Okamura had studied the 869 AD Jogan earthquake that jolted the Tohoku region and found that layers of sand driven by tsunami were found inland, including areas around Tepco's Fukushima No. 1 and No. 2 nuclear reactor plants. He also said huge tsunamis had hit the region once every 450 to 800 years.

Okamura said tsunamis bigger than those anticipated by the power supplier could hit the Tohoku region.

Okamura urged the panel to review nuclear power plants' quake resistance in terms of tsunami. But Tepco argued that it was unnecessary to take the Jogan quake into account in the quake-proof design of nuclear power plants, as the quake occurred more than 1,100 years ago.

The earthquake and tsunami in Japan has given us two messages: monitoring of past earthquake incidents should be an integral part of any nuclear power plan programme, and historical records can provide important data and information vital to planning and development.

Read more: Japanese lesson: Info on quake history crucial to planning

Not quite right, Minister

Posted on 12 October 2011 - 05:07am

I DISAGREE with the Tourism Minister’s statement on NTV 7 on Monday, Oct 10 that local Chinese are not very keen on domestic tourism. I am not sure on what statistical basis Dr Ng Yen Yen made the statement. If it is based on hotel stay and theme park entry expenses, it is not precise enough.

A day trip should be counted as a tour activity and not an excursion. Years ago, I worked as a part-time tour guide. Every week, I would take a group out of KL, and when we returned in the evening, the toll stop would be congested, with easily more than 50 buses waiting to pay toll. Most of the buses carried local Chinese visitors who were returning from temple visits or sightseeing.

And they came back with loads of items like biscuits and honey – an indication that the Chinese are indeed keen on domestic tourism, especially on the delicious foods. Their expenses also contribute to growth in tourism and tourism-related industries.

So, contribution to tourism cannot only be based on the business of hotels and theme parks; it must also factor in business generated by small traders. We should also look at tourism not merely as a business activity but also one that promotes unity and integrity among the rakyat.

Goh Hoe Hoe
via email

Unity in diversity

Posted on 10 October 2011 - 05:06am

THE Nine Emperor festival that falls on the ninth moon of the Chinese calendar is a grand festival among Malaysian Chinese. However, not many people know that each year, the festival is celebrated coincidently with the Nine Nights festival of Navratri. I realised this only after having stayed three year in Kampung Kasipillay, Kuala Lumpur.

I had celebrated the Nine Emperor festival by observing a strict vegetarian diet throughout the nine days since childhood, a practice I have not been keeping to after moving to Kuala Lumpur because of work and living circumstances.

The Shree Lakshmi Narayan Temple is just next to the condominium at which I stay. Every year, at the beginning of the ninth moon, large crowds of Hindus would converge on the temple for Navratri prayers. There would also be dances with colourful dress to the beat of drums. Navratri is celebrated for 10 days.
What is the significance of two festivals of different communities celebrated coincidentally each year? It tells the world that unity in diversity is found in this blessed land.

The harmonious human relationship has enabled us to be in a unique place in the world where different cultures can co-exist. This is one of the greatest contributions of Malaysia to world heritage and peace.

Goh Hoe Hoe
via email

Steer clear of heritage sites

WHEN I was a small child my father used to tell me a story about a conversation between Confucius

and a clever boy. In the story, Confucius was travelling to Qin with his disciples, when their carriage was blocked

by a castle being built by a boy .One disciple asked the boy to shift the castle but the boy refused and told them that the carriage should go around the castle. Confucius agreed and ordered his disciples to use the alternative path.

Confucius has shown a good example of respecting children’s right to play and developing their mind.

Respecting human rights means respecting people’s right of survival, right to education, right to develop themselves, right to

inherit their tradition and so on.

I believe that human rights are important factors that need to be taken into consideration in the structure plan for Kuala Lumpur .Paris is appealing not because of its modern infrastructure but its unique heritage buildings

. A city without heritage is a city that has lost its identity, its soul and itscharm.

For this reason we sincerely appeal to the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) toconsider using the under-used car

park near Jalan Sultan’s heritagebuildings. Please consider this option to minimise the impact caused to the people and to project our nation as one that is highly committed to the preservation and conservation of world heritage.

Goh Hoe Hoe

Kuala Lumpur

Do we need nuclear plants?

TWENTY-FOUR years have passed since the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident took place in Ukraine, USSR. The accident had claimed thousands of lives, badly damaged the infrastructure of the affected place and caused environmental destruction. It was reported that Ukraine suffered a loss of more than US$300 billion, some are even of the opinion that the tragedy was the main factor that accelerated the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Some attribute the cause of the accident to poor design of older Soviet nuclear reactors while others blame the negligence of the operators and poor communication their organisation.

Whatever the cause the message is clear: Nuclear power plants need to be set up and run in a systematic manner to avoid disasters.

We do not discount the benefits of building nuclear plants in our country, however, the whole process needs to be done according to principles of good governance. If it is done according to good governance, it will benefit the country with cheap and clean energy.

In addition, our scientists and engineers will have a better chance to upgrade their knowledge and skills through technology transfers.

I am not a specialist in nuclear power plants and rarely read about the development of the technology, however, I am concerned about the plan to build nuclear plants in Malaysia. I hope more people will join the discussion on the pros and cons of the move to ensure the outcome is beneficial to the rakyat and nation.

Goh Hoe Hoe
Kuala Lumpur

More to Penang’s investment draw

IN 2010, Penang attracted more than RM12 billion in foreign investment and became the top investor destination in Malaysia.
A great part of the foreign investment is from expansion and diversification projects of electronic firms in the state. The quantum leap in foreign investment is not solely due to efforts by the state government; market forces and the investment climate were key factors.

The electronic and telecommunication industry has entered into the new transformation stage characterised by short product life cycles and wide range of models, high level of customisation and automation.

Penang is not exclusive of this transformation. To survive and remain competitive, it is natural for the manufacturing firms to expand their automation lines and upgrade their manufacturing and research facilities to cope with changes in the market trend. Despite tough competition from countries in this region, investors still make Malaysia their first choice because of its political stability and world class infrastructure. But these two factors alone will not be enough to sustain our growth.

International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed said during a dialogue with foreign investors that a big concern is the shortage of professional and skilled workers, therefore it is important for us to give priority to human capital development and encourage companies and workers to take part in life long learning programmes. This is to ensure that we remain dynamic and innovative.

Kuala Lumpur

Vertical farming the way to go

Goh Hoe Hoe
Nov 9, 10

According to the statistics given by the swiftlet farming industry, swiflet farming is now contributing RM1 billion to the national income and this is expected to increase to RM5 billion by 2015.

Our venture into the bird's nest industry began rather late in the 1990s compared to our neighbouring countries, However, it is growing very rapidly here. Currently there are more than 8,000 swiftlet farm-owners operating 40,000 swiftlet houses in the country.

Shouldn't the success of the bird's nests industry be emulated? The success of this industry reminds us of the potential to developed other agriculture sectors such as in-house farming on a large scale to enable us to exported vegetables to the Middle East countries which currently import most of their food and drinks from the US, Pakistan and Austria

We also cannot discount the possibility of venturing into 'vertical farming' in Malaysia which is believed to be the solution to expanding food production in the future. In fact, vertical farming is not new to us.

When Sanusi Junid served as agriculture minister, he had taken the initiative to experiment with growing rice on the rooftops of buildings and this was considered impractical by many people but
today, with the advances in science, this method can be implemented without much difficulty.

The advances in agricultural science and technology have also provided opportunities for urban dwellers to undertake hydroponic agriculture in limited areas.

For this reason, we should encourage more of the city population to grow their own agriculture plants either to supplement their incomes or as a leisure activity to make the city more lively and healthy.


Opposition leader Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim earlier has proposed a minimum salary 1100 ringgit, and two days ago the Selangor Statechief minister Tan Sri Khalid also announced the minimun salary of RM 1500 for Selangor government servants . Apparently this is a very good measure as itwill reduce the burden of rakyat caused by rise in living cost , and also to maintain the vitality of the market. However if we were to analys further this measure may no work in long term and also are not necessarily without adverse effect .For those who has basic economics knowlege a substantial increase in salary not linked to increase in productivity wont help the country's economy, but also cause a vicious cycle.

Because this would result in increased costs, and increase prices of consumer goods and services which in turn will adversely affects the competitiveness of Malaysia .This would also lower down the confidence of domestic and foreign invesor towards our country . Today, there are countries that end up with bankruptcy as a result of decline in productivity and competitiveness of its workers . Therefore, we can conclude that a substantial pay rise y alone can not solve the problem of rising cost of living , and a substantial pay rise will not necessary make the lives of the people happier in long run.

Transf​ormation is a best way to solve rakyat problems which are pertaining to food , shelher , transport and clothes. The transformation should include not only government and economic transformation which are greatly assisted by scientific and technologigy innovation.But must also encompaaes positive mental transformation. Whenever we consume or work we must always ask am I doing things benificial to myself , other and world. If we think in this direction then we would not willing to waste , eat and consumed according to plan to avoid waste. We will alsi think I live and work not for myself but to give back the best I have to the society and to works towards a better world. This wholesome thaught will guid us to live better and prevent us from using unethic way to reap fast profits.

Use Malaysian building materials

I Am very upset by the foreign consultant company that asked Putraholdings to stop using Malaysian made glass.

            The building construction and infrastructure projects are contributory factors to the growth  of national economy , stimulating the growth of our national economic , stimulating the demand for building materials , hence providing ample job opportunities to those engaged in building materials industries and related service sectors.

            Stopping the use of Malaysian made building materials such as glass means those involved in the manufacturing of building materials are deprived of their growth opportunities.

            Local building materials should always be given top priority because the building industries form an important linkage in our economic eco-system. Depending heavily on imported building materials meaning we are adding more risk factors to our infrastructure development.

            The implementation of infrastructure Construction for economic transformation programmes  such as MRT benefits our people and country not only in terms of efficient mode of transport but will also provide opportunities to Malaysian building materials manufacturers to expand their business and upgrade their technologies.

Goh Hoe Hoe

Kuala LUMPur