Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Do we need nuclear plants?

TWENTY-FOUR years have passed since the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident took place in Ukraine, USSR. The accident had claimed thousands of lives, badly damaged the infrastructure of the affected place and caused environmental destruction. It was reported that Ukraine suffered a loss of more than US$300 billion, some are even of the opinion that the tragedy was the main factor that accelerated the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Some attribute the cause of the accident to poor design of older Soviet nuclear reactors while others blame the negligence of the operators and poor communication their organisation.

Whatever the cause the message is clear: Nuclear power plants need to be set up and run in a systematic manner to avoid disasters.

We do not discount the benefits of building nuclear plants in our country, however, the whole process needs to be done according to principles of good governance. If it is done according to good governance, it will benefit the country with cheap and clean energy.

In addition, our scientists and engineers will have a better chance to upgrade their knowledge and skills through technology transfers.

I am not a specialist in nuclear power plants and rarely read about the development of the technology, however, I am concerned about the plan to build nuclear plants in Malaysia. I hope more people will join the discussion on the pros and cons of the move to ensure the outcome is beneficial to the rakyat and nation.

Goh Hoe Hoe
Kuala Lumpur

Thursday, December 23, 2010

永久的地址是 Penang BATU GANTUNG ?

峇都眼東是靠近槟城亚依淡的一个风景幽美的地方。峇都眼東是翻译自马来文的BATU GANTUNG, 其意为吊石, 为什么这个地方会被称为吊石呢?我想可能与它的地势有关联,
槟城人一提起峇都眼東,就会想起两个地方, 其一为福建公塚,其一为槟城赛马公会。 槟城人对这两个地方都很熟, 一个是人们在世时娱乐的地方, 另一个是人们百年后长眠之处。槟城前首长敦林蒼祐医生也与这两个地方非常有缘, 退修后积极活动于
但较为鲜知之一事 峇都眼東也是早期槟城一位作家的笔名。丘天德孙女所写的槟城街名一书里面有这样的记载 峇都眼東这位作家是位土生的华人浩爱中国文学, 先后曾把多部中国文学作品 翻译为马来文。 他的翻译作品包括了马来文翻译本的三国演义。峇都眼東生前居住在槟城的新街, 但用峇都眼東作为他的通讯地址。 有此有位朋友从新加坡来到他处於槟城新街的家访问, 发现他住家的地址有别于他的通讯地址,便问原因。 他就告诉朋友他住家的地址只是暂时的地址,而永久的地址是 Penang BATU GANTUNG

烏克蘭車諾比核電站(CHENOBYL NUCLEAR REACTOR PLANT)的核子反應爐事故虽然是24年前所发生, 但乃需世人观注。

烏克蘭車諾比核電站(CHENOBYL NUCLEAR REACTOR PLANT)的核子反應爐事故虽然是24年前所发生, 但乃需世人观注。
据报导这起事故所引起的死亡接进十万, 造成的经济损失也超过数千亿美元,同时也带来了严重的环境破坏。車諾比核電站 核子反應爐事故的主要原因, 至今也没有被确定。 有者把事故归启于核子反應爐的设计缺陷, 也有人把它归类为人事管理及沟通的问题。 不论是设计缺陷或人事管理的不足。 这起事件给于世人一个非常清楚的启示。

核子发电厂的设立及操作必需在经过周详细密的计划后才能进行, 俗语有云欲速而不达,一个高科技, 高风险的功程如匆匆忙忙的进行可能会造成不堪想象的后果。我不否定核子发电所能带给马来西亚的好处, 但它必须在周详细密下进行以确保人民的安全。核子发电如能成功进行, 不但能我们提供更廉宜的替带能源, 同时能我国在技术转移中, 让本地的科学家有机会接触高科技而更进一步发挥他们的才能。
我虽不是核能发电专家, 但对马来西亚的核能发电计划非常关注, 在此抛砖引玉,希望有识之士 能对马来西亚的核能发电计划发表他们的意见。

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pencapaian yang lebih bersuara dan membuktikan kebenaran

Pencapaian yang lebih bersuara dan membuktikan kebenaran (Data speaks loudier ) . Kalau kempimpinan Malaysia kurang berkebolehan mampukah malaysia berjaya ditransformasikan daripada negara yang berasaskan pertanian kepada negara perindustian utama dunia. Mampukah Malaysia menjadi negara pengeluar barangan eletr0nik dan hawa dingin yang terutama di dunia. Mampukan Malaysia sebuah negara pelancungan yang terutama didunia, mampukah lapangan KLIA , Gelangan Lumba Kereta Sepang , Menara Berkembar dan Projek Laksasa yang lain dijayakan.Mampu kah Malaysia menjadi salah sebuah negara yang mempunyai buta huruf yang sangat rendah , menghampiri sifir Kepalbagaian budaya dalam suasa harmoni juga menunjukan kita adalah teladan baik di pentas antara bangsa.

Segala gala yang tercapai ini menunjukan kempimpinan Malaysia berkebolehan , dan pandai merancang untuk membawa kejayaan dan kesejahteraan

Tokoh tokoh Politik Kita seperti Tun Dr.Mahatir juga disanjung tinggi oleh banyak negara , kerana berani mempetahankan hak asasi negara dunia ketiga dipentas antara bangsa.Sementera Ucapan
YAB Dato Seri Dato Seri Najib di Perhimpunan Bangsa Bangsa Bersatu berkenaaan dengan Cara hidup Keseferhaaan di sambut dengan meriah.Peminpin Negara kita yang mampu berdiri tegak di pentas antara bangsa , mengucap dengan penuh kenyakinan dan disanjung tinggi oleh banyak Negara , sudah pasti membuktikan yang Peminpin kita adalah peminpin yang yang berkalibre dan sangat berkebolehan.

Pendapatan Per Kapital Negara ,sistem infrastruktur dan kebebasan kita mungkin dianggap tak setanding negara berat dan Negara Maju yang lain, tetapi ini tidak boleh dijadikan satu kriterial untuk

mengukur kempipinan negara Malaysia.Dan segi kestabilan sosial dan kecekapan untuk mengawal inflasi , kita adalah sebuah negara yang terbaik di dunia jauh lebih baik dari banyak negara maju.

. Oleh itu saya menyeru saudara dan saudari dinegara kita berfikir secara bijaksana supaya tak perdaya oleh anasir yang tak bertanggung jawab..

Kita sekarang sudah sampai ke era yang penuh dengan cabaran dan ketidakpastian , oleh itu kita mesti berganting bahu , bekerja sama untuk menjayakan transmomasi ekonomi supaya masa depan anak

cucu kita terjamin. Sekali lagi saya menyeru saudara dan sudari untuk memberikan sokongan kepada Kerajaan Malaysia dibawah pimimnan YAB Dato Seri Najib untuk menjakakan transfomisi kerajaan dan

memperkaskan Satu Malaysia di pentas dunia.

Monday, December 13, 2010

fully support the establishment of Confucius Peace Prize

I fully support the establishment of Confucius Peace Prize, I am of the opinion

that the establishment of the Confucius Prize for Peace is a significant even in the

modern world.

The world of great unity as envisaged by Confucius is recorded in the

BOOK OF RITE written during the SPRING AUTUM Warring State Period in

China . The section of great unity mentions that

When the great way prevails ,equality exist under the heaven. Capable and Kind

hearted persons are chosen to become government officer . These officers honour

their words and work hard to ensure peaceful coexistence of different communities

Every one not only respecting their own parents but also respecting other’s parent,

Concern not only their own children but also concern about other’s children. Every

elderly person walks to the end of life journey with pride ,Every healthy persons are

gainfully employed ,Every child is properly taken care and educated. Orphan , widow

, spinster and disabled person are well taken. All adult men and ladies are properly

married. Every one dislike wasting the resources and do not keep things unlawfully

for self interest. Every one dislike the habit of being lazy and work un relentlessly

unselfishly .Therefore Conspiracy and plot are unknown of , thief and robbery

do not occur at all, hence entrance door of every houses are left unlocked. All these

are signs of Great Unity of the World.

I think the criteria expounded in the Great unity should be used as a yardstick for nominating the candidate for Confucius Prize for Peace. Cofucianism originated from China yet it belongs to the world. Hopefully the set up of Confucius Prize for Peace will have a significant impact on the progress of world peace.

Thursday, December 9, 2010



我们都生在开放系统的环境当中。在自认自己是华人时,也要有强热的国民意识, 同时也要热爱地球环保,
关注全球化的课题。这是我所了解[天下为公]。我相信唯有,粮食供应,, 地球环保;获得保障,每一个国家的人民的生活才有保障全球化才是有意义。

选贤与能 :生活在知识不断擴展,关系日益错从複雜的世界里,有通过更细密的分工及更有系





为官的应该关注农业生产,确保国内粮食能够自供自给以稳定民生。这样成人才可以安心从事生产, 学童才可以专心求学。也应该重视教育工程因为教育的成败关夫到国家的将来。







或从地下涌上。唯有通过再教育,终生学习,爱护资源 ,我们才有办法不断地提升

增值,以让我们有足够的競爭能力, 有信心的在富有挑戰性的全球化环境





Sunday, December 5, 2010


二零一零年十二月六日 下午二时三十分



我也是其中一位受惠者,当时年轻人能够受大专教育的机会不多。但是在电子厂工作能使我们有机会学习到技能及接受各种的训练包括了技能训练,管理训练及语言训练。在NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR工作时我获得机会进修由公司提供的City And Guild电气工程证课程。在修完课程之后,也得到公司推荐获取日本海外技术研修协会的奖学金接受技能训练。




Saturday, November 27, 2010


我建议把一所本地大学命名为[苍祐]大学,因为这名字含有永续经营的意思也合乎宏愿的概念。把这大学命名为[苍祐 不只是在形式上尊敬他而已,而是要把他可佳的精神通过教育灌输给后人,让我们的后一带真正了解智仁勇这三大人文素质是成功的要确。也要让人知道[苍祐 ]早年在推动开放教育及终身学习有作出非常大的贡献,同时也要让后人懂的珍惜学习的机会。
这一所大学也需设有研究[苍祐]的中心,收集及分析与[苍祐]有关的文献及历史。也许通过这研究我们能够知道[苍祐 ]和


我也认为河洛文化及大同思想的发展不应限于中国而已,也可以全世界开花结果。建议的[苍祐 ]大学本院设在槟城而在马来西亚各地及海外都设有分校。我也相信通过设立这所[苍祐]大学,可把苍祐始终信奉的[一个马来西亚]精神发扬光大。


Friday, November 26, 2010

Kempen penerangan penting tarik sertai askar

ARKIB : 22/11/2010
PERTAHANAN negara adalah satu aspek terpenting dalam pentadbiran negara, selain aspek ekonomi, pendidikan, sains dan teknologi. Sun Bing pengasas seni pertahanan Sun Tze telah menerangkan hukum ini dengan jelas dalam bukunya.

Kegawatan Ekonomi 1997 juga telah membawa perutusan yang penting iaitu sesebuah negara dapat dimusnahkan tanpa serangan ketenteraan, jika negara ini tidak mampu mengurus ekonomi dan kesejahteraan rakyat dengan bersungguh-sungguh.

Setiap rakyat menyumbang terhadap pertahanan negara. Tanpa asuhan ibu bapa dan didikan guru, mampukah seseorang askar menjadi dewasa untuk mempertahankan negara?

Tanpa penglibatan orang ramai dalam pengeluaran barangan dan perkhidmatan, mampukah pihak angkatan tentera mendapat bekalan barangan dan perkhidmatan yang diperlukan.

Berdasarkan fakta-fakta tersebut, maka tidak boleh kita membuat kesimpulan bahawa yang tidak bertugas sebagai askar kurang taat kepada negara.

Kita harus memberikan penghargaan tinggi kepada anggota tentera negara atas usaha dan pengorbanan mereka untuk mempertahankan tanah air.

Setiap tahun beratus-ratus juta dibelanjakan untuk membiayai kos operasi dan pembangunan pertahanan negara, namun wang yang dibelanjakan ini mendatangkan pulangan yang tinggi.

Kesukaran untuk menarik kaum muda untuk menyertai pasukan pertahanan wujud di banyak negara.

Untuk mengatasi masalah ini ada negara mewajibkan rakyatnya untuk berkhidmat sebagai askar untuk satu jangka masa tertentu selepas genap usia 21.

Ada juga membenarkan pendatang asing untuk berkhidmat sebagai tukang masak, mekanik, ahli muzik dan ahli sains dalam angkatan tentera mereka.

Untuk menggalakkan lebih ramai pemuda negara untuk menyertai Angkatan Tentera Malaysia adalah penting bagi kementerian dan agensi kerajaan untuk memberitahu mereka dengan jelas, kerjaya ini sangat mencabar, bermakna dan mempunyai ganjaran yang tinggi.

Semasa berkhidmat dengan tentera, seseorang anggota menerima pelbagai latihan seperti latihan fizikal, latihan kepimpinan dan latihan kemahiran yang istimewa.

Anggota angkatan tentera yang cemerlang juga dihantar ke luar negara untuk menerima latihan khas dan menjalankan penyelidikan.

Kesimpulannya berkhidmat sebagai anggota tentera adalah sesuatu yang dibanggakan dan bermakna kerana dapat memainkan peranan penting untuk mempertahankan negara dan mendorong inovasi dan transformasi negara.


Kepong, Kuala Lumpur



我也是其中一位受惠者,当时年轻人能够受大专教育的机会不多。但是在电子厂工作能使我们有机会学习到技能及接受各种的训练包括了技能训练,管理训练及语言训练。在NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR工作时我获的机会进修由公司提供的City And Guild电气工程证课程.在修完课程之后,也得到公司推荐获取日本海外技术研修协会的奖学金接受技能训练.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Manusia mati meninggalkan nama(

Sebagai anak Negeri Pulau Pinang saya berasa sangat sedih ke atas pemergiaan Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu ,bekas ketua menter Pulau Pinang
Dr. Lim memang salah seorang tokoh politik yang terkemuka di negara kita yang tak bercakap sangat banyak dan rajin bekerja.Beliau berpandangan jauh dan telah banyak memberikan sumbangan kepada pembangunan Indastri di negara kita
Parti Gerakan Malaysia yang ditubuhkan oleh Dr. Lim Chong Eu membentuk kerajaaan baru diPulau Pinang selepas memenangi pililahanraya negeri pada tahun 1969.Sebaik sahaja membentuk kerajaaan baru ,Dr.Lim mula bekerja keras , memperlawakan pelabur dari Santa Clara Califonia Amerika Syarikat untuk menubuhkan kilang pengeluaran barangan Elektronik di Negeri Pulau Pinang.Usaha Dr.Lim memberikan harapan baru(nafas baru) kepada Negeri Pinang yang mengalami kemelesetan akibat kehilangan status Pelabuhan bebas pada masa itu.
Penubuhan kilang kilang eletronik diPulau Pinang bukan sahaja memberikan peluang pekerjaaan kepada rakyat Pulau Pinang tetapi juga menyumbang kepada pertumbuhan Indastri hliran (downstream industri) di negara kita. Selain daripada itu kita juga bermanfaat dari segi pindaan Teknologi.

Saya salah seorang yang menerima manfaat dari program Pembangunan Indastri yang dimulakan oleh Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu
Pada tahun 1980an , peluang bagi pemuda pemudi untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di institut pengajian tinggi adalah kurang, namun bagi kami yang bekeja di Kilang Eletronik pelaburan asing pada masa itu ( multinational ) terdapat pelbagai skim latihan yang disediakan oleh pihak majikan kilang untuk meningkatkan tahap kemahiran kami.

Semasa bekerja di Kilang Eletronik National Semiconductor , saya mengambil Kursus Diploma kejuruteraan Eletric dan Electronic yang dikendalikan oleh syarikat ini dan selepas tamat belajar kursus ini diberikan kesempatkan untuk menjalani latihan kemahiran teknikal khas di Jepun dibawa tajaan
Kaigai Gijutsu Kenshu Kyoukai( , Pertubuhan Latihan Teknikal Luar Negara
dalam bahasa inggiris (AOTS, Association of Overseas Technical Scholarship)
Saya akan ingat Dr.Lim untuk selama lama nya bukan hanya sebagai
Bapa Indastri Perindastrian Pulau Pinang tetapi sebagai seorang yang telah menyumbang untuk pembentukan program Universiti Terbuka yang awal.

Saya hanya berkesempatan untuk berjumpa dengan Lim satu kali sahaja dan sangat tertarik dengan kata kata beliau.Dr.Lim percaya yang program pembangunan Indastri adalah sangat penting bagi Negara kita , kerana memberikan kesan pengandaan yang positif, umpama nya apabila sebuah kilang dengan 1000 orang pekerja ditubuhkan , ia akan menambah lagi 6000
Peluang pekerjaan , kerana pekerjaan baru di kilang juga mengujudkan permintaan terhadap makan , perumahan , pakaian , pendikan , hiburan dan perkhidnatan awan.Kesan Positif program pembangunan akan beterusan.

Satu Pekara penting yang boleh kita pelajari dari Dr.Lim ia lah keberanian
adalah sesuatu factor yang utama untuk memulakan perubahan positif.

Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu membuat langkah bijak untuk menyertai Barisan Nasional kerana beliau memahami bahawa perpaduan dan kestabilan
adalah unsul utama dalam pembangunan ekonomi Negara.

Pepatah Melayu berkata Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama, Jasa baik Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu akan kita ingat untuk selama lama nya

GOH HOE HOE ,AJK MCA, Kuala Lumpur
AS a Penang-born Malaysian, I feel sad over the death of Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu, the former chief minister of Penang.

Dr Lim was indeed one of the outstanding political leaders of the nation. He did not talk much but worked hard. He was farsighted and contributed a lot towards the industrialisation of our country.

Dr Lim took over the state government after his Gerakan party won the election. He initiated the setting up electronic factories in Penang, bringing new life to a state which had just lost its free-port status.
Besides providing job opportunities to Penangites , the setting up of these factories contributed to the growth of downstream industries in the country.
Apart from that, we also benefited in terms of transfer of technologies.

I am one of those who benefited from the industrialisation programme initiated by Dr Lim.
In 1980, chances for young people to further their studies at tertiary level were scarce. However, those like me who worked in multinational electronic factories in Penang had ample opportunities to upgrade their skills.
In the course of working with National Semiconductor, I sat for the City and Guild diploma in electronic engineering course conducted by the company in Penang. After graduating, I was given an opportunity to go to Japan for special technical skills training under the Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship programme.
I will always remember Dr Lim not only as the "Father of Industrialisation" of Penang but also as the person who played an important role in fostering the early open university programmes in Malaysia.

I only met Dr Lim once but was impressed by his words.

According to him, industrialisation is very important to our country because of its multiplier effect.

For instance, when a factory of 1,000 workers is set up, it will create another 6,000 jobs because new jobs in the factory will also stimulate the demand for food, housing, clothing, education and entertainment.
The positive impact of his industrialisation programme will live on.
One important thing that we should learn from Dr Lim is that courage is crucial for initiating positive change.

He displayed wisdom as a political leader by joining the Barisan Nasional because he knew the importance of unity and stability in developing the economy.

As the Malay proverb goes, Harimau mati meninggalkan belang , Manusia mati meninggalkan nama(When a tiger dies, it leaves behind its stripes; when a man dies, he leaves behind his name), Dr Lim's deeds will always be remembered by Malaysians.

Read more: Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu: A legacy of good deeds

Tun Lim Chong Eu: A legacy of good deeds

AS a Penang-born Malaysian, I feel sad over the death of Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu, the former chief minister of Penang.
Dr Lim was indeed one of the outstanding political leaders of the nation. He did not talk much but worked hard. He was farsighted and contributed a lot towards the industrialisation of our country.

Dr Lim took over the state government after his Gerakan party won the election. He initiated the setting up electronic factories in Penang, bringing new life to a state which had just lost its free-port status.

Besides providing job opportunities to Penangites , the setting up of these factories contributed to the growth of downstream industries in the country.

Apart from that, we also benefited in terms of transfer of technologies.

I am one of those who benefited from the industrialisation programme initiated by Dr Lim.

In 1980, chances for young people to further their studies at tertiary level were scarce. However, those like me who worked in multinational electronic factories in Penang had ample opportunities to upgrade their skills.

In the course of working with National Semiconductor, I sat for the City and Guild diploma in electronic engineering course conducted by the company in Penang.

After graduating, I was given an opportunity to go to Japan for special technical skills training under the Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship programme.

I will always remember Dr Lim not only as the "Father of Industrialisation" of Penang but also as the person who played an important role in fostering the early open university programmes in Malaysia.

I only met Dr Lim once but was impressed by his words.

According to him, industrialisation is very important to our country because of its multiplier effect.

For instance, when a factory of 1,000 workers is set up, it will create another 6,000 jobs because new jobs in the factory will also stimulate the demand for food, housing, clothing, education and entertainment.

The positive impact of his industrialisation programme will live on.

One important thing that we should learn from Dr Lim is that courage is crucial for initiating positive change.

He displayed wisdom as a political leader by joining the Barisan Nasional because he knew the importance of unity and stability in developing the economy.

As the Malay proverb goes, Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama (When a tiger dies, it leaves behind its stripes; when a man dies, he leaves behind his name), Dr Lim's deeds will always be remembered by Malaysians.

GOH HOE HOE, Kuala Lumpur

Read more: Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu: A legacy of good deeds

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tigesr leave behind their skin and Chong Eu leave behind his credits for bringing investors to the country

As a penang born Malaysian ,I feel very about the departure of Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu the former chief minister of Penang.Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu meritoriud deed will be remembered by us forever.

Tun is indeed one of the outstanding political leaders in Malaysia , who did not talk very much but worked very hard and farsighted.He had contributed a lot towards the industrialisation of our country.

Tun had shown his unparalleled farsightness as political party leader in the country , when the Gerakan Party wrested the power in Penang State from the Alliance Coalition in 1969.Work wihout complain he went all the way to overseas to invite foreign investor to set up electronic factories in Penang

The st up of Electronic factoies in Penang has brough a new life to Penang who lost the Free port status at that time.Beside providing ample of job opportunies to the penangies , the setup of these factories in penang has contributed to the growth of downstream industries in the country.Apart from that we also benefited in term of transfer of Technologies.

I am one of the people who has benifited from the Industrialisation programe initiated by Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu.In the year of 1980 the chance for the young people to further their study in tertiary education was very scarce, however for us who worked in the multinational electronic factory in Penang , ample of Skill upgrading training and educational opportunities were available for those of us with initiative. In the course of working in National Semiconductor , I took out a City and Guild Diploma in Electronic Engineering courses conducted by the National semiconductor, Penang and after graduation

was given an opportunity to went to Japan for special technical skill training under the scholarship of AOTS(Association for Technical Overseas Scholarship).

I will always remember Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu , not only as Father of Industrialisation of Penang , but also as the person who has played an important role in fostering the early OPEN UNIVERSITY programe in Malaysia.

I had only met Dr.Lim ChonG Eu once in Penang and was very impressed by his words .According to Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu , Industrialisation is very important to our country because of its multiplying effect , for instance when a factory of 1000 workers is set up , it will create another 6000 additional job opportunities , because the creation of new job in a factory will also simulate the demand dor food , housing , clothing ,education and entertainment.

One important thing that we that we shall learn from Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu is that courage is a dominating factors in initiating positive change.Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu had also displayed his wisdom as political leader by joining the Barisan National Party because he knows the importance of unity and stability in fostering the economic of our country.

Though Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu has deprated , his meritorious deed will be rememberd by us forever. Just like the Malay Proverb says , The Tiger left his skin ,and a man leave his name, the positive multiplication effect due to the industrialisation programe initiated by Dr. Lim Chong Eu will be recognised by the people and the country forever.

HariamauTinggalkan Belang Chong Eu tinggalkan जसा-Kesan penggandaan pelaburan asing kilang Eletronic

Sebagai seorang anak negeri Pulau Pinang saya berasa tersangat sedih
dengan pemergian bekas ketua menteri Pulau Pinang Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu
, namun saya berpendapat jasa baik Tun Dr.Lim Chong Eu akan
dikenangkan oleh rakyat untuk selama lamanya.

Tun memang salah seorang tokoh politik yang cermerlang di Malaysia ,
tak bercakap sangat banyak , pandai merancang ,rajin bekejra dan
banyak menyumbang kepada proses pembanguna Indastri di Malaysia.

Tun menunjukan teladan yang baik kepada rakyat , menunjukan bahawa
Kerajaaan Parti Pembangkang juga boleh befungsi dengan baik jika
pemimpin nya berfikiran mantang. Berlainan dengan pemimpin parti
pembangkan yang lain ,Tun Lim terus bekerja keras untuk menarik
pelabur asing untuk mendirikan perindustrian eletronik di Pulau
Pinang selepas Parti Gerakan Malaysia mengambil alih kuasa dari
Perikatan pada tahun 1969.

Penubuhan kilang Eletronik di Pulau Pinang adalah sesuatu yang banyak
memanfaatkan negara kita, selain daripada memberikan peluang pekerjaan
pekerja tempatan ,Industri ini juga membawa kesan penganda (mutiplying
effect)kepada ekonomi negara khasnya menjadi pemangkin kepada industri
aliran bawahan( downstream industri).Kilang kilang tersebut juga telah
memberikan sumbangan yang besar dalam pemindahan teknologi dan
peningkatan kemahiran orang tempatan.Saya adalah salah seorang yang
menerima manafat daripada skim peningkatan kemahiran yand disediakan
oleh National Semiconductor(NS) .

Pada waktu 80an peluang untuk melanjutkan pendidikan adalah terhad di
negara kita , tetapi bagi kami yang bekerja untuk National
Semiconductor , peluang keeemasan terbuka kepada kami yang berusaha.
Waktu l bekerja dengan NS saya
mengikuti Program Diploma Eletronic City and Guild yang dikendalikan
oleh NS. Dan selepas menamatkan pelajaran ini , mendapat biasiwa oleh
kerajaan Jepun untuk menjalani latihan teknikal khas di Jepun.
Saya akan mengenangkan jasa baik Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu kerana beliau
yang membawa harapan kepada rakyat pulau pinang.
Saya cuma berpeluang untuk berjumpa Tun Dr.Lim sekali sahaja , tetapi katanya
memberikan kenangan yang mendalam kepada saya. Mengikut Tun Dr.Lim
Chong Eu Pelaburan Industri
di negara adalah penting kerana memberikan kesan penganda kepada
ekonomi negara, pengajian 1000 orang pekerja kilang akan memberikan 6
kali kesan penganda , kerana dengan adanya pendapatan akan wujud
permintaan terhadap makanan,perumahan , pakaian , hiburan dan sebagai
nya. Sungguh pun Tun Dr.Lim sudah meningga jasa baiknya akan
diingatkan oleh kita untuk selamalamanya.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pertahanan Negara adalah merupakan satu aspek yang tersangat penting dalam pentabiran negara

Pertahanan Negara adalah merupakan satu aspek yang tersangat penting dalam pentabiran negara , ia bukan ada kena mengena dengan kekuatan angkatan teentera negara sahaja tetapi merangkumi banyak aspek seperti ekonomi , pendidikan , sains dan teknology . Sun Bing pengasas Seni Military SUN TZE telah menerangkan hukum ini dengan jelas dalam bukunya. Kegawatan Ekonomi 1997 juga telah membawa perutusan yang penting , sesebuah negara dapat dimusnahkan tanpa serangan militari , jika negara ini tidak mampu mengurus ekonomi dan kesejahteraan rakyat dengan sunguh sungguh.
Setiap rakyat ada menyumbang terhadap pertahan negara. Tanpa asuhan ibubapa dan didikan guru manpukah seseorang askar menjadi dewasa untuk mempertahankan negara?Tanpa penglibatan orang rami dalam pengeluaran barangan dan perkhidmatan mampukah pihak angkatan tentera mendapat bekalan barangan dab perkhidmatan yang diperlukan.
Berdasarkan fakta fakta tersebut , maka tidak boleh kita membuat kesimpulan bahawa yang tidak bertugas sebagai askar kurang taat kepada negara.
Kita harus memberikan penghargaan tinggi kepada anggota tentera negara atas usaha dan kotban mereka untuk mempertahankan tanah dan talian hidup (live lines)negara. Setiap tahun beratus ratus juta dibelanjakan untuk membiayai kos opetrasi dan pembangunan pertahanan negara , namun wang yang dibelanjakan ini mendatangkan pulangan yang tinggi.
Kesukaran untuk menarik kaum muda untuk menyertai pasukan pertahan wujud dibanyak negara. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini ada negara mewajibkan rakyatnya untuk berkhidmat sebagai askar untuk satu jangka masa yang tertentu selepas genap usia 21. Ada juga membenarkan pendatang asing untuk berkhidmat sebagai tukang masa, tukang mekanik , ahli muzik dan ahli sain di angkatan tentera mereka.
Untuk menggalakan lebih ramai pemudah negara untuk menyertai angkatan tentera Malaysia adalah penting nya bagai kementerian dan agensi kerajaaan yang berkenaan untuk memberitahu mereka dengan jelas , kerjaya ini adalah kerjaya yang sangat mencabar , bermakna dan mempunyai ganjaran yang tinggi.
Semasa berkhidmat untuk angkatan tentera , seseorang anggota angkata tentera dapat menerima pelbagai latihan seperti latihan fizikal , latihan kempinpinan dan latihan kemahiran yang istimewa.
Anggota angkata tentera yang cermelang juga dihantar ke luar negara untuk menerima latihan khas dan menjalankan penyelidikan.
Kesimpulannya berkhidmat sebaga seorang anggota tentera adalah sesuatu yang bangga dan bermakna kerana dapat memainkan peranan penting untuk mempertahankan negara dan mendorong inovasi dan transformasi negara.

Thus it is not logical to say that those who are not soldier are not loyal to a country.

National defence is a very important aspect of a country and it is not only confined to military warfare , on the contrary it also encompasses matters pertaining to economic , education , science and technology.Sun Bin the founder of the art of warfare had mentioned this very clealy thousands years ago. The 1997 economic crisis had prooved this be correct , a country might be destroyed without military force.
Everyone contribute to National defence with out the care of parents and teacher how can a soldier grows out to protect the country. Without the general public involvement in the production of consumable goods and machinery , how could the military troop obtain the sufficient amount of essential items.Based on these facts , thus it is not logical to say that those who are not soldier are not loyal to a country.
We should highly appreciate the hardwork and sacrifice by our defence forces.They work diligently to safeguard the terittories and live line of our country. Billion of dollars are spent each year to finiance the national however it is very worth spending .
Diffilculties to recruit the military force exist in many countries , to overcome this probles some countries have made it compulsory for its nations to serve in military force for specific duration.
Some countries even allows foreign imigrant to serve as chef , mechanic ,artist , musician and scientist in order to supplement their defence forces.
In order to encourage more young people to join national force , those ministry and government agencies concerned should work hard and tell them that the carrer in denfence force is a very rewarding. In the course of serving the defence force , one would transformed into a better person through character building , leadership and technological skill training. Also the ministry of defence also provide scholarship for capable persons to undergo specialise course in oversea each year.

Friday, November 12, 2010


国防是国家治理的重要一环,它所包含的事项不仅限于军事力量及而与。也关系到国家的经济,治安,科技及教育。孙子兵法的鼻祖孙滨在几千年前就有提到这一点。1997年亚州国家所遭遇到的经济风暴也证明了这一点理论,一个国家可以在没有受到武力的攻击下被催亏。因此生在全球化的我们对全方面的国防 这一概念应该更有所领悟。以此类推不当兵其中一個原因可能是愛國精神未夠高的言論是不能成立的。

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

SMEs: M'sia facing same problem Taiwan did

I have attended a number of small and medium-industry seminars and noticed that the participants are mainly concerned about the shortage of foreign workers and the availability of SMI loans.

No doubt the labor shortage and cash liquidity are two of the major issues that need to be addressed. However, just addressing these two issues alone does not suffice.

We must remember that the world is not static but dynamic; countries where our foreign workers originated from such as Indonesia and Vietnam are now progressing very well and one of these days, they may face a labor shortage as well. Therefore, in the long run our small and medium industries can not totally depend on foreign workers.

The operating environment resembles an ecosystem chain where the survival of SMEs depends on a variety of factors such as social and economic stability and investments from within and outside the country.

The fall in foreign investment capital will definitely have negative impact on the performance of SMIs downstream. Therefore, it is important for us to maintain a conducive environment to attract local and foreign investments.

Recently, the Japanese ambassador to Malaysia, Masahiko Horie. mentioned that the Japanese companies in Malaysia were very concerned about the shortage of labour and knowledge-based skilled worker in Malaysia.

If the situation persists, they may relocate the labor-intensive plants to some other countries.

We must not take this unhealthy phenomenon lightly and hopefully the relevant government agencies will arrange a dialogue with them to identify their needs.

Malaysia is now facing the problem that Taiwan SMI had faced at the turn of 20th century.

At that time, Taiwan's small and medium enterprises were very much dependent on foreign workers. I remember that my friend went all the way to Taiwan to become a helper to a vegetable seller in a market.

In the year of 1990, Malaysia's economy has greatly improved and those from Malaysia who worked in Taiwan began to return back to work in Malaysia 'aided' by the tough measures against the illegal foreign workers in Taiwan.

In order to survive, the government and the SMEs in Taiwan took a series of effective measures to adjust themselves to the change which included relocating labour intensive industries to mainland China, the adoption of automation and an efficient work-flow system and changing the attitude of youngsters towards blue-collar jobs through certification programmes.

I think it is high time we should learn from Taiwan's small and medium enterprises on how they tackled their problems from many perspectives.

Monday, November 1, 2010




作業的環境猶如生態鍊(Eco system chain),中小型企業的存亡,有賴多種因素,如社會及經濟的穩定,及外來投資。







Sunday, October 31, 2010



Friday, October 15, 2010

पेर्तानियन दी अतस bumbong

TOMOHIRO KITAZAWA bukanlah petani biasa. Beliau tidak bekerja di bawah cahaya matahari terik mahupun di sebuah kawasan ladang, sebaliknya beliau perlu melaporkan diri di tengah-tengah kesibukan bandar raya Tokyo untuk mencari nafkah.
Sungguhpun bandar raya ibu negara Jepun itu bergelut dengan pelbagai masalah daripada keselamatan makanan ke isu pemanasan global sehinggalah pengangguran, semakin ramai penduduk di kota metropolis itu memilih untuk menjadi petani bandar dengan bercucuk-tanam di atas bangunan-bangunan tinggi atau di sudut tertentu di bawah tanah.
Kitazawa, 31, tiba untuk bekerja di daerah kewangan Tokyo, Otemachi, dalam sebuah lif berwarna perak. Apa yang dahulunya peti kebal bawah tanah sebuah bank kini telah diubah kepada sebuah dunia penuh kehijauan yang dikelilingi dengan udara lembap yang panas.
Beliau merupakan salah seorang daripada ramai golongan muda di situ yang tidak mempunyai pendapatan stabil apabila kebanyakan syarikat-syarikat di Jepun mengurangkan peluang pekerjaan.
Tetapi beliau mengakhiri zaman pemburuan peluang pekerjaan selama bertahun-tahun apabila menemui peluang bercucuk-tanam di tengah-tengah bandar raya Tokyo.
"Pada mulanya, saya berasa pelik untuk menanam sayur-sayuran dengan cara ini, tetapi saya telah mula memperoleh ganjarannya," kata Kitazawa.
Ladang berteknologi terkini yang dikenali sebagai Pasona O2 itu diwujudkan oleh agensi pekerja sementara yang berpangkalan di Tokyo, Pasona Group Inc.

KAKITANGAN NTT menunjukkan ubi keledek yang dituai dari kebun atas bumbung di Tokyo.


Suhu di dalam ladang tersebut dengan berhati-hati telah diselaraskan kelembapan dan pencahayaan sekeliling agar sayur-sayuran boleh tumbuh dengan subur.
Kitazawa menanam beberapa jenis sayur salad di salah satu daripada enam buah 'ladang', yang kelihatan seperti makmal-makmal angkasa yang dibahagikan oleh pintu kaca yang dibuka dan ditutup secara automatik.
Bilik-bilik pertanian lain digunakan untuk menanam padi, pokok bunga ros dan sayur-sayuran seperti tomato dan labu.
"Kami mahu mengaktifkan sektor pertanian Jepun dengan menggunakan tenaga golongan muda yang penuh semangat," kata Sayaka Itami, Ketua Divisyen Pembangunan Perniagaan Pasona yang baru.
"Dengan mewujudkan sistem ladang baru yang juga terang dan bersih ini di tengah-tengah Tokyo, kami mahu menarik minat golongan muda ke arah sektor pertanian," kata wanita tersebut.
Beliau berkata, pertanian urban telah membantu syarikat itu mewujudkan sumber pekerjaan yang baru.
Pertanian bandar juga menawarkan sebuah penyelesaian untuk satu lagi masalah di Tokyo dan bandar-bandar utama lain, apa yang diperkatakan sebagai kesan pemanasan kepulauan urban.
Suhu bandar meningkat pada musim panas disebabkan oleh persekitaran urban yang memperlihatkan bangunan-bangunan konkrit dan laluan pejalan kaki yang menyerap haba.
Dalam lingkaran yang ganas, kepanasan itu meningkatkan lagi penggunaan penghawa dingin, menyebabkan pertambahan pengeluaran gas karbon dioksida yang merupakan punca pemanasan global.

SEKUMPULAN pelawat kagum melihat pokok bunga ros yang tumbuh subur di ladang Pasona 02 yang terletak di atas bumbung pejabat di Tokyo.


Digalakkan oleh Gabenor Tokyo, Shintaro Ishihara, yang juga merupakan seorang pencinta alam, sebilangan pemilik bangunan di ibu negara itu telah memperkenalkan aktiviti bercucuk-tanam di bahagian bumbung bangunan sebagai cara untuk mengelakkan pemanasan yang melampau.
Projek Green Potato yang dilancarkan oleh dua syarikat subsidiari gergasi komunikasi Jepun, NTT Corp., petani bandar bukan sahaja membantu menyejukkan Tokyo tetapi juga menuai ubi keledek pada musim luruh.
"Pokok-pokok ubi keledek tumbuh teguh dalam persekitaran bumbung yang menerima sinaran terik matahari dan tiupan angin kuat," kata Masahiro Nagata, seorang kakitangan di jabatan perniagaan alam NTT Facilities Inc.
Pokok ubi itu amat baik untuk kawasan bumbung kerana daunnya yang lebar mampu menutupi seluruh permukaan dan efisien dalam proses transpirasi iaitu penyejatan air yang memberikan kesan penyejukan.
Suhu kawasan bumbung yang tidak dilitupi daun-daun ubi boleh mencecah 27 darjah selsius lebih panas daripada yang ditutup oleh daun, menurut satu tinjauan yang diambil di sudut atas bangunan NTT Facilities.
Sayur-sayuran itu dimakan oleh penduduk tempatan. Ini membantu mengurangkan satu lagi kegusaran yang dialami di Jepun iaitu jaminan keselamatan makanan.
Jepun, yang mempunyai sumber semula jadi yang terhad, mengimport 60 peratus makanan yang diambil rakyatnya. Angka tersebut adalah lebih tinggi berbanding negara-negara kaya yang lain.
Kebimbangan awam terhadap makanan tercemar, khususnya yang diimport dari China, semakin meningkat.
Pada tahun lalu, rakyat Jepun telah jatuh sakit akibat memakan ladu beku dan kacang hijau yang tercemar dengan pestisid dari China.
Sasaran NTT Facilities bukan hanya terhad pada bangunan-bangunan pejabat besar di Tokyo tetapi juga di sekolah-sekolah, dengan hasrat untuk memasarkan program Green Potato di seluruh negara.
Nagata berkata, beliau berharap lebih ramai kanak-kanak di kawasan urban dapat mempelajari mengenai alam sekitar dan keseronokan menanam sayuran dengan usaha mereka sendiri.
Keseronokan telah dirasai dalam kalangan para pekerja pejabat di Ginza, daerah beli-belah Tokyo yang meriah, di mana hartanahnya paling mahal di Jepun.
Yukio Oki, jurucakap gedung beli-belah Matsuya, berasa amat gembira dengan bakulnya yang dipenuhi sayur-sayuran seperti tomato, terung, timun, labu dan tembikai yang dituai beliau di bahagian bumbung bangunan tersebut.
"Kami telah menuai banyak sayur-sayuran dan menikmati kari sayuran yang enak," kata Oki. - AFP


浙江在线10月21日讯 “你看,我这水稻长得不错吧,估摸着这个星期就能收割了,到时候我要用这稻谷做年糕,酿米酒……”昨天下午,在绍兴县杨汛桥镇麒麟村,彭秋根正对着自家种的水稻开怀大笑,而他种水稻的地方,居然是自家住的楼房的房顶。

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pertanian menegak berpotensi dimajukan

MENGIKUT statistik diberi pengusaha, hasil sarang burung kini menyumbangkan RM1 bilion kepada pendapatan negara dan meningkat RM5 bilion menjelang 2015.

Perkembangan industri sarang burung hanya bermula sekitar 1990-an dan sedikit lewat berbanding negara jiran. Bagaimanapun, ia kini berkembang pesat. Industri ini juga memberi sumber pendapatan kepada lebih 8,000 pengusaha membabitkan kira-kira 400,000 sarang burung di seluruh negara. Apapun, kejayaan industri sarang burung ini perlu dicontohi.
Kejayaan industri ini mengingatkan saya terhadap potensi sama yang boleh dikembangkan dalam sektor lain seperti pertanian dalam bangunan secara besar-besaran untuk menghasilkan sayuran berkualiti yang boleh dieksport ke Asia dan Timur Tengah.

Kini negara terbabit mengimport kebanyakan makanan dan bahan minuman mereka dari Eropah seperti Austria.

Kita juga tidak boleh menolak kemungkinan untuk mengusahakan pertanian menegak di Malaysia, iaitu sesuatu kaedah pertanian yang dikatakan memberikan harapan baru kepada dunia untuk persediaan pada masa akan datang.

Contohnya, bekas Menteri Pertanian, Tan Sri Sanusi Junid pernah mengambil inisiatif menjayakan penanaman padi di atas bumbung yang suatu ketika dianggap tidak praktikal oleh banyak pihak, namun ternyata pada hari ini kaedah berkenaan boleh dilaksanakan dengan teknologi maju.
Kemajuan dalam teknologi pertanian juga memberikan peluang kepada penduduk bandar untuk mengusahakan pertanian di bandar dalam kawasan terhad dan ia suatu kegiatan yang baik untuk orang bandar dari segi jasmani dan rohani.

MCA Kepong

Sunday, October 10, 2010

वेर्तिकल फार्मिंग इन singapore

Eco Factor: Concept skyscraper including a multitude of eco technologies.

Living in skyscrapers is nothing new, but concepts now have started floating in which allow people to live and grow their own vegetables in the sky. Eco-minded architecture firm TR Hamzah & Yeang, has come up with a skyscraper design for Singapore, dubbed the EDITT (Ecological Design In The Tropics) Tower. The 26-story skyscraper that will be constructed using various recycled and recyclable materials will house some of the most eco-fascinating technologies ever to be incorporated into a high-rise building.
855 square meters of the area of this tower will be covered with solar panels that will generate enough energy to fulfill about 40% of its energy demands. The designers will also be trying to include an energy plant in the skyscraper that will convert human sewage into biogas. Another fascinating feature included is the ability to remove and add walls and floors according to demands.

Approximately, half of the surface area of the tower will be covered with organic local vegetation. The building will have its own rain water harvesting and gray-water systems that will not only provide water for the vegetation but also for toilet flushing.

पड़ी दिअतास bumbung

Pernahkah anda dengar, padi ditanam di atas bumbung?
Di Malaysia sendiri, iaitu di Kedah, projek perintis menanam padi di atas bumbung telah dilaksanakan di Kompleks Jihad Membasmi Kemiskinan di Paya Pahlawan.

Berdasarkan petikan di bawah, projek ni mungkin telah dijalankan pada awal 1996 kerana Tan Sri Sanusi menjadi Menteri Besar Kedah Darul Aman yang ketujuh pada tahun 1996 sehingga 1999.

Cadngan Tan Sri Dato’ Sanusi dibuat sejurus menerajui kepimpinan Kerajaan Negeri dengan meminta Lembaga Pertanian Muda (MADA) menjalankan kajian dan percubaan mengenai projek berkenaan.

Setakat yang saya tahu sekarang ni, ada orang tanam padi atas bumbung di Cheras, nanti la, kalau betul dan ada gambar, saya akan letak di ini.

Bagi saya, macam tak praktikal saja nak tanam padi atas bumbung, sebab berapa luas kawasan bumbung? Sekali tanam, mungkin lepas harvest, beras mampu bertahan selama setengah bulan saja.

Projek perintis menanam padi di atas bumbung kini sedang dilaksanakan di Kompleks Jihad Membasmi Kemiskinan di Paya Pahlawan yang dijangka boleh dituai pada bulan Mac tahun depan.

Sekaligus idea Menteri Besar, YAB. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Sanusi Junid untuk mewujudkan Pusat Bacaan Rakyat (PUBARA) yang turut ditanam dengan padi di atas bumbungnya kini menjadi kenyataan.

Cadngan Tan Sri Dato’ Sanusi dibuat sejurus menerajui kepimpinan Kerajaan Negeri dengan meminta Lembaga Pertanian Muda (MADA) menjalankan kajian dan percubaan mengenai projek berkenaan.

Kini padi jenis MR84 ditanam di atas tapak seluas sebesar 95 meter persegi di atas bumbung sebuah bangunan di kompleks tersebut.

Projek menanam padi atas bumbung itu dilancarkan Kerajaan Negeri pada Disember tahun lalu dengan membina tiga lapis bumbung di atas bangunan untuk tujuan tersebut.

Kakitangan MADA ditugaskan menjayakan projek tersebut dengan kaedah penanaman semaian basah.



林吉祥在一篇对于经济转形计划的评论中有提到“计划以燕窝生产作为使入息倍增努力的一部份,完全不能当真。即使现在燕窝生产对于国家经济的贡献是微乎其微,但它还是国家经济生产的一部分. 在数学的微积分的意思就是将每一个微小的单元整合起来 ,因此 燕窝的成长也能组成 国家的经济成长 .


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Developing human capital is crucial

THE scholarships awarded to 50 UEC-holders from Chinese independent schools via 1Malaysia Development Bhd in conjunction with National Day is very encouraging.

It shows that the “1Malaysia, people first, performance now” initiative is not just mere slogan, but something that can be realised.

It also signifies that the Government is serious in developing human capital, taking the best from different communities.

Although the number of students in Chinese independent schools in Malaysia is not that huge, these schools have played an important role in producing political leaders, business entrepreneurs and professionals.

Prime MinisterDatuk Seri Najib Razak knows this very well and he has been very concerned about the development of Chinese independent schools since he served as Education Minister.

We hope this important step will lead to a transformation that will benefit the people and the nation, and eventually strengthen our status as a centre of excellence in education to attract talents from within and outside the country.

Human capital development is an important element in a competitive global environment because it will ensure that Malaysia will continue to develop through innovation and creativity.

Kepong, Kuala Lumpur.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Look to Taiwan for SMI solutions

I HAVE attended a number of small and medium industry seminars and noticed that the participants are mainly concerned about the shortage of foreign workers and the availability of SMI loans. No doubt the labour shortage and cash liquidity are two of the major issues that need to be addressed. However, just addressing these two issues is not enough.
We must remember that the world is not static, but dynamic. Countries where our foreign workers come from such as Indonesia and Vietnam are progressing well and soon they too are likely to face labour shortages. Therefore, in the long run our small and medium industries cannot totally
depend on foreign workers.
The operating environment of SMIs resembles an ecosystem chain where the survival of SMIs depends on a variety of factors such as the social and economic stability and investment from within and outside the country. The fall in foreign investment capital will definitely have a negative impact on the performance of SMIs in the downstream. Therefore, it is important for us to maintain a conducive environment to attract local and foreign investments.
The Japanese ambassador to Malaysia, Masahiko Horie, recently said that Japanese companies in Malaysia are concerned about the shortage of labour and knowledge-based skilled workers. If the situation persists , they may relocate their labour-intensive plants.
We must not take this lightly and hopefully the relevant government agencies will arrange a dialogue with them to identify their needs.
Malaysia is now facing the problem that Taiwan SMIs faced at the turn of the 20 century. At that time Taiwan’s small and medium enterprises were dependent on foreign workers. I remember a friend who went to Taiwan to become a vegetable stall assistant in a market.
Tough measures against the illegal foreign workers and better job opportunities in Malaysia drew back many Malaysians working in Taiwan. As a result, many small and medium enterprises in Taiwan faced labour shortages.
The Taiwanese government and SMIs took a series of effective measures to adjust themselves to the change, which included relocating labour intensive industries to mainland China, adoption of automation and efficient workflow systems, changing the attitude of youngsters towards blue- collar jobs through certification programmes.
It is high time that we learn from Taiwan’s small and medium enterprises on how they tackled their problems

Sunday, September 12, 2010








Friday, September 10, 2010

Pemberian biasiswa kepada pelajar Cina bukti rakyat didahulukan
PENYAMPAIAN biasiswa kepada 50 lepasan sekolah swasta Cina pada Hari Kemerdekaan lalu oleh Koperasi Pembangunan Satu Malaysia sesuatu yang memberangsangkan.

Ia membuktikan bahawa ‘1Malaysia, Rakyat didahulukan, Pencapaian diutamakan’ bukan sekadar slogan, malah sesuatu yang boleh ditunaikan. Permulaan ini juga menunjukkan kesungguhan kerajaan untuk membangunkan modal insan yang pelbagai di negara kita.

Sungguhpun pelajar yang belajar di sekolah swasta Cina di seluruh negara tidak ramai, tetapi sekolah ini memainkan peranan penting dalam pembangunan negara bagi melahirkan pemimpin politik, ahli peniagaan dan cerdik pandai.

Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengambil berat mengenai pembangunan sekolah swasta Cina ketika bertugas sebagai Menteri Pelajaran.

Kita berharap permulaan ini menjana transformasi yang memberi manfaat kepada rakyat dan negara, memperkuatkan status negara sebagai pusat kecemerlangan pendidikan dan seterusnya menarik bakat dari dalam dan luar negara untuk berkhidmat di negara kita.

Pembangunan modal insan adalah satu unsur yang penting di era yang penuh dengan saingan kerana ia akan memastikan negara dapat terus membangun melalui daya inovatif dan kreatif.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010


2010/03/23 6:02:34 PM
先是台商,接下来是日资,最近外资恫言出走的声音此起彼落,似乎方兴未艾。 这一波“狼来了”的声浪,是从约两个星期前开始。






日 本驻马大使馆,顾名思义,是日本政府驻大马的最高代表机构,故此日本大使发表的谈话,很大程度反映日本当局的立场,堀江正彦的这番谈话,我们不得不重视。 更何况,日本和台湾资金和商家,传统上都是我国主要的外来直接投资来源地,当台湾和日本投资者在几乎同一时间内,相继发出可能撤资出走的言论,我们没有理 由坐视不理。




政 府高官的说词,表面上蛮有说服力,但其实却是借词推搪。难道在本地经商多年的外资商家,不曾向有关当局反映他们所面对的各种问题吗?问题是,反映之后,是 否获得当局正视,并采取应对措施加以改善?除了人力供应短缺,停电、宽频缓慢、官僚作风、土著股权、贪污索贿等等,有哪一样不是存在已久的问题,这么多年 了,各方提了又提,是否有获得明显的改善?



也 许纳吉政府大力提倡新经济模式,要协助国家转型为高收入经济体,已在2020年达致先进国的目标,今后在招引外资方面,除了主要集中在服务业,要招揽的制 造业外资,也以资本密集、高科技及不依赖廉价外劳的高档工业为主,但问题是,我们拥有充裕的熟练员工及科技专才,来满足这些潜在外资的需求吗?我们的政策 足够开放和灵活,能针对外商的需求而调整吗?







治污染,市场行销,互助合作,品质提升 多方面来来看待及解决马来西亚小型企业面对的问题。

Monday, September 6, 2010




治污染,市场行销,互助合作,品质提升 多方面来来看待及解决马来西亚小型企业面对的问题。。

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Industri sawit perlu tangani pemboikotanBADRUL AZHAR MD SHARIF,The Australian National University,

BADAN bukan kerajaan yang memperjuangkan alam sekitar seperti Greenpeace dan Friends of Earth sedang menjalankan kempen hebat untuk memboikot produk sawit di negara maju. Usaha ini perlu dikekang secara bijak agar ia tidak menjejaskan pembangunan negara. Pada masa sama, kerajaan dan pihak berkepentingan seperti syarikat perladangan dan agensi kerajaan perlu sentiasa berusaha dalam meningkatkan kelestarian industri sawit negara. Selain mencari keuntungan besar, keharmonian dengan alam sekitar perlu dijadikan teras utama dalam pengurusan ladang sawit di seluruh negara.

Hampir setiap malam di Australia, penonton televisyen dihidangkan dengan iklan yang menyebut, populasi Orang Utan di Malaysia dan Indonesia akan pupus menjelang 2015. Baru-baru ini, kempen yang sama diadakan di sebuah zoo di Adelaide, Australia. Selang sehari syarikat Burger King membuat keputusan menghentikan penggunaan minyak sawit. Kempen seumpama ini dijangkakan berpanjangan dan perlu ditangani segera.

Sertai komuniti Berita Harian login|daftar
Komuniti ↓ WAKTU SOLAT Kuala Lumpur

... kawasan lain Isnin , 06 September 2010 Set BH sebagai Laman Utama Arkib Berita : Seminggu | Sejak 1991RSSMobileAkhbar DigitalSMS Alert1klassifiedsPILIHAN ENJIN CARIAN NasionalSukanDuniaEkonomiAgamaHipRatuSuratRencanaPendidikanWilayahSasteraSkuadSisipanKlik KhasSurat Cetak . Emel Rakan . Industri sawit perlu tangani pemboikotan

BADAN bukan kerajaan yang memperjuangkan alam sekitar seperti Greenpeace dan Friends of Earth sedang menjalankan kempen hebat untuk memboikot produk sawit di negara maju. Usaha ini perlu dikekang secara bijak agar ia tidak menjejaskan pembangunan negara. Pada masa sama, kerajaan dan pihak berkepentingan seperti syarikat perladangan dan agensi kerajaan perlu sentiasa berusaha dalam meningkatkan kelestarian industri sawit negara. Selain mencari keuntungan besar, keharmonian dengan alam sekitar perlu dijadikan teras utama dalam pengurusan ladang sawit di seluruh negara.

Hampir setiap malam di Australia, penonton televisyen dihidangkan dengan iklan yang menyebut, populasi Orang Utan di Malaysia dan Indonesia akan pupus menjelang 2015. Baru-baru ini, kempen yang sama diadakan di sebuah zoo di Adelaide, Australia. Selang sehari syarikat Burger King membuat keputusan menghentikan penggunaan minyak sawit. Kempen seumpama ini dijangkakan berpanjangan dan perlu ditangani segera. Namun penafian biasa yang dibuat oleh pihak industri sawit di Malaysia untuk mempertahankan kelestarian industri sawit negara setakat ini tidak mencukupi. Ini kerana taktik mengeluarkan kenyataan akhbar atau laman web mempertahankan industri sawit tanpa ada bukti saintifik yang menyokong hujah amat sukar diterima di negara maju.

Antara faktor kelemahan yang dimaksudkan ialah:
•Memberi kebenaran rasmi kepada penyelidik dari luar negara membuat kajian biodiversiti. Data dan analisis kajian itu kemudian disalahgunakan untuk menjatuhkan imej industri sawit negara dan juga Indonesia.
•Strategi promosi sawit yang kurang efektif tanpa bukti saintifik. Hujah bagi mempertahankan kelestarian industri sawit mesti disertakan dengan usaha penyelidikan dan konservasi. Pihak industri sawit perlu menyedari bahawa bagi memperbaiki nilai konservasi atau kelestarian mestilah disokong dengan usaha penyelidikan saintifik.

•Ketiadaan pensijilan bebas mengenai kelestarian indusri sawit. Industri sawit perlu mempunyai pensijilan mesra alam sekitar atau mesra hidupan liar yang ketat. Oleh kerana Malaysia adalah negara pertama yang berjaya dalam industri sawit maka Malaysia perlu menjadi negara pengeluar utama yang mempunyai pensijilan alam sekitar yang terbaik.

•Pembabitan saintis tempatan amat kurang dalam industri sawit negara. Di samping itu, pihak industri sawit tidak mempunyai individu yang sebenarnya berkepakaran dalam bidang pemuliharaan biodiversiti.

Saya yakin sekiranya promosi industri sawit negara disokong dengan usaha penyelidikan saintifik bagi membuktikan dan meningkatkan kelestariannya, usaha ini akan dapat mematahkan kempen NGO asing.

The Australian National University,

Monday, August 30, 2010


Tersinar suria di Khatulistiwa
Kabus menyelubung rimba
Burung berkicau ayam berkokok cengkerik bersuara sama
Bangkit nusantara Malaysia
新的一天又正開始 了
Bermulalah hari yang baru
Berdoa supaya Negara makmur sentosa
Berdoa supaya cuaca baik senatiasa
Setiap hari dan Setiap Tahun
Berganding bahu meraikan
Kecantikan Satu Malaysia
Wujud di Persada dunia

Album Lama yang bernilai
Mencatakan perjalanan tokoh kita yang dahulu
Terima kasih saya ucapkan
Tak Kisah Hujan atau Cerah
Saya pandang jauh ke depan

Kita berikrar terus
Saling menghormati
Saling Mempelajari

Mengekalkan tarikan Satu Malaysia di Persada dunia

Berdiri di pantai yang bersinar
Memandang ke atas langit biru
Memandang jauh ke lautan yang luas
Selepas menarik nafas, keyakinan bertambah
terbang tinggi jauh perjalanan

Tak Kisah Hujan atau Cerah
Saya pandang jauh ke depan
Mengenang budi ,Menghargai giat saya maju depan
Segala yang baik dan cantik
Terdapat di satu Malaysia

Thursday, August 26, 2010

nothing is impossible

His highess Nathan , the president of the Republic of Singapore

First and foremost I wish to express my highest respect to you and your people for showing an excellent example to the world in eradicating proverty , maintaintaning high growth of economy.

The Singapore government is one who love the people and care for the welfare of the

people. With that love and care the singapore people who are smart and work hard has also shown to the world with determination nothing is impossible ,they can always make their home , their country a better place to stay , they can make their dream come true. I remember seeing a picture when I was three , it show a fishing village which was a place in Singapore , but the place had now changed to a well developed area. Today Singapore portray herself to the world as as a modern ,wealthy, clean , eff icient and transparent City State.,

All this happened not by chance but due to the hard effort of the people of Singapore. The security and order in Singapore is of not exception and the police and the security and defence force of the republic should be highly praised for.

Eventouhgh we are living in different country but we have many things in common. Firstly I fullly agreed that the Singapore should impose strict law to prevent the smuggling of drug into the country. As all of us know the abuse of drug is not only bad to the health but also will have a very negative impact on our society.Needless to say those involved in drug smuggling and trafficking need to be purnished appropriately.

Secondly what we have in common is LOVE and compassion towards our parent , our child , our friends. Every mother love their child very much because a child has been with her since gestation began.

The same thing to applies to the mother of Yong Voi Kong.This mother has bot slept well , ate well eversince hearing the bad news of her son. The same applies to the relative and friends of Yong Voi Kong and also more than 100,000 of people who has signed to petition to save Yong Voi Kong. All of us hopes that he would be given chance to be reeducated.

Another thing we have in common is the willingness for us to forgive people who are innocent ,to help the less fortunate, I remember this very well ever since I was a child , because my parent and my teachers has time and again mentined that to me.

Many are hoping that Yong Voi Kong should be given chance to continue his life through reeducation, there are many examples of criminal has been turned to a better and sucessful person and we strongly Yong will make if he is given the chance.

Once again I wish to express my highest respect to you and your people for showing the world that Singapore is a nation full of love and compassion.

May Health , fortune and Happiness be with you and your people

Thank you and warmest regard


东方之子燃料电池轿车是同济大学和上海燃料电池汽车动力系统有限公司在承担国家“十五”863计划“电动汽车”重大专项“燃料电池轿车”课题中与奇瑞汽车有限公司合作研发的燃料电池轿车。该车该车以奇瑞B11型轿车为原型车,集成和装备第三代燃料电池轿车动力系统平台,整车在转鼓试验台上实现了最大时速122.3 km/h、0-100 km/h加速时间18s、燃料经济性0.956kg/100 km的性能指标。


整车整备质量(kg): 1767
最高车速(km/h): ≥122.3
0-100km/h加速时间(s): 18
最大爬坡度 : ≥20%
燃料消耗率(kg/100km): 0.956
氢燃料储量(kg): 4.2
续驶里程(km): 273
燃料电池发动机(kW): 50
动力蓄电池(Ah): 15,锂离子
驱动电机(kW): 65,永磁同步

फुएल car

A group of Scientists from Tongju University and Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. have developed China's first hydrogen-powered car, which they hope is a key step toward mass production of a pollution-free vehicle by the end of the decade.

From its appearance, the car, called Chao Yue I, is no different from an ordinary one. It is based on the chassis of a Santana 2000, and can reach a maximum speed of 110 kilometers per hour.

The real difference can be seen on the inside of the car. Without a gas engine, the car is equipped with an electromotor and a hydrogen tank.

Wan Gang, director of the project, says the car is quite special in several ways.

"The fuel of the car is not traditional gasoline, but hydrogen. With the chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, electricity can be created to drive the car, while water is the only emission."

With this characteristic, director Wan says, the air quality in many cities can be greatly improved. A survey shows that around 60 percent of air pollution in cities is caused by car emissions.

And because of the electromotor the car carries, the vibrations and noise of the car can also be greatly reduced.

In addition, while driving, surplus electricity created in the chemical reaction can be collected and stored in the accumulator installed in the car.

Talking about the reasons for replacing the traditional petrol-powered engine, director Wan gives his answer.

"China's oil demands are increasing day by day. According to statistics, each year, about 40 percent of oil is used in transportation. So if we can find some alternative recycling energy, we can save that portion of resources, and also protect the environment."

But before the car becomes a standard feature of car showrooms, they still need to be worked on.

"We still need more time to test the reliability and stability of the car during different weather conditions and over different terrains, and to test its long-term performance. Plus, before mass producing the vehicle, we will try to reduce its cost to the consumer."

In the next step, director Wan says they expect to produce a hydrogen-powered car, which can experience various road conditions, in August this year. The first batch of these cars is expected to enter the market in 2005.

But the only disadvantage of the car in the future, director Wan predicts, is its price, which probably will be 20% higher than the same brand car equipped with a petrol-powered engine.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

hope the Bakun power generation will start very soon to drive our country to a higher dimension

The Bakun hydro-electric Project is a project that that involved billions of dollars and took few decades to complete However it is a project that can bring benefits to the people and country.
If the relocation of the ethnic residents who live in the area is carried out in good order, these people can also be assimilated into the mainstream of development.
We can not expect these people to practice self sufficient farming and nomadic farming (Sweedish farming )forever. They are like us, need development. Their younger generation is also hoping for the a better future
We should also welcome the setting up of aluminium and silicon factories in the Bakun area, because these will ensure the supply of essential manufacturing materials.
Raw materials such as steel, aluminium and Silicon are strategic items to Malaysia, one of the major trade and manufacturing country. The shortage of these essential items will cause to manufacturing industries in our country to come to standstill and adversely affect the social and economic performance of our country.
The emergence of china as a Second Economic power, has triggered their demand for raw materials such as steel, petroleum, and aluminium. For information one of the difficulty faced by steel manufacturer of Malaysia is the shortage of scrap and ingot , because the china government has impose restriction on the export of scrap and impose high export duty on iron ingot. One of the best way for us to get out of the difficulties is to expand the production capacity by installing more blast furnace in long run. This in term will trigger our demand for electrical power.
Excellent country administer always monitor the international market and plan the country for the future , get ready an umbrella before rain and explore more well to avoid thirst.
An efficient government is not only concerned with the daily life of the people, but also able to plan through creation and innovaton to ensure that the nation can continue to grow in the era full of competition and uncertainty. We sincerely hope
the Bakun power generationr will start very soon to drive our country to a higher dimension

Pentabir Negara yang bijaksan selalu berusaha meneroka telaga untuk mengelakan Negara dari kehausan.

Kerja pembinaan empangan Bakum sudah sampai ke peringkat hujung dan stesen jana elektrik Bakun dijangka akan mula beroperasi tidak lama lagi. Apakah implikasi projek janakuasa Bakun yang mampu menjana 2400 megawatt apablila beroperasi penuh kepada kita?

Adakah ini satu penanda yang menunjukkan bahawa kita mula menjejak langkah ke arah Model Baru Ekonomi (MBE) yang antaranya mementingkan daya inovatif dan kreatif sebagai langkah untuk meningikan taraf hidup rakyat?

Sebagaimana yang kita semua tahu tenaga adalah merupakan unsur yang penting dalam kehidupan harian , khasnya bagi negara pembuatan utama dunia seperti Malaysia.

Untuk makluman salah satu tarikan Malaysia kepada pelabur asing adalah perkhidmatan bekalan eletrik negara yang bukan sahaja murah tetapi juga paling stabil. Tarif elektrik Malaysia adalah yang paling rendah di rantau ini akibat subsidi jumlah besar yang dibiayai oleh kerajaan ke atas bahan api.

Tetapi masa kita dalam keadaaan selesa kita pun mesti ingat panjang panjang, kita tidak boleh bergantung selama-lamanya kepada subsidi. Perpatah Cina ada mengatakan 'jangan korek perigi hanya pada saat dahaga'. Kita perlu cari alternatif untuk mengelakan kita dari kegawatan, supaya negara dapat terus berkembang.

Pembinaan projek hidro-elektrik memang adalah sesuatu yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan prinsip pembangunan berterusan (sustainable) dan teknologi hijau. Air adalah merupakan sumber tenaga yang boleh diperbarui, kerana hujan turun sepanjang tahun di negara kita.

Dengan siapnya projek Bakun, kadar elektrik yang murah dan stabil dapat dibekalkan di sini dan menarik pelabur asing dan tempatan untuk mendirikan industri. Ini seterusnya dapat menjana peluang pekerjaan dan menambah pendapatan negara.

Selain daripada itu empangan Bakun juga dapat berfungsi sebagai pencegah banjir pada waktu monsun melalui sistem pengawalan airnya. Ini adalah baik untuk petani dan penghuni yang duduk di sekitanya.

Memang Projek hydroletrik Bakun adalah projek yang dilaksanakan dengan belanjawan yang sangat tinggi dan memgambil masa yang sangat panjang.Namun ia adalah projek yang boleh mendatangkan keuntungan kepada rakyat dan Negara .Kalau kerja pemindaan semula penduduk yang menetap dikawasan bakun dilakukan secara teratur , maka kaum ethik yang selama ini duduk dikawasan pinggir dapat dialirkan ke arus utama pembangunan . Kita tidak boleh ingat yang kaum etnik sana mesti amalkan pertanian pindah untuk selama lamanya , mereka seperti kami juga memerlukan kemajuan , generasi muda di sana juga mengharapkan masa depan yang selesa , ceria dan terjamin.
Bagi Negara pembuatan dunia seperti Malaysia bahan mentah untuk perkilangan seperti Keluli , Slicon dan Aluminium adalah merupakan barangan strategic . Tanpa barangan barangan ini aktiviti perkilangan akan tergendala, dan seterus nya menyebabkan kegawatan. Pembinaan kilang aluminium dan silicon di Sarawak harus lah disambut dengan perasaan yang ria dan gembira, kerana ia bukan sahaja dapat memastikan barangan strategic untuk akitiviti itu cukup malah juga dapat menambahkan pendapatan Negara.
Cuba kita bayangkanapa akan jadi kalau negara kita kurang besi dan aluminum , impak nya memang banyak dan panjang mahu ceritakan, tetapi impak pertama ialah industri pembinaan tentu akan tergendala, dan setrusnya membawa kesan negatif kepada industri perkilangan , pengannguran naik huru hara terjadi.
Untuk Makluman, dengan kemunculan Negara china sebagai kuasa Ekonomik Kedua , permintaan Negara ini terhadap bahan mentah seperti keluli , petroleum dan aluminium akan meningkat dan memberikan saingan kepada Negara industry utama lain seperti Malaysia untuk memperolehi bahan mentah .
Upama nya satu cabaran yang kini berhadapan dengan kilang pembuatan besi Malaysia ia lah kesukaran untuk memperolehi scrap untuk pembuatan besi , kerana kerajaaan china telah mengenakan sekatan untuk mengeskpot Scrap ke luar Negara. Kerajaan China juga mengenakan cukai yang sangat tinggi keatas Ingot besi yang diekspot. Sebahagian besar daripada ingot untuk pembuatan besi di Negara Asia Tenggara Malaysia adalah dimpot dari Negara China. Apakah cara untuk mengelakan Negara dari
Keadaan yang rumit , jawapan nya ialah memperkembangkan Kapasiti pengeluaran kilang besi dengan mendirikan lebih buah blast furnace (Dapur lebur Besi).Dan ini bermaksud permintaan terhadap tenaga akan bertambah.
Pentabir Negara yang bijaksana selalu memantau keadaan pasaran antarabangsa supaya boleh menyediakan payung sebelum hujan turun . Pentabir Negara yang bijaksan selalu berusaha untuk menerokai lebih banyak telaga untuk mengelakan Negara dari kehausan.

Kerajaan yang cekap bukan sahaja mengambil berat terhadap kehidupan harian rakyat, tetapi juga mampu merancang dengan cara yang kreatif dan innovative untuk memastikan negara dapat terus berkembang dalam zaman yang penuh dengan saingan dan ketidakpastian.
Kita amat berharap penjaanan kuasa hidroletrik bakun akan bermula dengan lancar dan setrus nya mendorong Negara Kita ke dimensi yang lebih tinggi.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010































Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The aluminum is produced extracting it from the aluminum oxide (Al2O3), called also alumina, through an electrolysis process driven by electrical current. The process uses as electrolyte a molten salts called Cryolite (Na3AlF6) capable of dissolve the alumina. Carbon anodes are immersed into the electrolyte (usually referred as the "bath") carrying electrical current which then flows into the molten cryolite containing dissolved alumina. As a result, the chemical bond between aluminum and oxygen in the alumina is broken, the aluminum is deposited in the bottom of the cell, where a molten aluminum deposit is found, while the oxygen reacts with the carbon of the anodes producing carbon dioxide (CO2) bubbles. The alumina reduction process is described by the following reaction:

Once passed through the bath, the electrical current flows into the molten aluminum deposit and is then collected by the bottom of the pot, usually called "cathode".

The following is a schematic picture of an aluminum electrolysis cell:

The Malaysian Chinese Economic Congress passed 13 resolutions, including one calling on the Government to show greater political commitment and support for the development of genuine Chinese-bumiputra business partnerships.
MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said the resolutions, passed unanimously by leaders from various sectors and non-governmental organisations at the congress here yesterday, would be submitted as a memorandum to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

The congress called on the Government to practise inclusive policies by liberalising government-linked companies (GLCs) to have multi-ethnic boards of directors and workforce.

The Government should award contracts to the best qualified local companies in their tenders, regardless of equity composition, it said.

Another resolution called for an increase in government funding for SMEs to allow them to sustain their linkages to the growing international market.

The congress also urged the Government to strengthen the public delivery system by implementing a more transparent and rapid decision-making process in accordance with the needs of the people.

In line with the Government’s efforts to reduce budget deficits, the congress supported the gradual rationalisation of subsidies and removal of price controls together with having sufficient safety nets for the poor.

The congress urged the Government to practise an open tender system in government procurement to achieve a level playing field in the local business environment, and the gradual removal of 30% Bumiputra equity in all sectors of the economy.

-The Star-








Wednesday, August 18, 2010蔡细历:民调不影响本分







東方新聞網 17-08-2010
Posted by Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek 拿督斯里蔡細歷 at 12:10:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 17, 2010MCA President Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek’s statement – MCA is sensitive of its role in BN but it has its role to play as a Chinese-based party
MCA is disappointed with Deputy Prime Minister and Umno Deputy President Tan Sri Dato' Haji Muhyiddin bin Mohd Yassin for raising the specter of May 13 incident.

If Malaysia wants to achieve the target set up in the 10th Malaysia Plan and New Economic Model to become a high-income nation by 2020, it has to attract domestic and foreign investment.

In order to attract RM115 billion of private investment per annum under the 10th Malaysia Plan, we must ensure that our economy is competitive and vibrant.

We can only achieve the target by liberalizing sectors such as oil and gas as well as telecommunication; rationalizing subsidy and opening tender with price preference to Bumiputras.

An expanding economic cake is like rising tide that lifts all boats, so that all Malaysians will have a fair share of wealth distribution.

In a multi-racial country, growth should not be a zero-sum game as there are reasons to worry that we will continue to be trapped as a middle-income country if we do not liberalize our economy and boost investment.
At no time, we talk about the special rights of the Malay community.
We reaffirm that affirmative action should be based on needs, merits and be market-friendly.

We advocate that Bumiputras should be given price preference in certain economic sectors when the economy is liberalized for open tender.
To enable the Bumiputras to compete on a more equitable basis, hence, we propose for gradual reduction of the 30% Bumiputra equity and the introduction of price preference.

MCA is sensitive of its role within the Barisan Nasional but we have a role to play as Chinese-based party so that we can continue to be relevant.

The loyalty of the MCA towards Barisan Nasional should not be questioned as it has gone through good and bad times when Umno suffered setbacks. Back then MCA had delivered support to ensure its victory in the general elections.

The socio-economic condition in Malaysia today is totally different from that in 1969 as Malaysians are capable of having rational discussions without beating the racial war drum.

All we ask for is fair share. Rest assured the MCA has no plans or interest to deprive other communities of what is rightfully theirs.

MCA President
Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek

Posted by Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek 拿督斯里蔡細歷 at 11:11:00 PM 0 comments
遗憾慕尤丁重提513事件言论 蔡细历否认马华质疑土著特权





” 他强调,华人经济大会通过的宣言也没有质疑土著特权,我们重申和关注的是,我国必须调整和采取与时并进和更开放的政策,以适应及配合全球市场自由化的脚步,这也经济大会通过逐渐收回土著拥有30%股权的硬性规定的原因。

“为确使土著有能力竞争和参与投标,马华建议为土著投标商家提供一定数额的折扣价格,这也反映马华正视和了解土著的情况;在多元种族的社会里是不能存在'零和游戏' ,我们必须扩大经济蛋糕,让每一个族群都有机会分享,这才是治国之道。

” 蔡细历指出,如果我国要在2020年成为高收入国家,每年必须吸引高达1千115亿令吉的私人投资,这才能达致第十大马计划及新经济模式所预订的目标。




” 他声称,马华对国阵的忠心是不应受到质疑,因为是巫统过去在面对问题时,马华对国阵是不弃不离,马华在过去多届的大选中,也协助国阵取得耀煌胜利。

Posted by Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek 拿督斯里蔡細歷 at 6:50:00 PM 0 comments

---->森州行政议员萧进平(左起)、大马武总会长纪永辉、森精武体育会会长张金发、蔡细历、大会名誉总顾问郑金炎、大会名誉顾问李础雄和森州中华总商会会长陈维年为森精武体育会晚宴主持鸣锣礼。 (图:星洲日报)















Posted by Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek 拿督斯里蔡細歷 at 8:51:00 AM 1 comments
MCA President Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek's statement - MCA will not run away from speaking up for the Chinese community

Umno Vice-President Dato' Seri Hishammuddin bin Tun Hussein's statement yesterday that MCA should not forget the struggle of Barisan Nasional when fighting for the Chinse's demands, shows that some Barisan Nasional leaders have yet to learn from the 308 General Election and do not understand the urge of the people to reform.

The results of the 308 General Election had clearly reflected the change in people's thinking, the new MCA leadership also understands that it must change to regain the people's support and trust. If some Barisan Nasional leaders continue to live in their own world, they will certainly push MCA to its doom and it will not bring the ruling coalition any good.

MCA respects the view of Dato' Seri Hishammuddin but he cannot blame MCA for deviating from the objectives and struggles of Barisan Nasional simply because MCA has a different voice from him or other component party leaders.

The new MCA leadership strongly believe that its political struggle is totally reasonable and legal. MCA will not be afraid for sharing similar views with DAP in terms of the benefit of the community and choose to run away from making a stand.

MCA will push hard for the implementation of the 13 resolutions passed during the Chinese Economic Congress held on Saturday because the resolutions are not only related to the Chinese community but also the future of the country's economic development.

MCA reckons that it has the responsibility to reflect the wishes of the Chinese community due to globalisation.Otherwise, not only MCA will lose the community's support, it will not be able to also justify its political existence.






Posted by Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek 拿督斯里蔡細歷 at 2:37:00 AM 2 comments
Monday, August 16, 2010蔡细历:助继续深造‧马华力争7A生奖学金

---->多名马华领袖出席汇报会,与代表针对选民登记、干部训练及新媒体应用课题进行交流。左起:魏家祥、曹智雄、廖中莱及蔡细历;右起:颜炳寿、林祥才及江作汉。 (图:星洲日报)






Posted by Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek 拿督斯里蔡細歷 at 9:39:00 AM 1 comments
Sunday, August 15, 2010蔡细历不担心引土著不满 国家发展非零和游戏


●南洋商报 15-08-2010
Posted by Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek 拿督斯里蔡細歷 at 9:34:00 PM 0 comments

---->蔡细历(右)在华人经济大会上赠送纪念品给首相纳吉。 (图:光明日报)












马华总会长蔡细历提到,在国家经济逐步开放的同时,政府也要落实土著享有“价格优先系统”(Price PreferenceSystem)的措施,以避免发生“阿里峇峇文化”;即土著发展商标获发展工程后,却因为没有能力及财力等问题,而转让给非土著发展商。













Posted by Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek 拿督斯里蔡細歷 at 10:19:00 AM 0 comments





Posted by Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek 拿督斯里蔡細歷 at 3:18:00 AM 0 comments
14 AUGUST 2010

Yang Amat Berhormat Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Haji Abdul RazakThe Right Honourable Prime Minister of Malaysia;

Distinguished Guests, Distinguished Speakers, Ladies and Gentlemen; and a very good morning to all of you.

Welcome to the “Chinese Economic Congress” with the theme “Role of the Chinese community in achieving the NEM and 10th Malaysia Plan targets”. We are honour that YAB Dato’ Sri Najib is with us today to officiate this event. His presence here says a lot about the importance of the matters that will be discussed in this economic congress.

The NEM and the 10 Malaysian Plan are two of the 4 pillars of national transformation that will enable Malaysia to achieve the goals of Vision 2020, that is, to be a high-income economy and developed nation by 2020. The other pillars are the 1Malaysia concept and the Government Transformation Programme.

Much thoughts and efforts has gone into crafting the NEM and 10MP, and, of course, far more work needs to be done for the actual implementation.

Let us bear in mind that these are national plans, and not just the Government’s plans. This means the nation as a whole has to come together and pull in the same direction in order for the NEM and the 10MP to succeed. Our immediate priority is to jointly grow the economic pie, instead of noisily debating over which slice we deserve. Make no mistake, failure is not an option.

Sir, you have in the launching of the NEM in which you have clearly stated that the nation is need of a dramatic transformation in order for all Malaysians to achieve the next level of growth driven by innovation and competitiveness. And, I would like to congratulate the Prime Minister for his vision and far sightedness in wanting to make a better future for all Malaysians for generations to come.

We are here to ensure that the transformation is successful and the targets for both the NEM and the 10th Malaysia Plan are met. The end result will be beneficial to the rakyat in general and in the process to further improve the rakyat’s confidence in the Government.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1)Liberalization of the economy

For a country to achieve accelerated growth, one needs to liberalize the economy. One of the better examples of sectors is the liberalisation of the oil and gas sector which encompasses areas as such shipping, distribution of gas, petrochemicals, education and vocational/technical training, and so on. Our oil and gas sector has reached a stage in which we are already an established player in the global stage. Yet the opportunities for the SMEs are still small compared to other countries including non-oil producing nations like Singapore. Therefore, given the maturity of the sector, the opening up of the sector will boost the country’s GDP by many folds.

As such, sir, I sincerely urge you to consider liberalizing the Malaysia’s oil and gas sector, and allow many more of our non-Bumiputera investors to be joint-venture partners, contractors and sub-contractors in areas such as exploration, platform constructions, logistics, deep-sea operations and others.

Another area that needs to be liberalized is also the telecommunication sector. The incumbent players have been operating for a few decades now. With the full opening of the sector, increased in competition actually augurs well for both the operators and the consumers. With protectionism, rates of telecommunication services offered are high. Thus the country’s broadband usage is less than desired. We are hardly touching the 40% penetration rate as compared to the higher levels achieved by other countries. Full liberalisation of the market will see competition bringing down telecommunication services’ rates. This provides a better business environment for foreign companies especially the MNCs to set up their businesses here.

2)The Role of the GLCs in the NEM

The GLCs make up nearly 40% of the value of the Bursa and there is no denying that they dominate the private sector in the economy terms of their assets and capitalization. GLCs has been instrumental in helping the Bumiputera Business Community to flourish – to give them a head start to form a core cluster of Bumi entrepreneurs to which it is to spin off, mentor and nurture others to be equally competitive and to be confident in the global stage.

But at the same time, it must be recognized that Malaysia is just a small market with 26 million people. As such, GLCs must take the bold step to venture regionally and/or globally like CIMB bank. CIMB has expanded its financial wings to Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia and is doing very well in South East Asia.

However, to be regionally and globally competitive, we need to make sure that the best talent remains in our shores. I encourage more GLCs to open up their Board of Directors to include more non-Bumiputeras as well as international expertise. It is important also that GLCs open up their procurement system to include competitive SMEs based the quality of their service and products that they offer. Rather than based on race or, equity requirement.

3)Open Tender System

Likewise, we call for greater transparency in our tendering process. Closed tender systems have always been associated with corruption and kickbacks. Quality of projects would also be compromised. This does not go down well with the good governance which the government is trying to project. Vying for open tender system not only remove accusations and talks of corrupted administration but also lowers the cost of projects.

We hold the opinion that all the public procurement should be open to all local SMEs, provided with equal access and opportunities. Under the 9th Malaysia Plan, over RM1 billion was allocated for SME development alone. Bank Negara estimated the number of SMEs in the country at about 600,000.

The importance of the SMEs is recognized by the government. The NEAC report stated that SMEs currently make up 35% of Malaysia’s GDP and 20% of its exports. If the future procurements were to be opened to the SMEs, the SMEs would account for much more than the current 35% of the GDP. If the value of the SMEs were to double, they will account for over 50% of the country’s GDP.

Following upon your decision in relaxing the 30% Bumiputera equity requirement for IPOs as well as the liberalization of the 27 services sub-sectors I urge you, sir in similarly consider to be flexible in implementing the 30% Bumiputera equity in other sectors.

Rather than enforcing the 30% bumi equity requirement across the board, a more flexible system in the form of a Margin of Preference system should be implemented on a sector by sector basis.

In the days of traditional economic structure, when capital and land are the major economic input, we can insist upon a certain percentage of equity distribution and still be fairly successful.

But we are now in the age of knowledge economy, where brain power in the forms of innovation and creativity, is the major (if not sole) requirement. If a talented investor, weather local or foreign, wants to start a new venture to design and manufacture a product based on his innovation for the new IT generation consumers in Malaysia, we cannot insist that he shares 30% of his creativity with us. He is talented and can go to any other part of the world to pursue his dreams. Instead we should offer him all the assistance he needs so that he can come to Malaysia, create high-paying jobs and help propel us to being a high-income economy

Ladies and Gentlemen,

4)Merit –Based and Needs – based System

Fundamentally, the Malaysian Chinese have been and still are very understanding and loyal citizens. Globalization has presented Malaysians many opportunities but it has also forced us to continue to be a competitive nation. Malaysians cannot remain globally competitive unless we go a merit-based system.

On the other hand, we must inculcate a caring society in which, the poor must be looked after. The NEM has pointed out that the bottom 40% of households earn less than RM1,500 per month. Thus, it is clear that preferential treatment must be given according needs rather, than race.

5)Retaining and Attracting Talent

Ladies and Gentlemen,

To achieve high income nation status, the NEM sets out a couple of primary thrust and enablers to move the economy up the value chain and also to address the persistent socio-economic inequalities. Amongst the enablers is to develop a quality workforce and reducing dependency on the foreign labour. In order to retain our talent pool in the country, we must recognize their contribution to the nation – to make sure that they are rewarded according to their merits.

Therefore, at this juncture, I would like to applaud Y.A.B. Dato Sri’s recent decision to offer scholarships to all students, regardless of race who scored 9A+ in their SPM examinations. This is truly in the 1Malaysia spirit.

This shows the Government’s efforts to develop human capital. Dont forget high achievers are in fact hidden talents and assets to a nation. Elevating and improving the level of education in the country also mean paying more attention to vernacular schools.

Approximately 20% of Malaysia’s total trade over the last couple of years is with countries that adopt Mandarin as its main language. Total trades of the primary countries that use Mandarin as its mother tongue have been estimated at over US$2.5 trillion per annum. Malaysia’s trade with these countries in turn accounts for only 2% of their total trade. This goes to show that the importance of this potential to date has been way underestimated. Given our multi lingual and multi cultural society, we believe Malaysia has yet to tap into the full potential of these trading nations.

The great strategist Sun Tzu has been frequently quoted on this where he said that whoever is first in the battle field and awaits the coming of the “competitors” will be fresh for the fight. Whoever trails behind in the field will arrive exhausted, having to hasten to battle.

Thus, with more schools, we would be able to produce more students from these vernacular schools. Only then we are able to generate workforce conversant in Mandarin, in order to be able to seize the opportunities offered in the global markets.

Not only are additional schools required to cater for future demand and population growth but more importantly to ease the current overcrowding problem which we have been combating exhaustively over the last few years.

To add to the problem, the number of students in the Chinese schools is expected to increase by an additional 65,000 over the next five years.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

6)Rationalisation of Subsidy, Minimum Wage and Skilled Workers

In Malaysia, only 23% of workers (11 million) are skilled workers with including those with higher education degree. We are one of the countries with the least qualified workers in the region. Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan have about 40% skilled workers. Lack of skill and qualified workers in Malaysia is impending economic progress and do not attract FDI.

Malaysia is addicted to cheap foreign workers. Study by the Human Resources Ministry show that 34% of 1.3 million works earn less than RM700 per month, below poverty of RM720 per month. What is worrying is World Bank Study on wage trend in Malaysia recorded only an annual 2.6% growth during the last 10 years. The influx of foreign workers depresses the wage increase of local workers.

To accelerate the process of reducing the reliance on foreign labour, MCA here calls for the execution of a minimum wage policy on a sectoral and regional basis. Over 90% of the countries in the world already have legislations in place on minimum wage but Malaysia is still lagging behind.

The setting up of a minimal wage system is in line with MCA’s calls for rationalisation of subsidy. Subsidy cut is a must to prevent distortion in the allocation of the country. Implementation of subsidy reduction schemes cannot stand alone as it needs to be complemented with a minimal wage system, to offset negative impact of the reduction in subsidy.

The activation of the Minimum Wage Council now is therefore looking more and more appropriate as the current situation we are in, seems to be calling for one. At this point, that our businesses can no longer win market share by trying to be the cheapest producers of goods or providers of services. In a globalised world, such an edge is only fleeting.

Lasting competitive advantage today has to come from productivity-led growth and innovation. The 10MP includes Government measures to create an environment in which the creativity, energy and initiative of private enterprises can be nurtured and harnessed.

On that note, I believe the Chinese Economic Congress held today is most timely. We need to ensure we know each and everyone’s role, to be able to tap into each’s forte to ensure that the NEM and 10th Malaysia Plan are executed efficiently to achieve the targets already set out. There is no denying the road ahead would undoubtedly be tough indeed but I have full confidence that under your leadership at the end of the day, we will see bright light at the end of the tunnel.

I acknowledge that the business community has certain expectations of what the Government should and should not do. In the overall scheme of things, 10 years is a mere blink of an eye. But for Malaysia, the next decade may well prove to be a crucial phase in our nation’s history.

As we can see from the audience today that have patronised this Economic Congress, the Chinese community is well represented here with a significant number of Chinese organizations coming out in full force to ascertain its role in ensuring the targets are met as per the theme of today’s Economic Congress.

Yang Amat Berhormat Dato’ Sri, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Before I end, I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you and congratulate the organizing committee and those involved for the hard work rendered in organising this event successfully.

Also, permit me to end with a couple of ancient sayings by Confucius for you audience to ponder. We should “better be a diamond with flaws rather than a pebble without”. Also, “only the wisest and stupidest of men never change” and for one “to know what is right and not to do it, is the worst type of cowardice”.

So we intend to change for the better and to do what is right. We can start off with this Congress where we can brainstorm, learn of our roles and how we can help in ensuring the target of becoming a high income advanced nation can be met.

Once again, thank you.